Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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1. I am a sick individual.
2. My comix are only for those special few....
3. You know who you are, you special few....
4. Crackers are supposed to go with soup, not salad!
4. Bridges get you from A to B
5. Horses are basically made out of raw glue

and read my shit!~

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by newportlocal
I wonder if he will get me a drink....
I wonder if she would let me buy her a drink like I have....mine's great and I'm gettin buzzzzzed....
in a desperate attempt, he tries on his romancin' style.......
Hey, blondie....yer lookin' hawt! Want a buzzzzzzzer drink like me and later we could get naked or sumpin?
Sure........I like to open my thighs to strangerz, and my carpet matches the drapes........want to go to the "sushi bar?????!
Check me out......Im stuck back to back with myself in the last frame!!!!!!
And eyem sdill buzzzzzed....and now she izn't inderesded in getting some anymore. ...Maybe I could do both of them........
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