Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by marknicodemo
Five weeks until an election, so it's Smear-a-Republican Time! As usual, the media's priorities are right on target (and targeting the right).
North Koreans want to test nuclear weapons. Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons, and the world is battling Islamic militants.
A GAY Republican! All zee Republicans are protecting zee GAYS! We must know who is GAY!
The media has no problem contradicting their own values if it means destroying the opposition.
Why does your media focus on Mark Foley's homosexuality? Does not seem very tolerant.
Foley is a meanie (GAY) Republican. BIG difference.
This same media, which somehow claims to be objective, never responds as aggressively to Democrat scandals.
But other Dems have done much worse than Foley. Foley never had sex with anyone.
But he wanted to. Thank God Brian Ross stopped zee (GAY) sex from happening!
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