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| You know, Kill Bill kicked fucking ass, you're one of my idols, the first time I saw Reservoir Dogs I knew I wanted to be a writer/director | |
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| Ok, so Kill Bill alright. It's totally an amaglam of the Shaw Brothers and Kurosawa and Sergio Leone right...ok so I am amazingly awesome and talented, did I ever tell you how great I am ok? | |
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| You know, I'm so great one day I went up to Martin Scorcesse I said Hey Marty, Knock Knock ok? and he said Who's There? and I said I am better than you are. *Insert Obscure pop-culture reference* | |
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And So Quentin was set on fire
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| Why don't you just shut your mouth and make some more kick ass movies that will change the world of cinema | |
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| But Gabe Kaplan was the greatest actor ever! | |
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