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| Welcome to trash-in-the-box. What can I get you, wheelboy? How about a gimp-wich, four eyes? | |
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| How dare you!!! I want a butt cheek sand with french flies, and a large bile, making it a combo, and make it quick, trash barrel boy! | |
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| I'm gonna get my manager, bi-circle-footed-shithead. Your food request is being processed..... | |
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| Shit. Poop. Gouda cheese butthole. Jigga watt. Bomber shcik eater. Just some shit I was thinking. And where is my fuckfood! | |
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| Can I help you? Oh, it's a blue plakard fuckface in my food joint, red head circular footed butthead! | |
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| Nice string of names! I've never had so much attention payed to me......fucking great feeling for a gimp! | |
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