Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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I flirt with brilliance but have sex with stupid.
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Test market
Visiting my mom.
Mom, coming back here after being away for so many years makes me realize something.
What's that?
This town is creepy. Pensacola is obviously a test market. All these weird ass brands of products I've never heard of.
I think you're being a little dramatic.
Seriously mom, you guys are the marketing lab rats of the panhandle.
What you need is a cool glass of Sprite Fever Mix, a Crab Tur-duck-o, and some Snappies chips.
mmyers's Comics
11/13/08 - Filing clerk, VIP
10/28/08 - Bad for business
10/23/08 - When the moon hits your eye...
10/23/08 - The recession hits everyone hard
10/17/08 - CC403: Return of an old friend
10/17/08 - Fire Drill-6
10/17/08 - Filing Clerk, VIP
10/15/08 - Double Vision
10/15/08 - Fire Drill-5
10/15/08 - Fire drill-4
10/15/08 - Fire drill-3
10/15/08 - Home life
10/15/08 - Candy Man
10/14/08 - Fire Drill-2
10/10/08 - Fire Drill-1
10/10/08 - The revolution will be monitored
10/10/08 - Sundays in the park with my stepson
03/16/07 - Missing secretions
02/02/07 - The holiest of days
01/17/07 - Sundays
11/17/06 - Jesus at the optometrist
11/06/06 - Tech support for my Mom
10/24/06 - If products lived up to their names...
10/24/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
10/20/06 - An actor's life
10/18/06 - Bedroom forensics
10/16/06 - Flavor of love
10/06/06 - Casual Friday
10/05/06 - History of the space race: the middle ages (4)
10/05/06 - Video Game Retirement Home
09/27/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
09/26/06 - History of the space race: the middle ages (3)
09/26/06 - History of the space race: the middle ages (2)
09/26/06 - History of the space race: the Middle Ages(1)
09/22/06 - Why I can't work retail
09/20/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
09/14/06 - My life Redux
09/13/06 - Post-grunge
08/30/06 - Great moments in post-date bragging
08/30/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
08/30/06 - We were just talking and...
08/25/06 - Great moments in blind (people) dating
08/25/06 - Great moments in dating
08/25/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
08/25/06 - Social profiling
08/18/06 - Unsafe work environment
08/15/06 - Conditional Condoms (4)
08/15/06 - Conditional Condoms (3)
08/14/06 - Conditional Condoms (2)
08/14/06 - Conditional condoms (1)
08/14/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
08/01/06 - Nature's Way
07/31/06 - Doctor, doctor, give me the news...
07/28/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
07/27/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
07/25/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
07/21/06 - Blue tooth technology
07/21/06 - Great moments in advertising
07/20/06 - Expiration date
07/17/06 - The Completely sober adventures of Sober Steve (fin)
07/17/06 - The completely sober adventures of Sober Steve (5)
07/17/06 - The Completely sober adventures of Sober Steve (4)
07/17/06 - The Completely sober adventures of Sober Steve (3)
07/17/06 - The Completely sober adventures of Sober Steve (2)
07/17/06 - The Completely Sober adventures of Sober Steve (1)
07/17/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
07/13/06 - Saturdays in the park
06/23/06 - That's its name
06/20/06 - Saturday in the park
06/20/06 - David Prowse is Charlie Brown, George Lucas is Lucy
06/15/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
06/14/06 - Now that's a monopoly
06/14/06 - When I was a kid....
06/08/06 - The benefits of technology
06/07/06 - The news about the news
06/07/06 - Visiting the vet (2)
06/07/06 - Visiting the vet (1)
05/19/06 - Sometimes it's the only way to get people to stop talking...
05/18/06 - Picking up illegal working is prohibitted by law
05/16/06 - A 'merican President
05/10/06 - Enjoying Paris on a budget
05/09/06 - How the Bible sounds to me
05/09/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
05/02/06 - Let me tell you about my nuts
05/02/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
04/27/06 - Dog trends
04/27/06 - Evening News
04/27/06 - Break-ups are hardest on me
04/21/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
04/20/06 - Getting to know (an old drag queen)
04/20/06 - Naked Emporium
04/19/06 - The conversation everyone will be having in 40 years
04/12/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP (2)
04/12/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP (1)
04/11/06 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson
04/11/06 - What it would be like to date Olive Oyl
04/06/06 - My nightmare
03/29/06 - If another person says this to me...
03/29/06 - Pimpeez©
03/29/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP's office has moved
03/23/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
03/23/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
03/23/06 - The Black Arts Festival
03/20/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
03/20/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
03/16/06 - Sundays in the park with my stepson
03/16/06 - Still getting older
02/20/06 - mmyers vs umfum (round 2)
02/20/06 - Another true tale of those Autopsy people
02/20/06 - True Tales of the, people
02/20/06 - The Frugal Gourmet vs the Liberal Gourmet
02/16/06 - Real Ultimate fighting
02/16/06 - Cheney's defense
02/13/06 - mmyers vs umfum (round 1)
02/09/06 - It's tough all over (4)
02/09/06 - It's tough all over (3)
02/09/06 - It's tough all over (2)
02/09/06 - It's tough all over (1)
02/07/06 - Filing Clerk, VIP
02/07/06 - Honorable Ninja new features
02/07/06 - From the makers of NyQuil...
02/01/06 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson
02/01/06 - Forced perspective
01/30/06 - Football facts
01/27/06 - CC XIII- A strange and wonderful journey (Coda)
01/27/06 - CC XIII- A strange and wonderful journey (2)
01/27/06 - CC XIII- A strange and wonderful journey (1)
01/19/06 - CC311: Paper stock
01/19/06 - Helping out the benefits dept.
01/19/06 - There are two additional chairs in the handicap stall
01/12/06 - The fasting and the furious (7)
01/12/06 - The fasting and the furious (6)
01/12/06 - The fasting and the furious (5)
01/12/06 - The fasting and the furious (4)
01/12/06 - The fasting and the furious (3)
01/12/06 - The fasting and the furious (2)
01/12/06 - The fasting and the furious (1)
01/10/06 - I know a place...downtown
01/10/06 - Stuff my coworker says to me
01/04/06 - MINION Staffing (3)-End
01/04/06 - MINION Staffing (2)
01/04/06 - MINION Staffing (1)
01/03/06 - Sundays in the park with my stepson
12/22/05 - The problem with being a suicide bomber
12/21/05 - CC XIII- Officer Dave
12/21/05 - Aquaman, the later years
12/19/05 - Great moments in theatre history
12/19/05 - Two things
12/16/05 - CC 307: Tis the season to freak out and yell at people
12/16/05 - Commitment
12/13/05 - How anthropology works
12/09/05 - News Flash: Crazy Sign Guy struck by dump truck
12/09/05 - The problem with being in Waiting for Godot...
12/08/05 - Dear paranoid Christian...
12/07/05 - I just took a CPR class (4)
12/07/05 - I just took a CPR class (3)
12/07/05 - I just took a CPR class (2)
12/07/05 - I just took a CPR class (1)
12/07/05 - Bravo does it
12/02/05 - Real gangster rap
12/01/05 - Better than a spider bite
11/29/05 - Jesus teaches a class on intelligent design
11/29/05 - The internet in prehistoric times
11/28/05 - Comic Cup-Round 2
11/21/05 - Explanation of sayings that don't make sense: Cash Cow
11/19/05 - The Quentin Tarrantino cut of Charlotte's Web
11/19/05 - The Crucifixion Part 2
11/17/05 - Awkard moments in being omnipotent
11/16/05 - What really happened to Morris the cat?
11/16/05 - Auditioning a new bass player
11/11/05 - Dennis the menace 2099
11/11/05 - Generic Cereal spokesman meets Regular Cereal spokesman
11/09/05 - Chin transplant
11/08/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
11/08/05 - Body plate tectonics
11/04/05 - Belated tribute to Rosa Parks
11/01/05 - Restroom etiquette
11/01/05 - The Kevin Federline syndrome
11/01/05 - Awkward moments in space
10/31/05 - the Chubby Goth girl presents: Trick or Die (fin)
10/31/05 - The Chubby Goth Girl presents: Trick or Die (9)
10/31/05 - The Chubby Goth Girl presents: Trick or Die (8)
10/28/05 - The Chubby Goth Girl presents: Trick or Die (7)
10/28/05 - The Chubby Goth Girl presents: Trick or Die (6)
10/28/05 - The Chubby Goth Girl presents: Trick or Die (5)
10/28/05 - The Chubby Goth Girl presents: Trick or Die (4)
10/28/05 - The Chubby Goth Girl presents: Trick or Die (3)
10/28/05 - 1,800 comics about filing, ninjas, and assholes
10/28/05 - The Chubby Goth Girl presents: Trick or Die (2)
10/28/05 - The Chubby Goth Girl presents: Trick or Die (1)
10/28/05 - The urethra strikes back
10/28/05 - Harry's Rent to Pwn
10/26/05 - Nightly News corrections
10/21/05 - Community college
10/21/05 - Costume Party 911
10/20/05 - Getting to know the neighbors
10/18/05 - The perils of being a modern day vampire
10/18/05 - Miracles of scientificness
10/18/05 - Convention season
10/18/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
10/12/05 - At the grocery store with Jesus
10/12/05 - The lame thing about being a Buddhist
10/11/05 - New names for groups of things (5)
10/11/05 - There's no such thing as spare change
10/06/05 - It's like the show Friends, except with bars and sodomy
10/05/05 - Give me honesty
10/05/05 - Why I got beat up as a kid
10/05/05 - CC299: Making the banner
10/04/05 - Mis-Matchmaker for lost brothers and sisters
10/04/05 - The problem with Wonder Woman Airlines
10/03/05 - CC299- The Quest for Truth (3)
10/03/05 - CC299-The Quest for Truth (2)
10/03/05 - CC299- The Quest for truth (1)
10/03/05 - Mad scientist
10/03/05 - Time sensitive
09/29/05 - It's like the show Friends, except they're in prison
09/29/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
09/28/05 - Why it's hard to eat with a fish
09/28/05 - Old MacDonald's Farm-The real story
09/26/05 - Unflinching News coverage
09/23/05 - Those magicians in our IT dept.
09/20/05 - Shitty Shitty Bling Bling
09/20/05 - I'm lovin' it...yet I'm fucking hating you
09/19/05 - I don't like shopping
09/16/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
09/16/05 - Dinosaur Awareness Week
09/16/05 - September 18th begins National Farm Animals Awareness Week-5
09/16/05 - September 18th begins National Farm Animals Awareness Week-4
09/16/05 - September 18th begins National Farm Animals Awareness Week-3
09/16/05 - September 18th begins National Farm Animals Awareness Week-2
09/16/05 - September 18th begins National Farm Animals Awareness Week-1
09/15/05 - God: Year One (with respect to squid, HC, mandingo)
09/15/05 - Don't touch me
09/15/05 - True tales of...THE TICKETMASTER!
09/13/05 - It was right there in front of me all along
09/13/05 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson
09/13/05 - That's really a matter of opinion
09/08/05 - Happy Holiday I don't quite understand (2)
09/08/05 - Happy holiday I don't quite understand (1)
09/08/05 - David Blaine as a baby
09/07/05 - Late CC295: As Don Henley said...
09/06/05 - Your home is where you're happy
09/01/05 - So much news
08/31/05 - CC295: The way Happy Days should have ended
08/30/05 - Critic
08/24/05 - Honorable Ninja Used Car confusion (2)
08/24/05 - Honorable Ninja Used Car confusion (1)
08/24/05 - Filing Surgeon, VIP
08/24/05 - A conversation with Sir Mix-a-Lot
08/23/05 - Color commentator
08/23/05 - A frosty beverage
08/22/05 - While at a wedding this weekend...
08/18/05 - The mustache chronicles (2)
08/18/05 - The mustache chronicles (1)
08/18/05 - The jolly old fat man
08/15/05 - Drunk weekend
08/15/05 - The way God works (according to my coworkers)
08/12/05 - I'm sorry, Kajun...
08/12/05 - Mr. Self-Absorbed has sex
08/12/05 - September 6th is National 401K Day
08/12/05 - Medically necessary animals
08/11/05 - Mr. Self Absorbed in Poland 1944
08/11/05 - The PABB Finale
08/10/05 - Mr. Self-Absorbed as an obstetrician
08/10/05 - Mr. Self-Absorbed as ground control
08/10/05 - Mr Self-Absorbed as a priest
08/10/05 - PBS friends
08/08/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
08/08/05 - What it's like to have a guitar in Florida
08/02/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
07/31/05 - Don't tell her I said this but...
07/29/05 - PFA- A public fashion announcement
07/27/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
07/27/05 - The paper-less office
07/22/05 - Employee relations
07/21/05 - If Hamlet was a baseball commentator
07/20/05 - Cpausti's birthday celebrated
07/19/05 - Choad tours Europe: Monaco
07/19/05 - Dog and horse
07/19/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
07/19/05 - Cat lover
07/15/05 - Choad tours Europe: Sweden
07/14/05 - Choad tours Europe: Italy
07/14/05 - Bad moments in advertising
07/13/05 - My two big bosses being cool on the speaker phone.
07/13/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP Begins (7)
07/13/05 - Why couples should never argue...
07/11/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP Begins (6)
07/11/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP Begins (5)
07/11/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
07/08/05 - Music Super (star) Market: Like a rubber in the night
07/08/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP Begins (4)
07/08/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP Begins (3)
07/08/05 - Honorable Terrorist Used Cars
07/08/05 - Just do it
07/06/05 - The choice every kid must make
07/06/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP Begins (2)
07/06/05 - Filing Clerk VIP Begins (1)
07/06/05 - It tastes better than it sounds
06/29/05 - 31 years and 9 months ago today
06/28/05 - New cricket mating tones
06/28/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
06/27/05 - The World on Time Office (6)
06/27/05 - Remaking Willy Wonka
06/27/05 - It looks easy on TV
06/23/05 - The idea center
06/23/05 - The World on Time Office 4
06/20/05 - Skeletor on vacation
06/20/05 - Drug testing
06/17/05 - At the DMV...
06/17/05 - The World on Time Office-2
06/16/05 - Why it never pays to have a pirate prostitute...
06/15/05 - Why it never pays to go bowling with a pirate...
06/14/05 - This is why we don't talk in bathrooms
06/14/05 - The new currency
06/10/05 - All purpose cleaner (2)
06/10/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
06/10/05 - When Bob Barker dies...(2)
06/10/05 - All purpose cleaner
06/09/05 - Every training class ever.
06/09/05 - Undersea office (fin)
06/09/05 - Undersea office: The barnacle (6)
06/09/05 - Undersea office- The starfish (5)
06/09/05 - Baseball umpires at home
06/08/05 - First dates
06/08/05 - In the interest of being more sensitive...
06/06/05 - Bumper stickers
06/06/05 - Fast Food worker input
06/03/05 - Knightly News
06/03/05 - The Multi-orgasmic couple (4)
06/03/05 - The Multi-orgasmic couple (3)
06/03/05 - It doesn't pay to be heroic
06/02/05 - The Multi-Orgasmic Couple (2)
06/02/05 - The Multi-Orgasmic Couple (1)
06/02/05 - Coy commercials for the nightly news
06/01/05 - Signs that Anakin Skywalker was turning to the Dark Side
06/01/05 - Honorable Ninja Used Cars celebrates Memory Day
05/27/05 - Mola Ram's first job (the guy from the Temple of Doom)
05/27/05 - Carrie White's high school reunion
05/27/05 - Brian the pyramid scheme zombie
05/25/05 - We were just talking about you
05/24/05 - Wendy's New Burger
05/24/05 - I can't help what I like
05/24/05 - Awkward moments of the end of the world (fin)
05/24/05 - Putting things in perspective
05/20/05 - World news
05/20/05 - Old joke retooled
05/20/05 - Answers I'm giving to statements I'm sick of hearing
05/19/05 - A fruit flavored monarchy (fin)
05/19/05 - A fruit flavored monarchy (5)
05/19/05 - A fruit flavored monarchy (4)
05/19/05 - A fruit flavored monarchy (3)
05/19/05 - A fruit flavored monarchy (2)
05/19/05 - A fruit flavored monarchy (1)
05/18/05 - Awkward moments of the end of the world (20)
05/17/05 - Articulation
05/17/05 - Cat philosophy
05/17/05 - An actor's life- Monday's audition
05/13/05 - Awkward moments of the end of the world (19)
05/13/05 - Awkward moments of the end of the world (18)
05/13/05 - Awkward moments of the end of the world (17)
05/13/05 - Awkard moments of the end of the world (16)
05/13/05 - Awkward moments of the end of the world (15)
05/13/05 - Awkward moments of the end of the world (14)
05/13/05 - Cleansing
05/11/05 - True stories from the Atlanta highway patrol
05/11/05 - A sign that I may be getting old
05/09/05 - Awkward moments-interlude-It's raining fish! Hallelujah
05/09/05 - Awkward moments of the end of the world (13)
05/09/05 - Undersea office: the squid (4)
05/09/05 - Undersea office: the female blowfish (3)
05/09/05 - Undersea office: the male blowfish (2)
05/09/05 - Underwater office (1)
05/06/05 - The life story of Howard Johnson (Part the 12th)
05/06/05 - Awkard moments of the end of the world (12)
05/06/05 - Awkward moments of the end of the world (11)
05/06/05 - Awkward moments at the end of the world (10)
05/04/05 - Awkard moments of the end of the world (9)
05/04/05 - Awkard moments of the end of the world (8)
05/04/05 - Awkard moments of the end of the world (7)
05/04/05 - Awkward moments of the end of the world (6)
05/04/05 - Coming this Fall on ABC...
05/03/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
05/03/05 - Awkward moments of the end of the world (5)
05/03/05 - Awkward moments of the end of the world (4)
05/03/05 - Coming this Fall on ABC: Retarded Justice
05/03/05 - Awkward moments of the end of the world (3)
05/03/05 - Awkward moments of the end of the world (2)
05/03/05 - Awkward moments of the end of the world (1)
04/29/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
04/29/05 - Cooking with Chef Boyardee (2)
04/29/05 - The new Dasani commercial
04/28/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
04/28/05 - The Food channel presents "Cooking with Chef Boyardee!"
04/26/05 - What Heaven is really like.
04/26/05 - A trip to the doctor
04/25/05 - Right Hand Man in a left hand world
04/25/05 - Right Hand Man in a left hand world
04/22/05 - Meeting my new, new boss (true story)
04/22/05 - What those cows from the Farside are doing now...
04/15/05 - It's hard to bond sometimes
04/15/05 - Sundays in the park with my stepson
04/15/05 - Anarchist meeting
04/12/05 - Golden Corral
04/12/05 - My acting life
04/12/05 - Lost and Found
04/12/05 - Getting older
04/12/05 - If my slow ass computer was a Shakespearean actor
04/08/05 - Introducing...Frat Force 5!
04/07/05 - Directions to my new house
04/07/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
04/07/05 - Charles Schultz in Hell
04/07/05 - My Acting Life
04/07/05 - Johnny Cochran's funeral (belated)
04/05/05 - My job, last Thursday
04/05/05 - You just can't argue with religious people
03/30/05 - Who watches this crap?
03/30/05 - An Honorable Ninja Easter
03/29/05 - Laughter is the best medicine
03/29/05 - Someone has a new job
03/29/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
03/25/05 - A vampire in Midtown (4)
03/25/05 - A vampire in Midtown (3)
03/25/05 - A vampire in Midtown (2)
03/25/05 - A vampire in Midtown (1)
03/25/05 - Todd the inappropriate metaphor guy as a family photographer
03/25/05 - JC Masterpiece BBQ sauce
03/18/05 - Nose flush
03/18/05 - If all superheroes were Jamaican
03/17/05 - The Tell-tale Taint (6)
03/17/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
03/17/05 - This just in! Please kill me.
03/16/05 - Local news
03/16/05 - Things not to say when you get busted for cheating
03/15/05 - Edgar Allen Poe's lost classic: The tell-tale taint (5)
03/15/05 - Edgar Allen Poe's lost classic: The tell-tale taint (4)
03/15/05 - Edgar Allen Poe's lost classic: The tell-tale taint (3)
03/15/05 - Edgar Allen Poe's lost classic: The tell-tale taint (2)
03/15/05 - All along the Watchtower
03/14/05 - Don't speak
03/14/05 - Edgar Allen Poe's lost classic: The tell-tale taint (1)
03/14/05 - Getting rid of stinky home odors
03/14/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
03/14/05 - Recent news
03/11/05 - My acting life
03/11/05 - A French bistro
03/10/05 - Sundays in the park with my stepson
03/09/05 - Honorable Ninja bonus feature
03/09/05 - Conversations about heavy metal (fin)
03/09/05 - Conversations about heavy metal (15)
03/09/05 - Conversations about heavy metal (14)
03/09/05 - Conversations about heavy metal (13)
03/09/05 - Conversations about heavy metal (12)
03/09/05 - Conversations about Heavy Metal (11)
03/09/05 - Fast Food dreams and other things
03/09/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
03/07/05 - My acting life
03/07/05 - Conversations about heavy metal (10)
03/07/05 - Conversations about heavy metal (9)
03/07/05 - Conversations about heavy metal (8)
03/04/05 - Conversations about heavy metal (7)
03/04/05 - Conversations about heavy metal (6)
03/04/05 - Conversations about heavy metal (5)
03/04/05 - Conversations about heavy metal (4)
03/04/05 - Conversations about heavy metal (3)
03/04/05 - Conversations about heavy metal (2)
03/04/05 - Conversations about heavy metal (1)
03/04/05 - Cow urine/dung is a miracle cure all!
03/03/05 - Kevin Darkly goes to the principal's office
03/03/05 - Finding a happy medium
03/03/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
03/03/05 - Kevin Darkly and Aqua-Beth (2)
03/03/05 - Kevin Darkly and Aqua-Beth
03/03/05 - Kevin Darkly
03/02/05 - Winding the neighborhood watch
03/01/05 - At least once a day I....
03/01/05 - Marking your territory
02/23/05 - The cereal mob
02/23/05 - My acting life
02/23/05 - Ring tones *cheep*!
02/14/05 - Honorable Ninja, be my Valentine!
02/14/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
02/11/05 - Hi-def eyeball!
02/09/05 - Michael Jackson, the later years
02/08/05 - Let's do it it DOGGY style!
02/07/05 - My 1500th comic- historic events from the year 1500
02/07/05 - Inky's secret journals revealed (7)
02/07/05 - Inky's secret journals revealed (6)
02/07/05 - Inky's secret journals revealed (5)
02/07/05 - Inky's secret journals revealed (4)
02/07/05 - Inky's secret journal's revealed (3)
02/07/05 - Inky's secret journals revealed (2)
02/07/05 - Inky's secret journals revealed (1)
02/07/05 - Why old people aren't muppets
02/07/05 - True story from community college (yep, she said it)
02/04/05 - The Six Million Dollar Pimp (9)
02/04/05 - The Six Million Dollar Pimp (8)
02/04/05 - Shot in the Target, and you're to blame...
02/04/05 - If Groundhog Day was in Georgia... (props to umfum)
02/03/05 - The Six Million Dollar Pimp (7)
02/03/05 - If it has boobs, guys will go against their better judgement
02/02/05 - In some Television boardroom somewhere...
02/02/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP- Hidden Shame (2)
02/02/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP- Hidden shame (1)
02/01/05 - The Six Million Dollar Pimp (6)
02/01/05 - The Six Million Dollar Pimp (5)
02/01/05 - The Six Million Dollar Pimp (4)
02/01/05 - Figure of speech (2)
02/01/05 - Figure of speech (1)
01/31/05 - The Six Million Dollar Pimp (3)
01/31/05 - The Six Million Dollar Pimp (2)
01/31/05 - The Six-Million Dollar Pimp (1)
01/31/05 - Thinking outside the box
01/28/05 - Another episode of why I stopped dating
01/28/05 - It helps you learn hand-eye coordination
01/27/05 - MTV News
01/27/05 - It's a pick 'em game
01/27/05 - A true conversation between my coworkers
01/27/05 - The only reason to have children.
01/27/05 - Sign of the times
01/25/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
01/25/05 - The Makeover Show-Makeover Show!
01/25/05 - The News
01/24/05 - Lord of the Office Rings (fin)
01/24/05 - It also has many other uses
01/24/05 - Stopping high cholesterol at its source
01/20/05 - Lord of the Office Rings (9)
01/20/05 - Lord of the Office Rings (8)
01/20/05 - Lord of the Office Rings (7)
01/20/05 - Lord of the Office Rings (6)
01/19/05 - Lord of the Office Rings (5)
01/19/05 - Lord of the Office Rings (4)
01/19/05 - Lord of the Office Rings (3)
01/19/05 - Lord of the Office Rings (2)
01/19/05 - Lord of the Office Rings (1)
01/18/05 - Watching the Golden Globes with my slow-ass computer
01/18/05 - Self Help
01/17/05 - Don't ask me about anything personal
01/17/05 - Disgruntled teenager pick-up lines
01/17/05 - That store in the mall that is so cool it has no name...
01/17/05 - Spelling Bee
01/17/05 - She must do this right as I'm going to sleep.
01/14/05 - My slow-ass computer revisited
01/14/05 - Clown pick-up lines
01/14/05 - The contradiction that is Christian rock
01/12/05 - Dannon Water is 'Pure Life'
01/12/05 - Pirate pick-up lines
01/11/05 - Letters home from a Confederate flea on a Union dog
01/11/05 - CC272: How much is that demon doll in the window? (4)
01/11/05 - CC272: How much is that demon doll in the window? (3)
01/11/05 - CC272: How much is that demon doll in the window? (2)
01/11/05 - CC272: How much is that demon doll in the window? (1)
01/07/05 - CC272: And that's our news
01/07/05 - CC272: News to me
01/07/05 - CC272: All the news that fit to cook
01/07/05 - CC272: No news is good news
01/06/05 - An actor's life- Running Man (fin)
01/06/05 - An actor's life- Running Man (12)
01/06/05 - An actor's life- Running Man (11)
01/06/05 - An actor's life- Running Man (10)
01/06/05 - An actor's life- Running Man (9)
01/06/05 - An actor's life- Running Man (8)
01/06/05 - An actor's life- Running Man (7)
01/06/05 - An actor's life- Running Man (6)
01/06/05 - An actor's life- Running Man (5)
01/06/05 - An actor's life- Running Man (4)
01/06/05 - An actor's life- Running Man (3)
01/06/05 - An actor's life- Running man (2)
01/06/05 - An actor's life- Running man (1)
01/05/05 - GTA: Sicily, 878 AD
01/05/05 - GTA: Norway
01/05/05 - Baby pick-up lines
01/04/05 - The Adventures of Career Girl (38)
01/04/05 - Why I'll never teach teenagers again
01/04/05 - "Naked Came the Stripper" Chapter 7
01/03/05 - The News (with respect to dcom)
01/03/05 - Filing Clerk, VIP
01/03/05 - Games under development: Grand Theft Auto- Salt Lake City
01/03/05 - Wrong things to say at an Irish pub
12/30/04 - I'm almost positive Kaufman's done this already
12/30/04 - CC: Why I'll never be a doctor (besides the education thing)
12/30/04 - CC: Dante's infernal directions
12/30/04 - CC: Lady Marmalade
12/30/04 - CC: The military is not the only place that discharges
12/30/04 - Comic Cup: Blinded by science
12/30/04 - The Adventures of Career Girl (36)
12/30/04 - If my slow ass computer was on Law and Order:SVU...
12/29/04 - Bill Gates losing his virginity
12/29/04 - If my slow ass computer was on Jeopardy (2)
12/29/04 - If my slow ass computer was on Jeopardy (1)
12/29/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
12/29/04 - Celebrating the,um, holidays
12/28/04 - The Adventures of Career Girl (34)
12/28/04 - If my slow ass computer was in a family from the Ozarks (2)
12/28/04 - If my slow ass computer was in a family from the Ozarks (1)
12/28/04 - If my slow-ass computer went into the wrong bar...
12/28/04 - If my slow ass computer raced Jessie Owens...
12/28/04 - If my slow-ass computer was in an intimate relationship...
12/28/04 - If my slow-ass computer was a Presidential bodyguard...
12/27/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
12/27/04 - Honorable Ninja Used Cars honors Boxing Day
12/23/04 - We do chicken right.
12/23/04 - 3 things that don't make sense to me
12/22/04 - My brother's and my relationship: ages 25-present
12/22/04 - My brother's and my relationship through the years:age 17-25
12/22/04 - My brother's and my relationship through the years:age 15-17
12/22/04 - My brother's and my relationship through the years:age 13-15
12/22/04 - My brother's and my relationship through the years:age 2-13
12/22/04 - My brother's and my relationship through the years: age 2-13
12/22/04 - Car versus driver
12/22/04 - CC270: Another true story (4)
12/22/04 - CC270: Another true story (3)
12/22/04 - CC270: Another true story (2)
12/22/04 - CC270: Another true story (Crabby, you're not alone)
12/21/04 - CC270: Only the lonely can play
12/21/04 - Filing Clerk and the Xmas tree (continued)
12/21/04 - Unfortunate names for evil organization (respect to Rabid)
12/21/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
12/21/04 - Why I hate bars in the south.
12/20/04 - The reason for the season
12/17/04 - CC269: What's the frequency, teacher? (5)
12/17/04 - CC269: What's the frequency, teacher? (4)
12/17/04 - CC269: What's the frequency, teacher? (3)
12/17/04 - CC269: What's the frequency, teacher? (2)
12/17/04 - CC269: What's the frequency, teacher? (1)
12/17/04 - CC269: It is nature's way
12/17/04 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson
12/16/04 - Hopefully my last political cartoon for awhile
12/16/04 - This is the time of year when people give stuff for you.
12/16/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
12/16/04 - I'm ridiculously out of the loop
12/15/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
12/15/04 - A very mmyers Christmas
12/15/04 - "I'm collecting for the..."
12/11/04 - Santa came early this year
12/10/04 - From the makers of Chaser© comes...
12/09/04 - H.N.U.C.-The problem with samurai clubs (3)
12/08/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP and the government (3)
12/08/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP and the government (2)
12/08/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP and the government
12/08/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
12/08/04 - H.N.U.C.-The problem with samurai clubs...(2)
12/08/04 - H.N.U.C.-The problem with samurai clubs...(1)
12/07/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
12/07/04 - The Adventures of Career Girl (32)
12/07/04 - Children's birthday parties
12/07/04 - Silliest Extreme products
12/04/04 - CC 267: Welcome home
12/03/04 - Filing clerk, VIP- secret power (fin)
12/03/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP- secret power (4)
12/03/04 - Filing clerk, VIP- secret power (3)
12/03/04 - Filing clerk, VIP: secret powers (2)
12/03/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP: secret powers (1)
12/02/04 - The Queen's Army
12/02/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
12/01/04 - The Adventures of Career Girl (30)
12/01/04 - CC 267: Parts Unknown
11/30/04 - The Adventures of Career Girl (28)
11/30/04 - The Adventures of Career Girl (26)
11/30/04 - Actual conversations of coworkers
11/30/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
11/29/04 - On the road
11/29/04 - Lost in translator
11/29/04 - A Public Service announcement (w/o guitars)
11/29/04 - When Bob Barker dies...
11/23/04 - If the first Thanksgiving had happened at my office....
11/23/04 - A little game I like to call...
11/23/04 - Sketch comedy
11/22/04 - Being Married (2)
11/22/04 - Being married (1)
11/18/04 - Phrase "Out of context" taken out of context
11/18/04 - The Adventures of Career Girl (24)
11/18/04 - the extreme
11/18/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
11/17/04 - "Sorry, but you must have accidently dialed 9-1-1-1."
11/17/04 - My 11th grade breakup (done through interpretative dance)
11/17/04 - The short life of "Guy with no powers" man
11/15/04 - My big, plump Greek neighbor
11/12/04 - Thinking About The Box
11/12/04 - Gay Advice
11/11/04 - Music Super(star) market: Ashlee Simpson
11/11/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Giving the office tour
11/11/04 - CC264: Rate x time=drunk
11/11/04 - CC264: Mathematics question
11/10/04 - When I visit people who have cats...
11/08/04 - That fucking jingle...
11/08/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
11/05/04 - Whatever happened to...
11/05/04 - Paco, work aquiantance, VIP
11/05/04 - Test market
11/05/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
11/05/04 - Pornos that never caught on (2)
11/04/04 - Director's cut and paste
11/04/04 - Pornos that never caught on
11/04/04 - Post election confessions
11/03/04 - What happened to the younger voter turnout??
11/02/04 - An actor's life
11/02/04 - My obligatory election strip
11/02/04 - False insurance claims after the Florida hurricane
11/02/04 - Voting with my mom
11/02/04 - my...brain
11/02/04 - The new Bin Laden tape
10/27/04 - Our doggie Cancer year (fin.)
10/27/04 - Our doggie Cancer year (11)
10/21/04 - Hunting for votes
10/21/04 - Filing clerk, VIP
10/21/04 - Last night at Subway
10/20/04 - Our doggie Cancer year (13)
10/20/04 - Our doggie Cancer year (12)
10/20/04 - The adventures of Career Girl (22)
10/20/04 - New idea for political debate show
10/19/04 - Why is the cigarette in this position?
10/19/04 - Giving blood (fin)
10/19/04 - Giving Blood (5)
10/18/04 - Giving blood (4)
10/18/04 - Giving blood (3)
10/18/04 - Giving blood (2)
10/18/04 - Giving blood
10/15/04 - Last night at the Pixies (fin)
10/15/04 - Last night at the Pixies (5)
10/15/04 - Last night at the Pixies (4)
10/15/04 - Last night at the Pixies (3)
10/15/04 - Last night at the Pixies (2)
10/15/04 - Last night at the Pixies (1)
10/14/04 - Discussing gay marriage continued
10/14/04 - Discussing gay marriage
10/14/04 - Arby's
10/14/04 - Sit-com staples: Finally they got together!
10/13/04 - Sit-com staples: "Let's introduce a child!"
10/13/04 - Wash Bran in 2% milk
10/13/04 - Our Doggie Cancer year (10)
10/13/04 - Guy who believes in no labels vs. All label guy
10/12/04 - Now that Prince is a Jehovah's witness
10/12/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
10/11/04 - When sarcastic people fall in love
10/11/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
10/08/04 - Our doggie Cancer year (9)
10/08/04 - BBQ'n for Jesus
10/08/04 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson
10/08/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
10/07/04 - I'm taking a Gay day
10/07/04 - The Adventures of Career Girl (20)
10/07/04 - Energy Beer
10/07/04 - This morning on the way out of my apartment...
10/06/04 - The great Cheney/Zombie debates
10/06/04 - The oddness of having coworkers come to my play.
10/06/04 - How America prepared for the VP debates
10/05/04 - Our doggie Cancer year (8)
10/05/04 - Our doggie Cancer year (7)
10/01/04 - The Adventures of Career Girl (18)
10/01/04 - Our Doggie Cancer year (6)
10/01/04 - My impression of the debates (2)
10/01/04 - My impression of the debates
09/30/04 - Two terrifying scoops (4)
09/30/04 - Two terrifying scoops (3)
09/30/04 - Two terrifying scoops (2)
09/30/04 - Two terrifying scoops
09/30/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
09/29/04 - Our Doggie Cancer year (5)
09/29/04 - Our Doggie Cancer year (4)
09/29/04 - Sometimes I only come to work to do this to her
09/28/04 - Our Doggie Cancer year (3)
09/28/04 - Our Doggie Cancer year (2)
09/28/04 - Our Doggie Cancer year (1)
09/27/04 - Historical moments (w/ Spankling)
09/27/04 - Other great moments (w/ Spankling)
09/27/04 - Great moments in my life (if Spankling had been there)
09/27/04 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson
09/27/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
09/24/04 - Watching Barbara Walters interview George W Bush
09/24/04 - An actor's life for me: costuming
09/23/04 - At the terrorist public image meeting
09/22/04 - What it's like having a male roommate
09/22/04 - If my co-worker was a stand-up comic...
09/21/04 - The Adventures of Career Girl (16)
09/21/04 - A poem by mmyers (3)
09/21/04 - A poem by mmyers(2)
09/21/04 - A poem by mmyers (1)
09/21/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
09/20/04 - Yes, what you said.
09/20/04 - Cat Shit Fever
09/17/04 - Weather reports in the bible belt
09/17/04 - Happy Rosh Hashana, from Honorable Ninja
09/17/04 - To the school down the street...
09/15/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
09/14/04 - Great Sexpectations
09/14/04 - People Jesus forgot to bless
09/13/04 - Some of my coworkers vs. the Weather Channel
09/13/04 - The News in the not too distant future
09/13/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP attends his first bar mitzvah
09/10/04 - The Adventures of Career Girl (14)
09/10/04 - Happy Birthday, Mr Fly! (fin)
09/10/04 - Happy Birthday, Mr Fly! (5)
09/10/04 - Happy birthday, Mr Fly! (4)
09/10/04 - Happy birthday, Mr Fly! (3)
09/10/04 - Happy birthday, Mr Fly! (2)
09/10/04 - Happy Birthday Mr Fly! (1)
09/10/04 - More awkward conversations
09/08/04 - Rex Martini, convenience store casanova (3)
09/08/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
09/03/04 - An honorable reunion (fin)
09/03/04 - An Honorable Reunion (13)
09/03/04 - Awkward moments in puppet dating (3)
09/03/04 - Awkward moments in puppet dating (2)
09/03/04 - Awkward moments in puppet dating (1)
09/02/04 - Rex Martini, convenience store casanova (2)
09/02/04 - Rex Martini, convenience store casanova
09/02/04 - An Honorable Reunion (12)
09/02/04 - The reason you probably haven't been able to find a job
09/01/04 - My so called acting life meets My office
09/01/04 - An Honorable Reunion (11)
09/01/04 - Today's the day...
08/31/04 - An Honorable Reunion (10)
08/31/04 - The Dumb Ass Email FW: CAr Jacking 08/31
08/31/04 - Intro to: the Dumb Ass E-Mail Fwd of the day
08/30/04 - Happy Five year anniversary, Filing Clerk, VIP (3)
08/30/04 - Happy Five year anniversary, Filing Clerk, VIP (2)
08/30/04 - Happy Five year anniversary, Filing Clerk, VIP (1)
08/27/04 - Office speak translated
08/27/04 - An Honorable Reunion (9)
08/27/04 - An Honorable Reunion (8)
08/27/04 - The Adventures of Career Girl (12)
08/27/04 - If people were like my fucking web browser
08/27/04 - Boorite comes clean
08/25/04 - Plant room
08/25/04 - Learn how to operate your vehicle
08/25/04 - Great inventions of the Amish that never took off
08/25/04 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson
08/24/04 - He who procrastinates makes waste
08/24/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
08/23/04 - The Adventures of Career Girl (10)
08/23/04 - Conversations with the Jolly Green Giant
08/20/04 - An honorable reunion (7)
08/20/04 - An honorable reunion (6)
08/20/04 - An honorable reunion (5)
08/20/04 - An honorable reunion (4)
08/19/04 - An honorable reunion (3)
08/19/04 - True stories from my day
08/19/04 - An honorable reunion (2)
08/19/04 - An honorable reunion (1)
08/19/04 - A fresh start for jes
08/18/04 - The Adventures of Career Girl (8)
08/18/04 - Meet Aeisha Prophet
08/17/04 - The life cycle of our employees
08/17/04 - Bravo presents Old People Poker challenge
08/17/04 - What really goes through my head...
08/17/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
08/16/04 - The Adventures of Career Girl (6)
08/13/04 - I was dancing in a lesbian bar..hoo-hoo-hoo
08/13/04 - I was dancing in a lesbian bar...
08/13/04 - Witch versus killer squirrel (fin)
08/13/04 - Witch versus killer squirrel (4)
08/13/04 - Witch versus killer squirrel (3)
08/13/04 - Hurricanes a comin'
08/13/04 - Tour around the building
08/13/04 - Alien versus Predator review
08/13/04 - The Adventures of Career Girl (4)
08/06/04 - New employee orientation
08/06/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
08/05/04 - The Adventures of Career Girl (2)
08/05/04 - Witch versus Killer squirrel (2)
08/05/04 - Witch versus Killer squirrel (1)
08/05/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP lunch
08/05/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
08/03/04 - The bad part about ladies' night at the magician's bar...
08/03/04 - Coming Attactions: TvP
08/03/04 - True tales from my philosophy class
08/02/04 - The best part about going to the liquor store
08/02/04 - Code Orange
07/30/04 - The realistic porno
07/30/04 - Having a ba-bay
07/30/04 - At the vitamin store...
07/30/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
07/29/04 - A final point about Alfred Garnett
07/29/04 - Alfred Garnett, counter counter counter-point
07/29/04 - Alfred Garnett, counter counter-point
07/29/04 - Alfred Garnett, counter-point
07/29/04 - Alfred Garnett, candidate
07/29/04 - The lies we must tell ourselves
07/29/04 - The Aquatic National Convention
07/28/04 - Running into a friend's daughter at the supermarket
07/27/04 - Bathroom proverbs
07/23/04 - Plant Life (10)
07/23/04 - Plant Life (9)
07/23/04 - Plant Life (8)
07/23/04 - Plant Life (7)
07/23/04 - Plant Life (6)
07/23/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
07/23/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP presents: Nickle Bag Nick
07/22/04 - Excerpts from real conversations
07/22/04 - Get Fit, bitch!
07/22/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
07/22/04 - Everything else is details
07/21/04 - She provides a vital function
07/21/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
07/21/04 - Raiders of the Lost Ark, in three panels
07/20/04 - Ask your doctor about Benzite
07/20/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
07/20/04 - Ordering a pizza
07/20/04 - Every new hip-hop album ever
07/20/04 - Why I would be a horrible dad...
07/16/04 - Mosquitos in the south
07/16/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
07/14/04 - Plant Life (5)
07/14/04 - Plant Life (4)
07/14/04 - Plant Life (3)
07/14/04 - Plant Life (2)
07/14/04 - Plant life
07/14/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
07/14/04 - In a mall somewhere...
07/13/04 - CC251: SC-TV presents Bull and Matador (5)
07/13/04 - CC251: SC-TV presents Bull and Matador (4)
07/13/04 - CC251: SC-TV presents Bull and Matador (3)
07/13/04 - CC251: SC-TV presents Bull and Matador (2)
07/13/04 - CC251: SC-TV presents: Bull and Matador (1)
07/12/04 - At John Kerry's campaign headquarters
07/12/04 - CC251: The SC channel presents Celebrity Poker
07/12/04 - The deepest insult
07/12/04 - Our oldest employee
07/09/04 - Yoshi-boy and the family tree
07/09/04 - Filing Clerk of Fortune, VIP (6)
07/09/04 - Filing Clerk of fortune, VIP (5)
07/09/04 - Filing Clerk of fortune, VIP (4)
07/09/04 - Filing Clerk of fortune, VIP (3)
07/09/04 - Filing Clerk of fortune, VIP (2)
07/09/04 - Filing Clerk of fortune, VIP (1)
07/07/04 - Someones wearing a new perfume
07/07/04 - CC250-4: One track monkey
07/06/04 - CC250-3: A New Hope for The Empire's Returning Jedi
07/06/04 - CC250-3: The Sport of gentlemen
07/06/04 - Guy talk
07/06/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
07/06/04 - Taking some time apart
07/02/04 - Advice to all bums hitting me up for $$$
07/02/04 - If jes_l came to visit me in the US...
07/02/04 - CC250-1: There's a monster at the end of this comic (5)
07/02/04 - CC250-1: There's a monster at the end of this comic (4)
07/02/04 - CC250-1: There's a monster at the end of this strip (3)
07/02/04 - CC250-1: There's a monster at the end of this strip (2)
07/02/04 - CC250-1: There's a monster at the end of this strip (1)
07/01/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
06/30/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
06/30/04 - CC249: Playing on the race house of cards
06/30/04 - In the news....
06/29/04 - On June 29th, 1974...
06/29/04 - Turning 30 with Filing Clerk, VIP
06/29/04 - Last night at the pub
06/25/04 - Sears and R.O.B.O.T.
06/25/04 - After a rough day of being Filing Clerk,VIP
06/24/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
06/24/04 - The problem with most new baby names
06/24/04 - Yoshi-boy
06/23/04 - The end of the dot com era
06/23/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
06/22/04 - Last minute analogy
06/22/04 - Fish theology
06/21/04 - Fashions for pet lovers
06/21/04 - Here I go again on my own.
06/21/04 - Weight Loss quick!
06/21/04 - The Men of Beers/ The Beers of Men
06/18/04 - Warming up
06/17/04 - Fixing things around the office
06/17/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP versus Archie (4)
06/17/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP versus Archie (3)
06/17/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP versus Archie (2)
06/17/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP versus Archie (1)
06/17/04 - FTC #37-Making the best of it
06/17/04 - FTC #37-This is hell, or something like it
06/16/04 - Training Videos
06/15/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
06/15/04 - Political Debates of the future
06/12/04 - Going to a Renaissance Festival in the Dark Ages
06/10/04 - CC247: Dairy Divided (the end?)
06/10/04 - CC247: Dairy Divided (3)
06/10/04 - CC247: Dairy Divided (2)
06/10/04 - CC247: Dairy divided (1)
06/10/04 - When the caged bird won't stop singing
06/10/04 - Coming attractions
06/09/04 - What scares me.
06/09/04 - Why certain sports don't really need a highlight show
06/09/04 - CC247: When clowns go to the proctologist
06/09/04 - Questions every stage actor is asked
06/09/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
06/08/04 - Computer Dating (12)
06/08/04 - Computer Dating (11)
06/08/04 - My 1000th comic!
06/08/04 - Great moments in nearly 1000 comics for me (2)
06/08/04 - Great Moments in nearly 1000 comics for me (1)
06/08/04 - Smarty Jones
06/07/04 - Passing the time
06/07/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
06/07/04 - Master and Commander
06/07/04 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson
06/04/04 - Computer dating (10)
06/04/04 - The Silent War at my office
06/04/04 - CC248: It's supposed to be flattering
06/04/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
06/03/04 - Boy Code
06/03/04 - Other Badly Misheard Jay-Z lyrics (with respect to UnknownE)
06/03/04 - CC 248: The Last Starfighter
06/03/04 - CC248: Friendly advice
06/03/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
06/03/04 - New shower head
06/02/04 - Computer dating (9)
06/02/04 - Vote yes on Proposition Double D
06/02/04 - Computer Dating (8)
06/02/04 - Comic for nicejohnson
06/01/04 - Ask a squirrel
06/01/04 - "Check out my new glasses!"
06/01/04 - Old Joke
06/01/04 - Computer dating (7)
06/01/04 - I'm glad I didn't have the internet as a kid
05/29/04 - The secretion of my success
05/29/04 - While the wife is away, the plants will die
05/28/04 - Recent signs I've seen in front of churches (3)
05/28/04 - Recent signs I've seen in front of churches (2)
05/28/04 - Recent signs I've seen in front of churches (1)
05/28/04 - Computer dating (6)
05/28/04 - Computer dating (5)
05/28/04 - Computer dating (4)
05/28/04 - Computer dating (3)
05/27/04 - Computer dating (2)
05/27/04 - Computer dating (1)
05/27/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
05/27/04 - Actual conversation from my office
05/26/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
05/26/04 - Yoshi-boy
05/26/04 - Bill Ivey, lame ass high school principal
05/26/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
05/21/04 - If real life were like a video game...
05/21/04 - At the CD store today...
05/21/04 - Yoshi-boy
05/21/04 - Never piss off a Wiccan
05/21/04 - Other phantom illnesses
05/21/04 - Phantom Illnesses
05/20/04 - Fad diets
05/20/04 - They always come back at the worst time
05/19/04 - True story from today
05/19/04 - Bill Ivey, lame ass high school principal (fin)
05/19/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
05/17/04 - Picnics in the park
05/17/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
05/14/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP (true story)
05/14/04 - Bill Ivey, lame ass (18)
05/14/04 - Bill Ivey, Lame ass (17)
05/13/04 - Bill Ivey, lame ass (16)
05/13/04 - Bill Ivey, lame ass (15)
05/13/04 - Awkward moments in condom purchases (3)
05/13/04 - Awkward moments in condom purchases (2)
05/13/04 - Awkward moments in condom purchases (1)
05/13/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
05/12/04 - Music Super (star) Market: Steve Miller Genuine draft
05/12/04 - What passes for humor at my office
05/12/04 - Bill Ivey, Lame ass (14)
05/12/04 - Bill Ivey, Lame ass (13)
05/11/04 - Bill Ivey, lame ass (12)
05/11/04 - Bill Ivey, Lame ass (11)
05/11/04 - Bill Ivey, Lame ass (10)
05/11/04 - Bill Ivey, Lame Ass (9)
05/11/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
05/11/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
05/10/04 - Happy Matriarch's day from Honorable Ninja (4)
05/10/04 - Happy Matriarch's Day from Honorable Ninja (3)
05/10/04 - Happy Matriarch's day from Honorable Ninja (2)
05/10/04 - Happy Matriarch's Day from Honorable Ninja (1)
05/10/04 - Can you say "Honorable Ninja?"
05/10/04 - Bill Ivey, lame ass (8)
05/10/04 - Bill Ivey, lame ass high school principal (7)
05/07/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP's "It wouldn't be a work day if..."
05/07/04 - From the case files of Edwards, Martin, and big owl (2)
05/07/04 - From the case files of Edwards, Martin, and a very big owl
05/05/04 - Bill Ivey, lame ass high school principal (6)
05/05/04 - The Late Night Limmerick edition
05/05/04 - Bill Ivey, lame ass high school principal (5)
05/05/04 - Bill Ivey, lame ass high school principal (4)
05/05/04 - Bill Ivey, lame ass high school principal (3)
05/04/04 - Every RPG ever made {revisited}
05/04/04 - Boys just want to have fun {revisited}
05/04/04 - Bill Ivey, lame ass high school principal (2)
05/04/04 - Bill Ivey, lame ass high school principal
05/03/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
04/30/04 - Kaufman vs Horse (fin)
04/30/04 - Kaufman vs Horse (7)
04/30/04 - Kaufman vs Horse (6)
04/30/04 - Kaufman vs Horse (5)
04/30/04 - Kaufman vs Horse (4)
04/30/04 - Kaufman vs Horse (3)
04/30/04 - Kaufman vs Horse (2)
04/29/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
04/29/04 - Kaufman vs Horse (1)
04/29/04 - The Cereal Killer Conspiracy (5)
04/29/04 - An actor's life (fin)
04/29/04 - An actor's life (3)
04/29/04 - An actor's life (2)
04/29/04 - An actor's life (1)
04/29/04 - True stories of when I was single
04/28/04 - The Cereal killer Conspiracy (3)
04/28/04 - The Cereal Killer Conspiracy (1)
04/28/04 - The Truth about marijuana
04/28/04 - Geico and the gecko
04/27/04 - The cereal killer's conspiracy deepens
04/26/04 - Music Super (star) Market: Bocephus mints
04/26/04 - Music Super (star) Market: Getting older not Young(er)
04/26/04 - Music Super (star) Market: Dolphin safe---bah
04/26/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP (2)
04/26/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
04/23/04 - BTC#1- The Republican in denial awakes from a coma
04/23/04 - Music Super (star) Market: Morrisey Morsels
04/22/04 - When a movie critic attaches himself to you...
04/22/04 - Music Super (star) Market: The curiously strong Polka
04/21/04 - Music Super (star) Market: J-Lotrimin
04/21/04 - Filing Clerk and the mysterious pen (fin)
04/21/04 - Filing Clerk and the mysterious pen (5)
04/21/04 - Filing Clerk and the mysterious pen (4)
04/21/04 - Filing Clerk and the mysterious pen (3)
04/21/04 - Filing Clerk and the mysterious pen (2)
04/21/04 - Filing Clerk and the mysterious pen (1)
04/20/04 - Honorable Ninja Used Cars
04/20/04 - Headlines...
04/20/04 - Hellboy (fin)
04/20/04 - Hellboy (14)
04/20/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
04/15/04 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man
04/15/04 - Hellboy (13)
04/15/04 - A basically true story
04/15/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
04/14/04 - Hellboy (12)
04/14/04 - Hellboy (11)
04/13/04 - Hellboy (10)
04/13/04 - Hellboy (9)
04/13/04 - Hellboy (8)
04/13/04 - Hellboy (7)
04/13/04 - Hellboy (6)
04/13/04 - Hellboy (5)
04/13/04 - Hellboy (4)
04/13/04 - Hellboy (3)
04/13/04 - Hellboy-the movie/the comic strip (2)
04/13/04 - Hellboy-the movie/the comic strip (1)
04/12/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
04/12/04 - HBO presents The Tenors
04/09/04 - The Darkness (4)
04/09/04 - The Darkness (3)
04/09/04 - The Darkness (2)
04/09/04 - I went to see the band the Darkness last night (1)
04/09/04 - Why I'll never be a high school wrestling coach.
04/08/04 - One more true story of Filing Clerk, VIP
04/08/04 - True story from Filing Clerk, VIP's day
04/08/04 - Music Super (star) Market: Wu-Tang Tang©
04/08/04 - Music Super (star) Market: Cyndi Loafers
04/08/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
04/05/04 - My dark opinion for the day
04/05/04 - Music Super (star) Market- U-Tuna©
04/05/04 - Music Super(star) market- Ozzy Oscal©
04/05/04 - Witchy-Poo and Silas
04/05/04 - FTC 30-Template
04/02/04 - Playing Literatti with people I don't know
04/02/04 - Fast Food observation
04/02/04 - Happy April Incompetence Day
04/01/04 - CC238-In the Army now
04/01/04 - FTC 29: Mouse of my dreams
04/01/04 - FTC 29: Just in time for tax season
03/31/04 - Ask a sheep
03/31/04 - Who's really having sex with sheep
03/31/04 - Strange flashback from childhood
03/31/04 - Yoshi-Boy
03/30/04 - More suggestions for the Conference Room (2)
03/30/04 - More suggestions for the Conference room name
03/30/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
03/29/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP (2)
03/29/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
03/29/04 - Those poor guys from the IT dept
03/29/04 - Important announcement by mmyers
03/26/04 - What I learned from watching Court TV yesterday
03/26/04 - New hit song
03/24/04 - National Frozen Foods month
03/23/04 - Yoshi boy and the sense of smell
03/23/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
03/22/04 - Getting gay bashed-2
03/22/04 - Getting gay bashed (for my buddy Accentuate Negative)-1
03/22/04 - The Box Office Minute
03/21/04 - Yoshi-boy etiquette
03/19/04 - Phrases that cause my brain to make white noise
03/18/04 - FTC27- How Stephen King explains it
03/18/04 - FTC27- The facts of life
03/18/04 - FTC27- The birds and the bees
03/18/04 - More superhero mistaken identity: Captain America (4 jes_l)
03/18/04 - Happy belated St Patty's Day from Honorable Ninja
03/18/04 - Breaking developments...
03/18/04 - The Stripcreator Retirement Community
03/16/04 - The worst part about the food chain
03/16/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
03/16/04 - Giving someone the axe (2)
03/16/04 - Giving someone the axe
03/15/04 - In Georgia, we argue about stuff from 150 years ago
03/15/04 - You've gotta eat!...eventually (2)
03/12/04 - You gotta eat!...eventually (1)
03/12/04 - Things that used to turn you on don't turn you on anymore
03/11/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP (4)
03/11/04 - ¡DiscoMania!
03/10/04 - A victory for the little guy
03/10/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP (3)
03/09/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP (2)
03/09/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP (1)
03/09/04 - MY day so far...(Unknown Eric)
03/09/04 - The disease of gluttony
03/08/04 - FTC 26- Dishonesty is the best policy
03/08/04 - FTC 26- Controlled conditions
03/08/04 - FTC 26- The Anticipa...
03/08/04 - An actor's life for me--revisited (6)
03/08/04 - An actor's life for me--revisited (5)
03/08/04 - How blame is placed at my job
03/08/04 - An actor's life for me--revisited (4)
03/05/04 - An actor's life for me--revisited (3)
03/05/04 - An actor's life for me--revisited (2)
03/05/04 - An actor's life for me--revisited (1)
03/04/04 - Hanging out in Ivytopia (10)
03/04/04 - Hanging out in Ivytopia (9)
03/04/04 - Hanging out in Ivytopia (8)
03/04/04 - Hanging out in Ivytopia (7)
03/04/04 - Hanging out in Ivytopia (6)
03/03/04 - Hanging out in Ivytopia (5)
03/03/04 - Hanging out in Ivytopia (4)
03/03/04 - Hanging out in Ivytopia (3)
03/03/04 - On the Astral plain with jes_l
03/02/04 - Hanging out in Ivytopia (2)
03/02/04 - Hanging out in Ivytopia (1)
03/02/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
03/02/04 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson
03/02/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
03/01/04 - Yoshi-boy and Manxy
03/01/04 - This just in...
03/01/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
02/27/04 - When Net5 goes down...
02/27/04 - Yoshi-boy and the snow
02/26/04 - Gabe vs Snowman (4)
02/26/04 - Gabe vs Snowman (3)
02/26/04 - Gabe vs. Snowman (2)
02/26/04 - Gabe vs. Snowman (1)
02/26/04 - Yoshi-boy finds religion (fin)
02/26/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP (true story)
02/25/04 - And not to belabour it but...
02/25/04 - In the news...
02/24/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
02/24/04 - Yoshi-boy finds religion (9)
02/24/04 - Yoshi-boy finds religion (8)
02/23/04 - Yoshi-boy finds religion (7)
02/23/04 - Yoshi-boy finds religion (6)
02/23/04 - Yoshi-boy finds religion (5)
02/23/04 - Yoshi-boy finds religion (4)
02/23/04 - Yoshi-boy finds religion (3)
02/23/04 - Yoshi-boy finds religion (2)
02/23/04 - Yoshi-boy finds religion (1)
02/20/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP(2)
02/20/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP (1)
02/20/04 - Yoshi-boy and the kitty poop
02/19/04 - Too much of a cheap thing (5)
02/19/04 - Too much of a cheap thing (4)
02/19/04 - Too much of a cheap thing (3)
02/19/04 - Too much of a cheap thing (2)
02/19/04 - Too much of a cheap thing (1)
02/18/04 - FTC 23: Valentine's Day is a day for giving
02/18/04 - FTC 23: Same as last year
02/18/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
02/18/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
02/18/04 - mmyers and the Yoshi-boy
02/18/04 - Under the seat
02/17/04 - Ronnie James Dio-derant ©
02/16/04 - Ways I avoid talking to coworkers
02/16/04 - Meet my friend (2)
02/16/04 - Meet my friend (1)
02/14/04 - Yoshi-Boy: the bathroom
02/13/04 - Misremembered Platitude Trout meets jes_l
02/13/04 - Don't turn on the lights!
02/13/04 - Camping with the Yoshi-boy
02/13/04 - Mmyers meets David J from Bauhaus
02/12/04 - A life remembered...
02/12/04 - Animal tested, human approved
02/12/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
02/12/04 - For whom the chicken crows...
02/06/04 - WW5: There's this guy in a skirt, right?
02/05/04 - CC231: A country called InfoTech (4)
02/05/04 - CC231: A country called InfoTech (3)
02/05/04 - CC231: A country called InfoTech (2)
02/05/04 - CC231: A country called InfoTech Enterprises (1)
02/05/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
02/05/04 - "The Man" hates the Leap Year
02/04/04 - Mmyers and the Yoshi-boy
02/04/04 - She works hard for the whatever it is she works for
02/03/04 - It happens all the time, that I rip off BigEvilDan(2)
02/03/04 - It happens all the time, that I rip off BigEvilDan (1)
02/03/04 - FTC 21: My alma mater matters
02/03/04 - FTC 21: Office Political Incumbant
02/03/04 - A conversation with Spencer
02/03/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
02/03/04 - Declan in the park
02/02/04 - Happy Groundhog Day from Honorable Ninja
02/02/04 - The SC Half-Time Show
01/30/04 - Mouse Trapped (9)
01/30/04 - Mouse Trapped (8)
01/30/04 - Mouse Trapped (7)
01/28/04 - Mouse Trapped (6)
01/28/04 - Mouse Trapped (5)
01/28/04 - Mouse Trapped (4)
01/27/04 - Mouse Trapped (3)
01/27/04 - Mouse Trapped (2)
01/27/04 - Mouse Trapped (1)
01/26/04 - WW #4-Talking with the Parental Units
01/26/04 - Bad weather a coming
01/26/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
01/26/04 - Trying to tone it down
01/23/04 - The Awkwardness of having a roommate
01/22/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
01/22/04 - World's Worst Things to Say in your Boss' Office
01/22/04 - World's Worst things to say to your boss
01/21/04 - FTC 19- Too bad Burgess Meredith is dead
01/21/04 - FTC 19- The misspent years of my youth
01/21/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
01/21/04 - Self Conscious Conversations with gay friends (for AN)
01/20/04 - Butch teaches 2nd grade
01/20/04 - Amish town 90210
01/20/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
01/16/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
01/16/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
01/16/04 - Honorable Ninja Used Cars
01/16/04 - Revenge is a dish best served cold
01/15/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP (3)
01/15/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP (2)
01/15/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP (1)
01/15/04 - Butch teaches 2nd grade
01/15/04 - Bush wants to journey to the moon
01/15/04 - Serial Comic 9.14
01/14/04 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson
01/13/04 - FCT 18- Have it your way
01/13/04 - The Enforcer (with a nod to niteowl)
01/13/04 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson
01/13/04 - Paula Gives it up
01/12/04 - Emergency 9:11
01/12/04 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson
01/12/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
01/12/04 - Declan in the park
01/12/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
01/12/04 - Sunday morning
01/10/04 - My friend Gary's Dad
01/09/04 - Sniglets (remember them?)
01/09/04 - Fatal Four-way: part the 15th
01/08/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
01/08/04 - Why I don't have a CD burner. (3)
01/08/04 - Why I don't have a CD burner (2)
01/08/04 - Why I don't have a CD burner.
01/08/04 - A two-fer about my favorite animal
01/08/04 - The Usual Suspects (for Chicka)
01/07/04 - This is for Chicka
01/07/04 - Are you trying to seduce me, Mr Tally Mon? (2)
01/07/04 - Are you trying to seduce me, Mr Tally Mon?
01/07/04 - Filing Clerk, VIP
01/07/04 - Declan at the park
01/06/04 - It's in my head, man, it's in my head (2)
01/06/04 - It's in my head, man, it's in my head (1)
01/06/04 - Declan at Chuck E. Cheese
01/05/04 - A newspaper
01/05/04 - FTC 17- I should be allowed to think
01/05/04 - FTC 17- Dogs and cats living together/ mass hysteria
01/05/04 - Remembering my bachelor party the next day
01/03/04 - I feel for you, I really do.
01/03/04 - Late video fees
01/02/04 - And I thought it was bad working with them
01/02/04 - FTC 16: If I'm lucky...
01/02/04 - FTC 16: I can't handle the truth
01/02/04 - FTC 16: More ideas from the brain trust
01/02/04 - Declan's in the park
01/02/04 - Object of affection
01/02/04 - Aspirins on parade
12/30/03 - Whilest on hold...
12/30/03 - The Gay Republicans Convention
12/26/03 - Leftover Sex
12/26/03 - Pirate Radio
12/24/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (fin.)
12/24/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (23)
12/24/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (22)
12/24/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP, Clerks United! (21)
12/24/03 - Bonuses at my company
12/24/03 - Six Geeks a geeking
12/23/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (20)
12/23/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (19)
12/23/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (18)
12/23/03 - 5 Golden Teeth, buh-bump-bump-bump
12/23/03 - A visit to the neighborhood mechanic
12/23/03 - When I have to get up in the night to pee
12/22/03 - This just in!
12/22/03 - Paula at the bookstore.
12/22/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (17)
12/22/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (16)
12/22/03 - Filign Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (15)
12/22/03 - On the 2nd day of Christmas, Grandma got for me...
12/22/03 - Honorable Ninja for the holidays
12/22/03 - Clango for the Holidays
12/21/03 - Elderly advice
12/20/03 - The True Meaning of X-Mas
12/19/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (14)
12/19/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (13)
12/18/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (12)
12/18/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (11)
12/18/03 - My favorite southern phrases- more nods to umfum (5)
12/18/03 - Discount Witches Warehouse
12/17/03 - FTC #14- May old acquaintances be forgotten
12/17/03 - FTC #14- Real Time! with your host, Jesus.
12/17/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Intermission
12/17/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (10)
12/17/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United!(9)
12/17/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (8)
12/16/03 - My favorite southern phrases (4) (with nods to umfum-n-Ivy)
12/16/03 - My favorite southern phrases (about blowjobs) (3)
12/16/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (7)
12/16/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (6)
12/16/03 - My favorite southern phrases (2)
12/16/03 - My favorite southern phrases (1)
12/15/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (5)
12/15/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (4)
12/15/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (3)
12/15/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United (2)
12/15/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP: Clerks United! (1)
12/15/03 - Getting to know me
12/15/03 - Hide and go seek
12/15/03 - Operation Dumbo Drop
12/12/03 - Scary Fact about the new Stripcreator ads
12/12/03 - Like shooting fish in an office cube
12/11/03 - Smokey the Bear he ain't
12/11/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP
12/11/03 - Flu frenzy!
12/11/03 - FTC 13- The Education of Dcomposed
12/11/03 - FTC 13- The Ken and dcom Christmas special
12/11/03 - Our new neighbors
12/10/03 - At the off brand shoe factory, 14 days before Christmas
12/10/03 - Perry has a date (14)
12/10/03 - Perry has a date (13)
12/10/03 - Perry has a date (12)
12/10/03 - Perry has a date (11)
12/09/03 - FTC 12- Snowballs for cigarettes
12/08/03 - Perry has a date (10)
12/08/03 - Perry has a date (9)
12/08/03 - Perry has a date (8)
12/08/03 - Perry has a date (7)
12/08/03 - Perry has a date (6)
12/08/03 - Perry has a date (5)
12/08/03 - Perry has a date (4)
12/08/03 - Perry has a date (3)
12/08/03 - Perry has a date (2)
12/08/03 - Perry's got a date
12/08/03 - Man's nosiest friend
12/05/03 - More "Christmas Carol" observations with a friend
12/05/03 - Brian's Grandma
12/05/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP
12/05/03 - Yoga with Pablo
12/04/03 - You be Illin' when...
12/04/03 - Working in a computer mine
12/04/03 - Watching Dicken's "A Christmas Carol" with a friend
12/03/03 - CC 223-Stripcreator bound! Epilogue (9)
12/03/03 - CC 223- Stripcreator Bound (8) Fin.
12/03/03 - CC 223- Strip Creator Bound (7)
12/03/03 - CC 223- Stripcreator bound (A New Hope) (6)
12/03/03 - CC 223- Stripcreator bound (5)
12/03/03 - CC 223-Stripcreator bound (4)
12/03/03 - CC 223- Stripcreator bound (3)
12/03/03 - CC 223- Stripcreator bound! (2)
12/03/03 - CC 223- Stripcreator bound! (1)
12/03/03 - Saving Private FryGuy
12/03/03 - FTC #12-Template
12/02/03 - FTC #11- Won't you ride under my sleigh tonight?
12/02/03 - What the Holidays mean to me
12/02/03 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson
12/01/03 - At the Men's clothing store
12/01/03 - CC 222- Deuces Gone Wild
12/01/03 - CC 222: Little deuce-cubed
11/30/03 - For AccentuateNegative
11/30/03 - Richie Rich, 2099 AD
11/28/03 - FTC #11-The weather outside is frightful
11/28/03 - FTC #11-It should be called Santa-mas
11/28/03 - Happy (belated) Halloween
11/28/03 - mmyers Thanksgiving memories
11/28/03 - Horse and Dog show
11/25/03 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson (2)
11/25/03 - FTC X: Planet Santa
11/25/03 - FTC X: Take me to your Department Store
11/25/03 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson
11/25/03 - Thanksgiving at the White House
11/24/03 - Happy 500th comic to me
11/24/03 - Kids came to the opera today
11/24/03 - Neighbors
11/21/03 - Horse and Dog
11/21/03 - Public Service Announcement (2)
11/21/03 - Public Service Announcement (1)
11/21/03 - CC 221: Beauty is in the eye of the key pad
11/21/03 - The Raid on Neverland Ranch
11/21/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP
11/20/03 - Toby Keith for Ford trucks (the commercial I'd like to see)
11/20/03 - Cowboy Physic's Chevrolet
11/20/03 - FTC: The Question that musn't be asked
11/19/03 - Big Evil Dan vs. The Reaper
11/19/03 - An intervention with a Spam addict
11/19/03 - The Miracle of Life
11/19/03 - Umfumdaily (11-19-03)
11/18/03 - CC 221: Drag-Queen's Lair
11/18/03 - 3 more reasons why Boorite doesn't wear pants to work
11/18/03 - In the bathroom
11/18/03 - Cherry Poppin' Joe Average-Millionaire-Schmo
11/17/03 - FTC #9: What if Ra was one of us?
11/17/03 - Doesn't fucking count-garage days revisited
11/17/03 - An actor's life for me (7)
11/17/03 - An actor's life for me (6)
11/17/03 - An actor's life for me (5)
11/17/03 - An actor's life for me (4)
11/17/03 - An actor's life for me (3)
11/17/03 - An actor's life for me (2)
11/17/03 - An actor's life for me (1)
11/17/03 - My ode to Red Meat
11/15/03 - Why you must never talk to old people
11/15/03 - Awkwardness in the animal kingdom
11/15/03 - Christmas comes early
11/14/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP
11/14/03 - FTC 8: I have sinned in my heart
11/14/03 - FTC 8: If it makes you feel gouda...
11/13/03 - Give the Filing Clerk strength
11/13/03 - I'm calling to help.
11/13/03 - CC 220: Mad Cow disease Hollywood Remake (2)
11/13/03 - CC 220: The Hollywood remake of Mad Cow disease
11/13/03 - CC220: Sequel to Mad Cow disease
11/13/03 - CC220: About a Boy (if it were a summer movie)
11/12/03 - A Norwegian Viking in King Arthur's food court
11/12/03 - Umfumdaily 11/12/03 (version 2.0)
11/12/03 - Umfumdaily 11/12/03 (version 1.0)
11/11/03 - Being trained by Professor Redundant, the trainer
11/11/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP
11/11/03 - Butch in the principal's office
11/10/03 - This one is for choad, Filing Clerk VIP
11/10/03 - The Holiday Fun(d)
11/10/03 - Life in Italian
11/10/03 - My Glamorous Life
11/07/03 - FTC 7: What my Mom would say
11/07/03 - The Ant Olympics
11/07/03 - Honorable Ninja (and Son) Used Cars (5)
11/07/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP
11/06/03 - How things get fixed around my office
11/06/03 - Proud member of the Uri Nation
11/05/03 - You can take the nerd out of the filing room but...
11/05/03 - The Devil's Accountant (3)
11/05/03 - The Devil's Accountant (2)
11/04/03 - The Devil's Accountant (1)
11/04/03 - Honorable Ninja Used Cars (4)
11/03/03 - Honorable Ninja's Used Cars (3)
11/03/03 - Honorable Ninja Used Cars (2)
11/03/03 - Honorable Ninja Used Cars (1)
11/03/03 - CC 11: No experience required
11/01/03 - Halloween Memories by Helen Suggs
10/31/03 - Happy Halloween from Filing Clerk, VIP
10/30/03 - FTC #6: Affirmative interactions
10/30/03 - Why I didn't go to my high school reunion
10/30/03 - The silent agreement you make with Taco-Bell
10/29/03 - E! True Hollywood Story (13)
10/29/03 - E! True Hollywood Story (12)
10/29/03 - E! True Hollywood Story: Super Mario (11)
10/28/03 - E! True Hollywood Story: Super Mario (10)
10/28/03 - FTC #5: Psychic comic
10/28/03 - Why I'm annoying on a car trip...
10/24/03 - CC 217-K: Tyler works in mysterious ways
10/24/03 - E! True Hollywood Story: Super Mario (9)
10/24/03 - E! True Hollywood Story: Super Mario (8)
10/24/03 - E! True Hollywood Story (7)
10/23/03 - E! True Hollywood Story: Super Mario (6)
10/23/03 - E! True Hollwood Story: Super Mario (5)
10/23/03 - E! True Hollywood Story: Super Mario (4)
10/23/03 - E! True Hollywood Story: Super Mario (3)
10/23/03 - E! True Hollywood Story: Super Mario (2)
10/23/03 - E! True Hollywood Story: Super Mario (1)
10/23/03 - CC217: Life, the cereal and the magazine
10/23/03 - FTC #5: Fill in the blank
10/22/03 - FTC 4: Urban legend?
10/22/03 - True Stories of Filing Clerk, VIP- fin.
10/22/03 - True Stories of Filing Clerk, VIP (13)
10/22/03 - CC 217-0: The Dead Zone
10/21/03 - Shopping for a new TV
10/21/03 - Ronald McDonald goes back to college
10/21/03 - My last day working in the mall
10/20/03 - True Stories of Filing Clerk, VIP (12)
10/20/03 - FTC #4: When tourists go to Cinqo de Mayo
10/20/03 - Shopping at the kitty car lot
10/17/03 - Mysteries of the Vague...and Unknowable
10/17/03 - True Stories of filing Clerk, VIP (11)
10/17/03 - True Stories of Filing Clerk, VIP (10)
10/17/03 - Pamela Anderson urges you to stop eating KFC
10/17/03 - Butch substitute teaches again
10/16/03 - CC 216: The Return of Dramatic Robot Theatre
10/16/03 - Happy Boss(es) Day
10/16/03 - CC 216: An almost fantastic voyage
10/16/03 - Mysteries of the Vague...and Unknowable (movie)
10/16/03 - Mysteries of the Vague...and Unknowable
10/15/03 - Mysteries of the Vague and Unknowable
10/15/03 - Mysteries of the Vague and Unknowable
10/15/03 - True Stories of Filing Clerk, VIP (9)
10/15/03 - People invading the file room for no reason
10/14/03 - CC 215: Mouse on the street interview
10/14/03 - Charlotte O'Haircut
10/13/03 - FTC #3: Note to self
10/13/03 - FTC #3: Old Kaddar's Book of Practical Cats
10/13/03 - CC 215: Man's Best friend on the Street interviews
10/10/03 - True Stories of Filing Clerk, VIP (8)
10/10/03 - FTC #2
10/09/03 - True Stories of Filing Clerk, VIP (7)
10/09/03 - FTC #2
10/09/03 - Neal vs Ranger (5)
10/09/03 - Neal vs Ranger (4)
10/09/03 - Neal vs Ranger (3)
10/09/03 - Neal vs. Ranger (2)
10/09/03 - Neal vs. Ranger (1)
10/08/03 - True Stories of Filing Clerk, VIP (6)
10/08/03 - True Stories of Filing Clerk, VIP (5)
10/08/03 - FTC #2: A modest proposal
10/07/03 - True Stories of Filing Clerk, VIP (4)
10/07/03 - True Stories of Filing Clerk, VIP (3)
10/07/03 - True Stories of Filing Clerk, VIP (2)
10/07/03 - True Stories of Filing Clerk, VIP (1)
10/06/03 - CC 214: The Valhalla Saloon and Eatery
10/06/03 - CC 214: The Beat meets the Bleet (2)
10/06/03 - CC 214: The Beat meets the Bleet (1)
10/03/03 - The Fat Man's Jeff Foxworthy
10/03/03 - Monkey man, monkey Man (7)
10/03/03 - Meeting new people while being drunk...
10/03/03 - Dog Show
10/02/03 - Finish this comic #1
10/02/03 - In the bathroom.
10/02/03 - Obvious Joke, but hey
10/02/03 - Monkey man, monkey Man (6)
10/02/03 - WKNN, Kid's News Network
10/02/03 - The first Amish astronaut
10/02/03 - Getting older with mmyers
10/01/03 - CC 213: Planet of the Apes versus Soylent Green
09/30/03 - Owboyca ersusva lappyca nia Igpa Atinla
09/30/03 - Cowboy versus Clappy in Norway
09/29/03 - CC 213: Gleaming the Cuckoo's Nest
09/29/03 - Monkey man, monkey Man (5)
09/27/03 - Sunday's in the park with my stepson (6)
09/27/03 - Mmyers is getting older
09/26/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (26)-The End
09/26/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (25)
09/25/03 - CC 212: Cooking with Clango
09/25/03 - My so-called virtual life
09/25/03 - My allergies and sinuses
09/24/03 - Monkey man, monkey Man (4)
09/24/03 - Monkey man, monkey Man (3)
09/24/03 - CC 212: squirell@work
09/24/03 - CC 212: man@work
09/24/03 - CC 212: Die Tard, with a vengence...Finkleman
09/23/03 - Monkey man, monkey Man (2)
09/23/03 - Monkey man, monkey Man
09/19/03 - Filing Clerk VIP returns from a funeral
09/11/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (24)
09/11/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (23)
09/10/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (22)
09/10/03 - Cleaning out the closets
09/09/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (21)
09/09/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (20)
09/09/03 - CC209: Working together
09/08/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (19)
09/08/03 - CC 209: The Two Married Guys hanging out at the bar
09/05/03 - CC208: Filing Clerk 1900
09/05/03 - Butch leads a field trip to the aquarium (2)
09/05/03 - Butch leads a field trip to the aquarium (1)
09/04/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (18)
09/04/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (17)
09/03/03 - Cowboy versus Clappy
09/03/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (16)
09/03/03 - Sundays in the park with my stepson (5)
09/02/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (15)
09/02/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (14)
09/02/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (13)
09/02/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (12)
09/02/03 - Next on Bravo, 'Cross-eyed for the queer guy'
08/29/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (11)
08/29/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (10)
08/28/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely man (9)
08/28/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (8)
08/28/03 - CATHY gone wrong
08/26/03 - Darby Dillman, lonely man (7)
08/26/03 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson (4)
08/26/03 - CC206: For the boys serving a nickle in state prison
08/26/03 - CC206: Thanks Mom and Dad
08/26/03 - CC206: Congratulations on your 300th comic
08/25/03 - Comic Cup X: We're all the same
08/22/03 - Draby Dillman, lonely man (6)
08/21/03 - Darby Dillman, lonely man (5)
08/21/03 - Darby Dillman, lonely man (4)
08/21/03 - Darby Dillman, lonely man (3)
08/21/03 - Darby Dillman, lonely man (2)
08/20/03 - The World's Shortest Tragic Play-Revisited
08/20/03 - Dragon vs. Cat (5)
08/20/03 - Dragon vs. Cat (4)
08/20/03 - Dragon vs. Cat (3)
08/20/03 - Dragon vs. Cat (2)
08/20/03 - Dragon vs. Cat (1)
08/20/03 - George's first job
08/19/03 - Untitled
08/19/03 - Darby Dillman, lonely man (1)
08/19/03 - Untitled
08/18/03 - Untitled
08/18/03 - Untitled
08/18/03 - Untitled
08/18/03 - Hackneyed movie plot #37
08/15/03 - In the bathroom.
08/15/03 - When Police officers accidently pull each other over
08/15/03 - New names for groups of things (4)
08/14/03 - There are 3 kinds of people
08/14/03 - An important meeting at my office
08/12/03 - CC204: Placebo
08/12/03 - Fun with baseball terms
08/08/03 - BR1: Jesus vs Pablo (5)
08/08/03 - BR1: Jesus vs. Pablo (4)
08/08/03 - BR1: Jesus vs. Pablo (3)
08/08/03 - BR1: Jesus vs. Pablo (2)
08/08/03 - Pablo versus Jesus: Round 1
08/07/03 - CC203: Mind over Matter epilogue
08/07/03 - CC203: Mind over Matter
08/07/03 - CC203: My summer thus far
08/06/03 - CC203: Summer is the time for festivals
08/06/03 - Divine Intervention (3)
08/06/03 - Divine Intervention (2)
08/06/03 - Divine Intervention
08/06/03 - The Further Adventures of Retard-Man
08/05/03 - Public Access of Evil
08/04/03 - CC202: As the bird from the Flintstones said, It's a living
08/01/03 - CC202: Chuck Norris in Missing in Action 3
08/01/03 - The Teen Visa Card
08/01/03 - Saddam's new tape
08/01/03 - Being helpful
07/31/03 - Only the best for you
07/30/03 - By Mennen
07/30/03 - Your body is a Happy Meal
07/30/03 - CC 201: Gym in the Back of My Van (tm)
07/29/03 - CC 200: Captain Obvious and August 11 (7)
07/29/03 - CC:200 Captain obvious and August 12 (6)
07/29/03 - CC200: Captain Obvious and August 12 (5)
07/29/03 - CC200: Captain Obvious and August 12 (4)
07/29/03 - CC:200 Captain Obvious and August 12 (3)
07/29/03 - CC: 200 Captain Obvious and August 12 (2)
07/29/03 - CC200: Captain Obvious and August 12
07/29/03 - The sympathetic coworker conversations
07/29/03 - Time to reconsider (with a nod to niteowl)
07/28/03 - CC 200: Free Balloons for the kids
07/28/03 - Legally binding
07/25/03 - Inside The Rapper's Studio (7)
07/25/03 - Inside the Rapper's Studio (6)
07/25/03 - Inside The Rapper's studio (5)
07/25/03 - In the Bathroom.
07/25/03 - If it makes me laugh, it's probably bad
07/25/03 - CC199: Getting there is all the fun
07/24/03 - Inside the Rapper's Studio (4)
07/24/03 - Why girls hate guys
07/23/03 - CC 198: Celebrity Haiku
07/23/03 - Inside the Rapper's Studio (3)
07/23/03 - Inside the Rapper's Studio (2)
07/23/03 - Inside the Rapper's Studio (1)
07/23/03 - Watching the Dr. Phil show with my wife
07/23/03 - The Maze
07/23/03 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson (3)
07/22/03 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson (2)
07/22/03 - Saturdays in the park with my stepson
07/21/03 - Forrest Gump revisited
07/18/03 - When the children cry...
07/18/03 - Cowboy physics 1st job-Sweet revenge (2)
07/18/03 - Cowboy Physics first job (1)
07/17/03 - Butch teaches preschool (2)
07/17/03 - Evolution of thought (with thanks to Charles Darwin)
07/17/03 - Butch teaches preschool
07/16/03 - The Staff Meeting (2)
07/16/03 - The Staff meeting (1)
07/15/03 - A new study shows
07/14/03 - Filing clerk, VIP
07/14/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP
07/11/03 - Kraft Mackin' Cheese
07/11/03 - Nice n' greasey
07/10/03 - CC196: Filing Clerk VIP, the saga continues
07/10/03 - The 2003 Playstation Imprezza
07/09/03 - CC196: Even when you quit, it still doesn't matter
07/08/03 - In the wee small hours (2)
07/08/03 - A shot at the brass ring
07/08/03 - In the wee small hours of the night
07/08/03 - CC196: Important messages hdfgdfwygVCC
07/07/03 - My 200th comic
07/02/03 - 28 Comics Later....(15)
07/02/03 - 28 comics later...(14)
07/02/03 - 28 comics later...(13)
07/02/03 - 28 Comics Later...(12)
07/02/03 - 28 Comics Later...(11)
07/02/03 - 28 Comics later...(10)
07/01/03 - 28 comics later...(9)
07/01/03 - 28 comics later...(8)
07/01/03 - 28 comics later...(7)
07/01/03 - CC195: My place or yours (3)
06/30/03 - 28 Days Later...(6)
06/30/03 - 28 Days Later...(5)
06/30/03 - 28 Days later....(4)
06/30/03 - 28 comics later...(3)
06/30/03 - Defensive driving
06/30/03 - Coffee fund
06/27/03 - 28 Comics Later...(2)
06/26/03 - 28 comics later (spoilers)...
06/26/03 - Bugs Bunny, the drunk years (3)
06/26/03 - Bugs Bunny, the drunk years (2)
06/26/03 - Bugs Bunny, the drunk years
06/26/03 - I had to try one of these
06/25/03 - Baby on board (with respect to asween)
06/25/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP
06/25/03 - The Maze
06/25/03 - The Maze
06/24/03 - GossipBot (6)
06/24/03 - GossipBot (5)
06/24/03 - GossipBot (4)
06/24/03 - GossipBot (3)
06/24/03 - GossipBot on standby (2)
06/23/03 - New Org Chart
06/23/03 - Dress Code amended.
06/19/03 - Steven's Last Day (2)
06/19/03 - Steven's Last day at Work
06/19/03 - CC193: Meanwhile in Michigan
06/18/03 - CC193: Funeral for a friend
06/18/03 - Little girls and Kazaa
06/18/03 - The internet and little girls
06/17/03 - You couldn't make up a better ending (7)
06/17/03 - Explaining it to the coworkers (6)
06/17/03 - Explaining it to our apartment complex (5)
06/17/03 - That night for us (4)
06/17/03 - The Next Day for the mugger (3)
06/17/03 - The Mugging (2)
06/17/03 - Prologue (1)
06/16/03 - CC192: A case for exaggeration
06/06/03 - Beauty is in the eye (6)
06/06/03 - Beauty is in the eye (5)
06/06/03 - Beauty is in the eye (4)
06/06/03 - Beauty is in the eye(3)
06/06/03 - Beauty is in the eye (2)
06/06/03 - Beauty is in the eye (1)
06/05/03 - CC191: M Butterfly
06/05/03 - More commercials I don't want to see again.
06/04/03 - CC190:Ultimate Doom
06/04/03 - Life in the Maze
06/04/03 - Commercials I never want to see again.
06/03/03 - The Last Day I bought pretzels for the office
06/03/03 - Baby, I'm a mazed
06/03/03 - A Maze
06/02/03 - Apocalypse Soon. (6)
06/02/03 - Apocalypse Soon. (5)
06/02/03 - Apocalypse Soon. (4)
06/02/03 - Apocalypse Soon. (3)
06/02/03 - Apocalypse Soon. (2)
06/02/03 - Apocalypse Soon! Redux.
05/30/03 - New names for groups of things (3)
05/30/03 - New names for groups of things (2)
05/30/03 - New names for groups of things (w/ respect to S. Appleby)
05/30/03 - Friday is casual day
05/28/03 - CC189: Independence Day (July 4, 1776)
05/28/03 - CC189-The Day after the first Thanksgiving (est. 1610)
05/23/03 - Ben Grimm is the Thing: excelsior!
05/23/03 - Invisible...Girl
05/23/03 - The Human Torch
05/23/03 - Meanwhile, in Latveria
05/23/03 - 3.0 Four
05/23/03 - The True story of the Fantastic Four
05/21/03 - Sometimes you know it's time
05/21/03 - CC187: King Lear, the sitcom
05/20/03 - CC187-Hamlet, the first draft
05/20/03 - CC187:Taming of the Shrew, the lawsuits
05/19/03 - CC187: Hamlet 2-The Legend of Curly's Gold
05/19/03 - True Stories from my Job
05/15/03 - The adventures of External Monologue Man
05/14/03 - How the office reacts to Hall and Oates...
05/14/03 - How paper jams are handled in my office...
05/14/03 - How crises are handled in my office...
05/13/03 - X-Men: Nuff said.
05/13/03 - X-Men: And one of them shall surely DIE!
05/13/03 - X-Men: Attack!
05/13/03 - X-Men: Assemble!
05/13/03 - X-Men: Unleashed!
05/13/03 - X-Men: Secret Origins (1)
05/09/03 - Great Moments in Seltzer history (4)
05/09/03 - Great Moments in the history of Seltzer Water (3)
05/09/03 - Great Moments in the history of Seltzer water (2)
05/09/03 - Great moments in the history of Seltzer water (1)
05/08/03 - Happy anniversary to me.
05/08/03 - At my house last night...
05/08/03 - Paula's Alley
05/08/03 - Paula's internal monologue
05/08/03 - Paula's covers
05/08/03 - Paula's kitty
05/07/03 - Paula's Room
05/07/03 - Powersville Rd. (2)
05/07/03 - Powersville Rd. (1)
05/07/03 - Space 1999
05/07/03 - At my job...(2)
05/06/03 - At my job...
05/06/03 - In my own little corner (7)
05/06/03 - In my own little corner (6)
05/06/03 - In my own little corner (5)
05/06/03 - In my own little corner (4)
05/05/03 - In my own little corner (3)
05/05/03 - In my own little corner (2)
05/01/03 - CC184: Whose Strip is it?
05/01/03 - Darby Dillman:Lonely Guy
05/01/03 - In my own little corner.
05/01/03 - CC184: Whose Lion is it anyway?
04/30/03 - Dramatic robot Theater (3)
04/30/03 - Dramatic Robot theater (2)
04/30/03 - Dramatic Robot Theater (1)
04/30/03 - CC184 (2)
04/30/03 - CC184
04/25/03 - CC 183: Disney's UnderSea Adventure
04/24/03 - Bugs Bunny-behind the scenes
04/24/03 - Titanic in six panels (2)
04/24/03 - Titanic in six panels (1)
04/22/03 - Somethings you don't need a microscope to see
04/22/03 - New baby in the office
04/18/03 - More cards
04/16/03 - StripCreator Board Game (3)
04/15/03 - Strip Creator Board Game
04/15/03 - StripCreator board game
04/11/03 - CC181: Art imitates...
04/11/03 - CC181: Available for weddings, funerals, barmitzphas!
04/08/03 - CC180:The Search For Kaufman pt.2
04/08/03 - CC180:The Search for Kaufman, pt. 1
04/08/03 - CC180: Being Ken Haufman(ovich)
04/08/03 - CC180: This is kind of creepy...
04/04/03 - Life, the cereal
04/04/03 - Stranger things have happened
04/03/03 - Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (3)
04/03/03 - CC179: Darby Dillman, Lonely Man (2)
04/02/03 - Filing clerk, VIP
04/02/03 - CC179: Darby Dillman, Lonely man
04/02/03 - Serial Comic 8: Jesus Christ Super Hero
04/01/03 - When people agree...
03/31/03 - Tobor-The Later Years
03/31/03 - Space 1999 (2)
03/31/03 - Space 1999
03/28/03 - Office Awards (2)
03/28/03 - The Office Awards
03/25/03 - The Good ole days
03/24/03 - CC177: The Raven
03/20/03 - CC177-Jack and Jill as told by Stephen King
03/20/03 - CC:177-The Watchmen abridged
03/18/03 - If FamilyCircle comics were more realistic...
03/18/03 - Married nerd
03/17/03 - CC176:Mad Cow Disease
03/17/03 - CC176-Open Mic night
03/07/03 - Paula's overalls (2)
03/07/03 - Paula saves...
03/07/03 - CC174:
02/27/03 - Abuse of Power (4)
02/27/03 - Abuse of Power (3)
02/27/03 - Abuse of Power (2)
02/27/03 - Abuse of Power (1)
02/24/03 - CC:172 If God were an internet host...
02/19/03 - CC171: Jokes my Dad laughs at...
02/19/03 - CC 171: For 2,000 years...
02/19/03 - Lisa's diet
02/14/03 - Trying to make a difference
02/14/03 - CC 170: Kingdom Clone
02/13/03 - The truth hurts
02/13/03 - CC 170: Perversions of science
02/12/03 - How I know I'm getting old...
02/12/03 - Everyone has a trick
02/11/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP and the hostel takeover (6)
02/11/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP and the hostel takeover
02/11/03 - Filing Clerk VIP and the hostile takeover (4)
02/10/03 - Filing clerk, VIP and the hostile takeover (3)
02/07/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP and the Hostile Take over (2)
02/07/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP and the hostile take over (1)
02/06/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP vs The Vending Machine (5)
02/06/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP vs Vending Machine (4)
02/06/03 - Filing clerk, VIP vs Vending machine (3)
02/06/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP vs vending machine (2)
02/05/03 - Filing clerk, VIP
02/05/03 - Space 1989
02/05/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP
02/05/03 - Mysteries of Life
02/05/03 - Stranger Things...
02/05/03 - Filing Clerk, VIP
02/04/03 - Stranger things have happened
02/04/03 - Mysteries of Life
02/04/03 - Mysteries of life
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