Two Hollywood executives...
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| So I was thinking we could remake Dr. Strangelove and call it Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Your Mom! | |
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| Yea, but instead of stairizing nuclear paranoia lets have people running from the threat of a talking Kangaroo! And he has a million dollars, and he could sing Rapper's Delight | |
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They further discussed re-making Dr. Strangelove into something that doesn't represent any shred of the original
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| That's Genius, lets have that guy from Stand By Me'do the Peter Sellers roles...he could be the kangaroo too | |
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| And Anthony Anderson could be the hilarious street-tough negro sidekick | |
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Then they were looking for writers to hire. I swear this is where Kangaroo Jack came from...(please disregard my ideas)
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| So basically we want to spit, vomit, defacate, urinate and ejaculate all over Stanley Kubrick's grave, and then fuck his dead corpse | |
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| ... How much are you paying me again? | |
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