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| Hey Mike. I am getting a bit bored with the constant training. Don't get me wrong. I am just ready to do something more hands on. | |
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| I figured as much. That's why today you will be listening to calls with Barry. That should give you more of a feel for what supporting InCroAbLe is like. | |
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| I have never used your software. I know nothing about computers. I don't read. I don't know anything about Windows. I have not been to any kind of training. I have no computer. So what do I do? | |
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| Well what is it that you are trying to do with the software? | |
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| YOU are supposed to know that! If I had time to figure what I needed to do, I wouldn't have called you people! I'd like to speak to your supervisor!! | |
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| Wait a minute. Did you say you don't HAVE a computer?? | |
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