Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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I flirt with brilliance but have sex with stupid.

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by mmyers
In honor of National Matriarch's Day, we've hired my mother to interact with me, with hilarious and uncomfortable results assured.
Son, the name Honorable Ninja makes no sense. No car salesman is honest, ninja or otherwise. They all just want to get your money.
I should roundhouse kick you right in the ass for those dishonorable comments, woman who expelled my ninja body through her vagina.
Let me tell you, son, over at Honorable Samurai's used cars, he buys his mother a fur coat every year, and she lives in Florida!
As it is Matriarch's Day, you shall live another day although I would have killed anyone else who shamed me so. Happy Fertile Woman Day.
Why did you ever break up with Karen? You two were such a good couple. She was the only one who could tolerate your ninja and used car obsessions.
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Honorable Ninja Used Cars

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