Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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A man once told his grandson:
"A terrible fight is going on inside me - a fight between two wolves. One is evil, and represents hate, anger, contention, arrogance, selfishness, intolerance, and superiority. The other is good, and represents joy, peace, love, humility, kindness, mildness, generosity, and compassion. This same fight is going on inside you, inside every other person too."
The grandson then asked:
"Which wolf will win?"
The old man replied simply:
"The one you feed."
- A Native American Folk Tale

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by pita
Good morning, class. I hope you've studied for the health quiz today. Question #1 - What body part, when stimulated, increases to ten times its normal size? Mary?
What kind of teacher are you, asking a sixth grader a question like that? I'm telling my parents, and the principal, and you'll be fired !!!
Sit down, Mary. I repeat, what body part, when stimulated, increases to ten times its normal size? Johnny?
The pupil, ma'am.
Very good, Johnny. Mary, I have a few things I'd like to say to you. One, you have a very dirty little mind, and two, you obviously didn't study for this test.
And three, you're going to be very disappointed when you grow up !
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