We start our story at Underground Laboratory, where controversial scientist Russell Jones is discussing a new, ground-breaking discovery!
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| Yo, man! Titration and shit! | |
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| What? What are you talking about? What about titration? | |
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After several experiments, Dr. Jones is convinced he can revitalize the dead tissue of organisms using DNA samples from bones. That is, revive the dead!
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| Motherfuckas all be corpses right now, but once I scrape some of they bones off they dead selves, I can bring that shit back to life! | |
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Shunned by his colleagues, Dr. Jones is forced to try and bring a human corpse back to life without the aid of Underground Laboratory, thus beginning one of the important events of science, ever.
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| *Psh* yo, fuck y'all! I'll bring them dead bitches back to life without all y'all punk-ass bitches! Y'all gonna be crawling back to me on all fo's when I finish my shit! | |
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| Dr. Jones, you've made Professor Beauford cry. Why must you always be so vulgar? | |
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