Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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I flirt with brilliance but have sex with stupid.

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by mmyers
I got a special pimp smack I've been savin' for THE MAN. *bionic pimp smack noise*
Oh SNAP! My man pimped smacked THE MAN so hard he sent him back in time! Oh Snap!
That smack was like baby bear's porridge, you dig? Just right! Now I'm gonna raise up outta here, feel me playa?
Meanwhile in Norway 1573 AD.
YEEE-Ouch! Wha--he pimp smacked me back in time? That doesn't even make sense. Still, I'll bet I could do some damage here.
Unh, I been at sea for 3 years straight. I need a lovin' curess and you'll do! Into my tent with ya!
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