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| HI! Ok I'm here to explain... The last comic... before the conclusion... of the Zero/Jessi... Dun dun dun... problem....Well... I messed up... that asian Girl is scary... | |
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| Damn Straight she's scary Kaylan...ert....Midgetpaw. | |
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| I swear to god Jeff!!!! Don't say my real name!!! *sigh* any how She was an accident i pressed enter before i finished... and scary woman appeard... and I don't know how to delete comics or re-edit. | |
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| Pssssssst...Kay...Midgetpaw... you can see your undies. | |
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Ha...Next comic is Zero PromisE!!!
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| EEK! Ok ok... Dammit! On to the next comic... I just wanted to Explain that scary midget lady! YOu off to Play UO??? | |
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| Of Course! Hmm... Speaking of midgets... Ka...Your pretty short.... Ooo...i can see my computer glowing from here... | |
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