Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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Expect there to be plenty of references to incest, necrophilia, demons, grossness and probably rather a lot of swearing, too. 3rd August: Necromancer's Bane is expanding into World of Darkness jokes and more general humour. Hey, I had to run out of necro jokes eventually, right?
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by mutsje2000
Our... -My- world had been turned upside down. My first dilemma was which home to go to first? His or...his? Both were -mine-.
Hey, cool... I can levitate.
When I had settled upon one, there were, of course, the inevitable suprises upon arriving at whichever home I picked...
Hey, bitch, where's my supper?!
Last, but by no means least, were the strange looks I got when forced to attend a school for those of my apparent age.
I made a poopy!!
Don't they realise I'm a fucking genius?
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