Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Oh, God. Lord, don't let her know. Just let it stay heavy, if not hard.
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by moissanite
We start our story at Underground Laboratory, where controversial scientist Russell Jones is discussing a new, ground-breaking discovery!
Yo, man! Titration and shit!
What? What are you talking about? What about titration?
After several experiments, Dr. Jones is convinced he can revitalize the dead tissue of organisms using DNA samples from bones. That is, revive the dead!
Motherfuckas all be corpses right now, but once I scrape some of they bones off they dead selves, I can bring that shit back to life!
Please, stop cursing.
Shunned by his colleagues, Dr. Jones is forced to try and bring a human corpse back to life without the aid of Underground Laboratory, thus beginning one of the important events of science, ever.
*Psh* yo, fuck y'all! I'll bring them dead bitches back to life without all y'all punk-ass bitches! Y'all gonna be crawling back to me on all fo's when I finish my shit!
Dr. Jones, you've made Professor Beauford cry. Why must you always be so vulgar?
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