Five weeks until an election, so it's Smear-a-Republican Time! As usual, the media's priorities are right on target (and targeting the right).
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| North Koreans want to test nuclear weapons. Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons, and the world is battling Islamic militants. | |
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| A GAY Republican! All zee Republicans are protecting zee GAYS! We must know who is GAY! | |
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The media has no problem contradicting their own values if it means destroying the opposition.
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| Why does your media focus on Mark Foley's homosexuality? Does not seem very tolerant. | |
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| Foley is a meanie (GAY) Republican. BIG difference. | |
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This same media, which somehow claims to be objective, never responds as aggressively to Democrat scandals.
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| But other Dems have done much worse than Foley. Foley never had sex with anyone. | |
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| But he wanted to. Thank God Brian Ross stopped zee (GAY) sex from happening! | |
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