A daytrip in his mind to a warm destination. It sure is good to get away from it all.
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| Hey Bro, you into that kinky shit, like get ya credit card ready kinda gig? | |
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| i seen this...err..heard about this movie where these guys like getting pain and stuff, you might wanna go to a group for like minded folk instead of being Mr i'm better than everyone else. | |
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| Lookee here, Fucko, if i have to get down from here then i'm gonna give you a one way pass to beatsville...and im am reknowned for my healing...not my beating...so piss off! Jeez, some people! | |
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| Ooooooo touchy! Guy's probably just got pins and needles! | |
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| got your name, asswipe...come the apocalypse...me and you outside! | |
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