When I have grape soda, I get REALLY hyper and I start spouting more shit than a broken toilet. Take today, for instance...
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| Mmmmm.... grape soda... That's odd, I don't feel hyper or anything. It must not affect me anymore. *sob* | |
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| Awww... It's ok, Lauren *breathes sigh of relief* | |
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| I feel... funny... HUOROAR!!!! | |
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| Becoming... Less aware of self and limitations...Bladder control...becoming... difficult... | |
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It's like the hulk on grape soda!!! AYAYAYAY!!! Run! She's gonna BLOW! *Spanish-y clicking noises*
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| So Lauren, give me two words that describe how you feel about drama class. | |
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| HAHAHAHAHA!!! I know... Fart and doo-doo! Hey, Meg pull my finger! I promise you'll be surprised... Fartfartfartfartfart!!! *hyena-like laughter* | |
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