Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson molests children.
That's not funny.
What the hell are you talking about? Yes it is!
Oh yeah. Hehehe.
mrpoop's Comics
06/05/12 - Literally
05/31/07 - House: Season 6
05/03/07 - Irony!!
02/12/07 - Schizophrenia throughout the ages
01/08/07 - Zooooooombiesssssssss
01/07/07 - Completely Inappropiate
12/14/06 - The worst comic I've ever made.
12/13/06 - The Rapture
12/13/06 - What ever happened to peanut bear?
12/10/06 - Relationship fun
12/03/06 - Slim Fast (tm)
11/16/06 - Pot smoking: Revealed!
10/17/06 - G.I. Joe
10/11/06 - Raped by a huge black man
09/21/06 - The cutter
09/19/06 - Religious hypocrisy!
08/16/06 - The tingle
08/15/06 - Excuses
08/10/06 - It's so hot out!!!!!
08/09/06 - The Continuing Adventures of Peanut Bear
08/08/06 - The Creation of Peanut Bear
07/12/06 - My short password
06/20/06 - What are women good for?
05/30/06 - Michael Jackson
05/26/06 - Chesticles
05/14/06 - Worst Joke Ever (Part 3)
05/13/06 - Worst Joke Ever (Part 2)
05/13/06 - Squidrabies
05/13/06 - Worst Joke Ever (Part 1)
05/08/06 - Amway
04/27/06 - It's a god damn Gyro okay
04/20/06 - Many shades of Green.
04/18/06 - No offense...
04/12/06 - How much of a dork am I?
04/10/06 - VDs
04/10/06 - Statistics. Doesn't get much more interesting than this.
04/07/06 - An exercise in monotony
04/06/06 - Old jokes
04/05/06 - Gay?
04/01/06 - I agree!
03/31/06 - Asian Names
03/27/06 - It's unmentionable!
03/23/06 - Jews for Jesus
03/07/06 - New Priest Joke!!
02/24/06 - IKEA Sex
02/16/06 - Blue Women
02/14/06 - Valentine's Day
02/13/06 - Our redneck presidents
02/06/06 - Ur a nation!
02/05/06 - Superbowl Sunday
02/02/06 - Aimee!!!
01/31/06 - Dental Floss!
01/31/06 - Formula for a Bobby and Pirate comic
01/29/06 - Post-college jobs
01/25/06 - Everybody loves shitty backgrounds
01/24/06 - The Penis Dialogs
01/18/06 - Say goodbye to 15 seconds of your life.
01/16/06 - Uncomfortability
01/15/06 - Here ya go, Big Frank.
01/14/06 - Subway, eat fresh
01/09/06 - Good old fashion racism
01/06/06 - Drugs
01/02/06 - 2005 (Part Two!)
01/02/06 - 2005 (Part One!)
12/31/05 - I'm not gay!
12/28/05 - Shittiest Father
12/27/05 - Simpsons Reference!
12/23/05 - Just Hypothetically!
12/21/05 - Zen masterbation
12/21/05 - Zen masterbation
12/20/05 - Masterbation
12/19/05 - There's nothing funny about Bobby and Pirate.
12/16/05 - French People
12/15/05 - English People
12/14/05 - Women (am I right fellas?)
12/13/05 - OMFG X-MAS!
12/12/05 - A cleaner comic
12/08/05 - Blow Job
12/07/05 - Pedophelia
12/07/05 - Alcoholism
12/02/05 - The future (cont.)
12/01/05 - The Future
12/01/05 - The Swirling Vortex (Part Five)
11/29/05 - The Swirling Vortex (Part Four)
11/27/05 - The Swirling Vortex (Part Three)
11/23/05 - The Swirling Vortex (Part Two)
11/22/05 - The Swirling Vortex (Part One)
11/21/05 - TV Accessory Showdown (Part Two)
11/17/05 - TV Accessory Showdown (Part One)
11/17/05 - Pattycake
11/10/05 - On Being Mean
11/09/05 - This Comic Does Not Involve Bobby or Pirate
11/07/05 - Sucky Jokes
11/04/05 - Eivo
11/04/05 - Telekinesis
11/02/05 - The Return of Rent
11/01/05 - Halloween
10/31/05 - The Toilet
10/28/05 - Bobby and Pirate's Origins (Finale)
10/27/05 - Bobby and Pirate's Origins (Part Three)
10/25/05 - Bobby and Pirate's Origins (Part Two)
10/24/05 - Bobby and Pirate's Origins (Part One)
10/23/05 - Plane Crashing
10/21/05 - The Journey
10/20/05 - Non sequiturs
10/18/05 - Cehng's Kitchen.
10/12/05 - Fresh morning farts
10/11/05 - Saved By The Bell
10/10/05 - C-SPAN
10/09/05 - Liberian Civil War
10/06/05 - PHEAR GOLDIE!!!!
10/05/05 - Nobel Prize
10/04/05 - Halloween
10/03/05 - The Return
09/29/05 - Goldie's musical talents
09/28/05 - Goldie Showers!
09/28/05 - Bobby meets Goldie!
09/22/05 - Nextel
09/21/05 - One and Blue
09/20/05 - War = Fun!
09/20/05 - 1988
09/19/05 - GTA
09/17/05 - PDAs
09/16/05 - PDA
09/14/05 - The Lame Outdoors
09/13/05 - The Aristocrats Joke
09/12/05 - Little Green Army Men
09/11/05 - Bobby The Vampire Slayer
09/07/05 - Angus Burger
09/07/05 - The Existential Farm
09/06/05 - The Lame House
09/05/05 - Spaceship Journey
09/05/05 - Labor Day
08/31/05 - Catholicism at it's best
08/30/05 - Flip Floppin Ninjas
08/30/05 - The finer things
08/29/05 - Pirate's Mom
08/25/05 - 2012
08/24/05 - Opposite Day
08/23/05 - Escape From Hell
08/22/05 - Hell continues...
08/21/05 - Welcome to Hell
08/18/05 - Out of the Sky
08/17/05 - TGI Friday's
08/16/05 - Urgay
08/15/05 - Think of the Children!
08/15/05 - Chicken Shack of Chickens
08/11/05 - PETA Part Two
08/10/05 - PETA Part One
08/09/05 - Gay Sex
08/08/05 - Matthew 1:1-17
08/04/05 - Taco Bell Part Two
08/03/05 - Momento
08/02/05 - Catnip
07/31/05 - All Girls Are Like This
07/28/05 - Democrats
07/25/05 - Our retarded President!
07/25/05 - Drug Problem Part 2
07/24/05 - Hardee's and Arby's
07/21/05 - Stereotyping = Fun
07/20/05 - Roman Polanski and Possums
07/19/05 - The French
07/18/05 - Damn Communists!
07/18/05 - Testicles
07/17/05 - Harry Potter SUCKS ASS
07/15/05 - Riley's Comic
07/15/05 - Dungeons and Dragons
07/12/05 - Hurricanes
07/12/05 - The Living END
07/11/05 - Taco Bell
07/11/05 - Too cool to be bothered
07/11/05 - FTC #67
07/11/05 - Comic Competition Part 3
07/11/05 - Comic Competition Part 2
07/11/05 - Comic Competition Part 1
07/10/05 - Left Handed Resistance
07/10/05 - Have Your Cake And Eat It Too
07/09/05 - Smoking
07/09/05 - Bon Bon!
07/08/05 - I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
07/08/05 - Toronto Girl
07/08/05 - Buffy Chic!
07/08/05 - Rent Part Two
07/08/05 - London
07/07/05 - Hi Naomi!
07/07/05 - Retarded Scientologists
07/07/05 - Hot Date Part Two
07/07/05 - Hot Date
07/06/05 - Killing Kittens
07/06/05 - Drug Problem
07/06/05 - Banned Again!
07/05/05 - Poor Johnson
07/05/05 - Rent
07/05/05 - Batman Begins
07/05/05 - Joke!
07/05/05 - There's one of them in every Halo game.
07/05/05 - Indian Food
07/05/05 - Communication
07/04/05 - Fox News
07/04/05 - Pizza
07/04/05 - Gay music
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