Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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hello to all,

i am from the UK and l love creating comics. Not everyone will get where i am coming from but what the hell, give my stuff a look and let me know what you think anyway. Peace to all.

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by moogwa
Press Conference at guess where..Duh!
I do declare that i am shocked at only recieving one vote and then winning..well..waddya know and i havn't even got any pals on the Supreme Court
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap..well..about 12 dollars fifty and a bottle of Kool-Aid will seal the deal!
Who is THAT on the rooftop over there? hey you, secret service man..get them..please..don't ig..
Ooops! Shortest Administration in History..blink and miss it!
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