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| oogi2000: Well. Its Easter. So happy fucking easter to all on #madman. | |
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| oogi2000: To Pen_Pen - One day you'll see that you're the most useless penguin in anime, except for pimping Gainax toys, and you saw Shinji's wang. | |
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| oogi2000: To the girls of the channel. Keep on coming. Don't let our sexual jokes, innuendos and porn stop you. Hell you may enjoy it. | |
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| oogi2000: To Dave, Saucy and others from Anime Inferno channel who reside in #madman, your little hell-hole is a refuge. | |
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| oogi2000: And to Coconut_monkey. For making this comic, i've just lost time to do my C++ and C assignments. So when I fail the unit and become destitute and have to pimp myself out for $2 for cheap | |
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| oogi2000: liquor, i Know who I can blame. And to every other fucker... the world wouldn't be the same without you. Except for O_scroll. The japanese would be screaming for joy. ^^ | |
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