After the sucess with her first customer...and a shower, and a bath....tracy welcomes her second client...
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| Hi, I'm tracy, have you got anything in mind? What kind of things do you like? | |
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| the lollipop man visits me in my sleep and pushes crayons into my eyes! They're listening to me now, we're all doomed! | |
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| what? I'm new to the job see. | |
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| ahh yes, sorry dear..i was in a world of my own there!..ok, um, I wish to make love to you, but we must both have our backs to eachother...yes, that makes me hot!...ooh baby! | |
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| How will this work exactly? | |
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| hmm, it appears as though I haven't planned this as well as I had thought...good day to you miss. | |
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