Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

stripcreator donor

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Perchance someone will discover my comics, you'll find them to be in bad taste. Well guess what? That's deliberate. It's ironic. I'm "with the times."

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by ojcme
I'm a political leftist and I believe in the rights of the poor and those who cannot afford to defend themselves.
I'm a right winger, and I believe that the corporations should be responsible for things, because they can maintain economic stability while maintaining the status quo.
But shouldn't humans strive for betterment? Shouldn't there be social progress?
All that people ever need to do is strive for self sustainability. If people can make due, then they can make it.
And the poor?
Why do you think it's called "trickle down economics?"
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