possums's Comics 04/30/12 - Goofsketball Returns!?
05/22/07 - Purple Nigger
01/17/07 - Card-Carrying Super Pervert
01/17/07 - Bacon Family Reunion
01/17/07 - Abe Vigoda
01/09/07 - It's Been a While
03/14/06 - I Like This New Background
02/21/06 - Neutering Roger Is Impossible Because Dave Has OCD
01/28/06 - Freud Ian Slipp, Boyfriend
01/28/06 - Freud Ian Slipp, Halloweenist(???)
01/28/06 - Freud Ian Slipp, Attorney At Law
12/04/05 - S&M Call Boy Tryouts
11/30/05 - Late and Killing Myself
11/30/05 - CC XIII: Foxy Fighting Failure
11/26/05 - Red Light Green Light 2
11/26/05 - Red Light Green Light
11/16/05 - Comic Cup XIII: The A...hole
11/02/05 - Art Show
11/02/05 - Little Miss Shocked In Advance: The Bacon Chronicles
11/01/05 - ICC9: Unfortunate
10/22/05 - Remake of RCL's Entry
10/18/05 - Vaudville
10/18/05 - CC 301
10/04/05 - CC 299: Yet Even More Other Reasons You Should Vote For Me
10/04/05 - CC 299: More Other Reasons You Should Vote For Me
10/04/05 - CC 299: Other Reasons You Should Vote For Me
10/04/05 - CC 299: If You Don't Vote For possums, You Vote For This...
10/03/05 - Anyone Remember Anthrax?
09/20/05 - Interesting
09/18/05 - ABORTION ROFL
09/17/05 - Magic 8-Ball Robot (Slightly Broken)
09/07/05 - This is Bestiality
08/01/05 - Desert Island Disc(o Bombing)
07/25/05 - Bush Speaks At the NAACP
07/24/05 - The Random Button Takes Us Back to the Olden Days III
07/24/05 - The Random Button Takes Us Back to the Olden Days II
07/24/05 - The Random Button Takes Us Back to the Olden Days
07/23/05 - DIC: Karl Rove Is a Fat Kunt
07/22/05 - DIC: Cumbucket Charley
07/17/05 - What if the Magna Carta meant cock?
07/13/05 - CC 288: ending the sentence
07/08/05 - DIC: Cruise Control
07/03/05 - FTC 66 Template
07/01/05 - Jesus Cream
06/30/05 - a mandingo tribute: what if nigger meant party
06/28/05 - Dyke Tykes Kikes on Bikes
06/28/05 - Dyke Kikes
06/28/05 - Dyke Tykes
06/27/05 - Futuristic Dan
06/25/05 - Typical attitudechicka Comic... But Caveman Themed!
06/25/05 - Distance
06/25/05 - Thanks Anyway
06/25/05 - Little Miss Shocked-in-Advance 3
06/25/05 - PUPPY MUNCH!!!
06/25/05 - Little Miss Shocked-in-Advance 2
06/25/05 - Little Miss Shocked-in-Advance
06/22/05 - Band Name Talk
06/21/05 - Thank You
06/04/05 - Lust: Filler
05/30/05 - -
05/30/05 - -
05/29/05 - -
05/29/05 - Yet Another Typical Oregonian Gay Rights Quarrel
05/29/05 - Another Typical Oregonian Gay Rights Quarrel
05/29/05 - Typical Oregonian Gay Rights Quarrel
05/28/05 - -
05/28/05 - -
05/28/05 - -
05/28/05 - -
05/28/05 - -
05/28/05 - -
05/23/05 - Secret Ingredient
05/19/05 - Gulfstord
05/18/05 - General Shit
05/18/05 - That's disgusting.
05/17/05 - Name famous people game and then say asshole game
05/17/05 - this is a test?
05/15/05 - Minuet.
05/14/05 - The Man With So Many Venereal Diseases He Can't Get Any More
05/13/05 - Seem Familiar?
05/07/05 - FTC 62
05/06/05 - Incoherency Evolved
05/04/05 - Silence is Golden
05/03/05 - My Least Favorite Stripper
05/03/05 - TONY HAWK PULLS A 900
05/03/05 - Chaos Theory
05/03/05 - Boy Do We Need Borschtfire
05/03/05 - Your Fucking Grammar
05/03/05 - S&M
05/01/05 - THAT NICE LADY
05/01/05 - Clint Sells Out 2
05/01/05 - Clint Sells Out
04/29/05 - No Place Like Homie: Struggles of an Urban Gangster
04/27/05 - Two Puns For the Price of Pun
04/26/05 - Ziggy Sucks
04/23/05 - Got Any Gwapes? The Abriged Version
04/22/05 - Test-icle
04/22/05 - PUN'D
04/19/05 - Bad Chinese Movie: New Backgrounds
04/15/05 - Moop
04/13/05 - this is poor
04/11/05 - ilu
04/11/05 - HAW
04/09/05 - Choirboy Standup
04/03/05 - Obituary Rhymes
03/29/05 - BTC 24 Template
03/29/05 - Killing Me Softly With His Personal Economic Recovery Plan..
03/28/05 - SALT LICK
03/28/05 - The Random Button Is Fun
03/28/05 - Chess With God
03/28/05 - Why Cancer Blows
03/27/05 - Shruggers
03/27/05 - Fuzzy
03/27/05 - Malcontent
03/21/05 - The Death and Subsequent Rebirth of Artsy-Fartsy
03/12/05 - Metalhead Rhyming Game
03/12/05 - Omnipresent Jesus Coagulation
03/12/05 - FTC 58: *garble, garble SPLORK*
03/09/05 - The Bench at the End of the Rainbow
03/09/05 - Bran Flakes
03/09/05 - Bill O'Reilly
03/09/05 - Candie FIN
03/09/05 - Candie FINALE
03/09/05 - Candie SEPT
03/08/05 - Candie SIX
03/08/05 - Candie CINQ
03/07/05 - Candie QUATRE
03/06/05 - Candie TROIS
03/06/05 - Candie DEUX
03/06/05 - Candie, Le Cygne Ennuyant
03/03/05 - White People and Black People
03/03/05 - Dave (5)
03/03/05 - Dave (4)
03/03/05 - Dave (3)
03/03/05 - Dave (2)
03/03/05 - Dave
03/01/05 - FTC 56: Eh.
02/28/05 - Eucalyptus Snorters Special Edition DVD
02/27/05 - We Coulda Saved a Lot of Time Without CHUBBY...
02/26/05 - FOO!
02/23/05 - G.G. Allin
02/20/05 - Jimmy the Asshole Interviews Jesus
02/19/05 - Joey the Schmuck 13
02/18/05 - Joey the Schmuck 11
02/18/05 - Joey the Schmuck 9
02/18/05 - CC #276: That's Nice
02/18/05 - Joey the Schmuck 7
02/17/05 - Joey the Schmuck 5
02/16/05 - Joey the Schmuck 3
02/16/05 - Holy Christ!
02/16/05 - Joey the Schmuck
02/15/05 - Sasquatch Anus
02/15/05 - Nabisco Treats V.S. Kyrgistan
02/15/05 - We Want the Funk
02/11/05 - BUTT PLUG
02/09/05 - Rush Limbaugh's Jewish Girlfriend
02/06/05 - Not Funny 4
02/05/05 - Not Funny 3: Vertigo
02/05/05 - Not Funny 2
02/05/05 - Not Funny
02/05/05 - Cockpit
01/31/05 - Twenty Questions
01/31/05 - FTC 54: Being Literate Doesn't Always Help
01/30/05 - The Sacred Basin
01/29/05 - Interviewing Possums
01/24/05 - One Day at a Party
01/24/05 - If It Looks Like a Nonplacental Mammal...
01/22/05 - Eucalyptus Snorters (six)
01/22/05 - Eucalyptus Snorters (five)
01/22/05 - Eucalyptus Snorters (four)
01/22/05 - Eucalyptus Snorters (three)
01/22/05 - Eucalyptus Snorters (two)
01/22/05 - Eucalyptus Snorters
01/21/05 - Ball-de-sac (Sub-Sub-finale)
01/21/05 - Ball-de-sac (Sub-finale)
01/21/05 - Ball-de-sac (Finale)
01/21/05 - Ball-de-sac (10)
01/21/05 - Ball-de-sac (9)
01/21/05 - Ball-de-sac (8)
01/21/05 - Ball-de-sac (7)
01/21/05 - Ball-de-sac (6)
01/21/05 - Ball-de-sac (5)
01/21/05 - Ball-de-sac (4)
01/21/05 - Ball-de-sac (3)
01/21/05 - Ball-de-sac (2)
01/21/05 - Ball-de-sac (1)
01/20/05 - I Have a Sad Story To Tell You
01/20/05 - Another Reason Why Catholic Priests Are My Favorite
01/20/05 - Why You Should Never Read Mail Outside
01/20/05 - Boorite and Kajun Take Extasy
01/20/05 - Maladied Moo-cow and Mark on the Moon
01/20/05 - Maladied Moo-cow and Mark on the Moon
01/20/05 - Maladied Moo-cow and Mark on the Moon
01/20/05 - Maladied Moo-cow and Mark on the Moon
01/20/05 - Bradley the Fuckin' Asshole Gives an Interview
01/20/05 - Film Critics Discuss "A Apple"
01/20/05 - Film Critics Discuss "A Apple"
01/20/05 - "A Apple"
01/20/05 - "A Apple"
01/20/05 - "A Apple"
01/19/05 - "A Apple"
01/19/05 - "A Apple," Pretentious Film
01/18/05 - Tunin' It All Out
01/16/05 - Some People Has Funny Faces
01/15/05 - In Poor Taste
01/15/05 - Plans For the Future: Possums's Public Service Announcement
01/12/05 - Portage Mach 3
01/12/05 - Portage 2
01/12/05 - Portage
01/11/05 - BORN TO CHUG: Pt.4
01/11/05 - BORN TO CHUG: Pt.3
01/11/05 - BORN TO CHUG: Pt. 2
01/11/05 - BORN TO CHUG: Tales of a Male Prostitute
01/11/05 - Prelude to a Series
01/10/05 - Jedi Mind Trick
12/30/04 - Even More Dumb Priest Humor
12/29/04 - Behind the Stupid 5
12/29/04 - Behind the Stupid 4
12/29/04 - Behind the Stupid 3
12/29/04 - Behind the Stupid 2
12/29/04 - Etmus C. Dostoevsky: Behind the Stupid
12/27/04 - /topic: I Have No Life
12/24/04 - NOT YOU AGAIN!!
12/24/04 - Jinx!
12/24/04 - Be Careful What You Wish For
12/24/04 - LOL
12/23/04 - Jimmy
12/12/04 - Bunnerabb = Troll Pt.3
12/12/04 - Bunnerabb = Troll Pt.2
12/12/04 - Bunnerabb = Troll
12/09/04 - Pardon Me
12/09/04 - Pardon Me
12/09/04 - Pardon Me
12/09/04 - Pardon Me
12/09/04 - Pardon Me
12/09/04 - Why People Who Want to See Natalie Portman Nude are Sick 2
12/09/04 - Why People Who Want to See Natalie Portman Nude are Sick
12/07/04 - Anyone For Beef?
12/06/04 - NEXT DIMENSION!!!!
12/06/04 - :|
12/06/04 - :|
12/06/04 - :|
12/06/04 - Night of the Living Fatass
12/06/04 - Don't Do Drugs, You Might Be President Someday
12/05/04 - Bug
12/05/04 - Did The Quadratic Formula Explode?!
12/04/04 - :|
12/04/04 - :|
12/04/04 - Why MikeyG Will Never Be My Roommate
12/03/04 - Makeovers
12/03/04 - WW 31: I'm Funnier Than Chubby
11/30/04 - Kajun in the Alternate Universe, Pt.7
11/30/04 - Kajun in the Alternate Universe, Pt.6
11/30/04 - Kajun in the Alternate Universe, Pt.5
11/30/04 - Kajun in the Alternate Universe, Pt.4
11/30/04 - Kajun in the Alternate Universe, Pt.3
11/30/04 - Kajun in the Alternate Universe, Pt.2
11/30/04 - Kajun In the Alternate Universe, Pt.1
11/29/04 - FTC #47: Bastard
11/29/04 - FTC #47: Phat Procession
11/29/04 - FTC #47: Would You Like To Try A Combo Corpse?
11/29/04 - FTC #47: Out of Ideas
11/27/04 - FTC 47: Little Girlie Men
11/27/04 - Spanksgiving
11/27/04 - Tom Hanksgiving
11/25/04 - Fetiche
11/25/04 - The Passion of the Heist
11/24/04 - Why The Defense of Marriage Coalition Sucks Balls
11/21/04 - Think About It: The President is a FOOL
11/21/04 - Return of Foo the Fly
11/21/04 - Octoprostitute
11/21/04 - Fin
11/21/04 - Un Petit Argent 6
11/21/04 - Un Petit Argent 5
11/21/04 - Un Petit Argent Title Page
11/21/04 - Un Petit Argent 4
11/21/04 - Un Petit Argent 3
11/21/04 - Un Petit Argent 2
11/21/04 - Un Petit Peut Argent
11/20/04 - Tom Clancy Goes Off the Deep End... Again.
11/19/04 - A Normal Person's Worst Nightmare
11/19/04 - My Worst Nightmare
11/19/04 - CC#: 265: Donkey's Worst Nightmare
11/18/04 - The End
11/16/04 - The 700 Club Soliloquy
11/16/04 - Bad News
11/16/04 - OBGYN: Only Buddhists Get Yawning Nipples
11/16/04 - Spiral Universe
11/16/04 - I Officially Love This Bird
11/16/04 - Some Reasons Why I Can't Make Comics For Shit
11/16/04 - Inside the Senate Building
11/07/04 - CC# 264: Question 69
11/07/04 - Sexual Creditor
11/05/04 - True Portland Story
10/31/04 - This Is Also a Bad Pun
10/24/04 - Smartass McGee
10/02/04 - CC#60: Give Them Some AdVice!
10/02/04 - CC#60: I Use... A Body Rub... Called...
10/02/04 - CC#60: The Awful Truth
10/02/04 - CC#60: Oddball Debate Edition
09/30/04 - CC#60: The Debate 4
09/30/04 - CC#60: The Debate: Commentary
09/30/04 - CC#60: The Debate 3
09/30/04 - CC#60: The Debate 2
09/30/04 - CC#60: The Debate
09/26/04 - Inside Joke
09/24/04 - IT'S SO BAD
09/20/04 - Cumshot: For Fans of Taxi Driver
09/19/04 - Cumshot: The Director's Cut
09/18/04 - I Beat You All To It: Pirate Physics
09/18/04 - Foreign Relations
09/18/04 - Tired Old Joke
09/17/04 - CAPN BASTARD
09/17/04 - Cap'n Gazang
09/14/04 - Fuck Tiny Dogs
09/11/04 - Prison Bitches
09/11/04 - FTC #44 Template
09/08/04 - 6 6 6
09/08/04 - Fuck the Pope
09/08/04 - Fuck the GameFAQs Guys Coming On Stripcreator
09/08/04 - Fuck Ted Bundy
09/06/04 - No, Actually, This Isn't Goodbye
09/06/04 - So I Guess This is Goodbye
09/05/04 - Satan and Fly
09/04/04 - This is My Unfunniest Comic, and That's Saying Something
09/04/04 - Terrible Rhymes
09/04/04 - 256: The Jesus of the Past, Present, and Future
09/02/04 - Carl and Carl 3
09/02/04 - Carl and Carl 2
09/02/04 - Carl and Carl
09/02/04 - CC 256: Seems Oddly Familiar...
09/01/04 - Anuses of Meat? What?
09/01/04 - Bronson and Johnson Gone XVXIXXV?!? (I stopped counting)
09/01/04 - SC Civil War Re-Enactment
08/31/04 - Interview
08/27/04 - Satan Goes to Court
08/27/04 - Cumshot
08/27/04 - FTC #43: Tha Reaper
08/27/04 - FTC #43: Do You Believe in Love After Life?
08/27/04 - BTC 14: Bullshit
08/27/04 - BTC 14: The Traffic Light Game
08/26/04 - Foil Fumble: It's a Terrible Joke, Really
08/23/04 - 255: The Alien in Italy
08/23/04 - My Comiuc
08/22/04 - I'm Gonna Beat You to a Pulp (Fiction)
08/20/04 - Mourning 37
08/19/04 - Mafia Fear Factor
08/19/04 - Suckie Suckie, Fish Head
08/17/04 - Hmm.
08/15/04 - Slang Throughout the Ages
08/09/04 - If Budweiser Ran AA Meetings
08/07/04 - Married Couple
08/07/04 - Here's Some AdVice
08/03/04 - The Major Hypocrisy of Community Service
08/03/04 - More Relationships
08/03/04 - Relationships
07/31/04 - Showgirls in Three Panels
07/31/04 - Taxi Driver in Three Panels
07/31/04 - The Passion of the Christ in Three Panels
07/31/04 - Doggy Style, Pt.4
07/31/04 - Doggie Style, Pt.3
07/31/04 - Doggie Style, Pt. 2
07/31/04 - Sam Jackson Gets Turned into a Dog, Pt. 1
07/31/04 - Sam Jackson at the Witch's Cove
07/31/04 - Sam Jackson at the Witch's Cove
07/31/04 - The Canadian Army Pt.3
07/31/04 - The Canadian Army Pt.2
07/31/04 - The Canadian Army
07/29/04 - School For Sadists Pt.7
07/29/04 - School For Sadists Pt.6
07/27/04 - CC #252:SC Can't Get Enough Of That Ass... Are We Black?
07/26/04 - CC #252: The Rarely Seen 13th Way of Saying No
07/26/04 - School For Sadists Pt.5
07/26/04 - School For Sadists Pt.4
07/26/04 - School For Sadists Pt.3
07/26/04 - School For Sadists Pt.2
07/26/04 - School For Sadists
07/25/04 - WW 22: This Is The Last One... I Promise
07/24/04 - BTC 12 Template
07/23/04 - 600 There I Went
07/23/04 - 600 Here I Am
07/23/04 - 600 Here I Come! Pt.II
07/23/04 - 600 Here I Come! Pt.I
07/23/04 - Video Killed the Radio Star in 3 Panels
07/23/04 - Raining Blood in 3 Panels
07/23/04 - Have You Had a Chat With Jesus Today?
07/22/04 - CC# 251: The AC (All-Caps) Brigade
07/22/04 - BTC# 11: The Return of the Grand Anal Vomit
07/21/04 - CC #251: Crosscornholing
07/19/04 - CC# 251: Fuck's Flying Circus 3
07/19/04 - CC# 251: Fuck's Flying Circus 2
07/19/04 - CC# 251: Fuck's Flying Circus
07/18/04 - It's Alright, I'll Program in the Dark
07/18/04 - WW XXII
07/13/04 - Um....
07/12/04 - CC 251: This Town's Going To the Dogs
07/11/04 - Kape Kaufman Pt.IV: SHIT's Fall Lineup
07/11/04 - Kape Kaufman Pt.III
07/11/04 - Kape Kaufman Pt.II
07/11/04 - Kape Kaufman Pt.I
07/06/04 - Dül! 5
07/02/04 - Duel! 3
07/02/04 - Duel!
07/02/04 - Smart Parrot
07/02/04 - Kaufzilla
06/27/04 - Bronson and Johnson XV: Memento Version
06/27/04 - Bronson and Johnson XIV
06/27/04 - Neurotic Yuppie Lesbians 2
06/27/04 - Neurotic Yuppie Lesbians
06/26/04 - moer of teh stripcraetore jame
06/26/04 - It's Official: I'm Out of Ideas
06/25/04 - Comments on Possums Finale
06/25/04 - Comments on Possums 9
06/25/04 - Comments on Possums 8
06/25/04 - Comments on Possums 7
06/25/04 - Comments on Possums 6
06/25/04 - Comments on Possums 5
06/25/04 - Comments on Possums 4
06/25/04 - Comments on Possums 3
06/25/04 - Comments on Possums 2
06/25/04 - Comments on Possums 1
06/25/04 - FINNIGAN
06/25/04 - FINNIGAN
06/25/04 - FINNIGAN
06/25/04 - Whoa! Arbitrary! 1
06/25/04 - More Silent
06/25/04 - Who Turned Out the Lights?
06/25/04 - More Dumb Priest Humor
06/25/04 - Artsy Fartsy Goes to the Moon
06/25/04 - Metal Canary
06/25/04 - Sing. Sing a Song.
06/24/04 - BTC#9: Doppleganger
06/24/04 - BTC#9: A Kid With No Shirt Makes His First Comic
06/23/04 - BTC #9: Fast and the Furious
06/23/04 - One Fine Day
06/23/04 - Lethargic Larry 5
06/23/04 - Lethargic Larry 3
06/23/04 - Lethargic Larry 1
06/23/04 - Possums News For the Week of 6/20/2004
06/23/04 - One Day at a "Magic: The Gathering" Card Festival
06/22/04 - Quentin Tarantino Joins Stripcreator
06/22/04 - Ingmar Bergman Joins Stripcreator
06/22/04 - WB Gets Bought Out Finale
06/22/04 - WB Gets Bought Out Pt. VII
06/22/04 - WB Gets Bought Out Pt. VI
06/22/04 - WB Gets Bought Out Pt. V
06/22/04 - WB Gets Bought Out Pt. IV
06/22/04 - Warner Bros. Gets Bought Pt.III
06/22/04 - Warner Bros. Gets Bought Out Pt.II
06/22/04 - Warner Bros. Gets Bought Out Pt.II
06/22/04 - Warner Bros. Gets Bought Out
06/21/04 - Jesus: Standup Comedian
06/21/04 - WW 20: The Absolute Worst Things To Say to a Feminist
06/20/04 - Jesus Loves You All and He Does Not Want You To Eat Him
06/20/04 - FTC 37: Hellish Homies
06/20/04 - FTC 37: Now You'll See!
06/20/04 - FTC 37: Satan on Ice
06/20/04 - Short, Sweet, and Totally Lame
06/18/04 - If Silence of the Lambs Was a Date Flick
06/18/04 - If Silence of the Lambs Was a Date Flick
06/17/04 - Rabbangel
06/17/04 - Bronson and Johnson XIII.VI: Endless References
06/17/04 - Bronson and Johnson XIII.V
06/17/04 - Bronson and Johnson XIII.VI
06/14/04 - Bronson and Johnson XIII.IV
06/14/04 - Bronson and Johnson XIII.III
06/14/04 - Bronson and Johnson XIII.II
06/14/04 - Bronson and Johnson XIII.II
06/14/04 - Bronson and Johnson XIII.II
06/14/04 - Bronson and Johnson XIII.I :When in Doubt, Cameo It Out
06/14/04 - Bronson and Johnson XIII
06/14/04 - Mob Angel
06/14/04 - Mob Angel
06/14/04 - WW19: World Wars Again
06/14/04 - No. This is It. The Worst Pun Ever.
06/10/04 - The Art of Memory
06/08/04 - Turning Over a New Leaf
06/08/04 - Juliet's Goat: The Rarely Seen Prequel
06/07/04 - Jes_Lawson Visits an American... PUB!! Tee hee!
06/07/04 - 500!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
06/07/04 - Very Stupid
06/07/04 - Yo!
06/07/04 - The Caucasian Blender Machine
06/07/04 - Slasher Physics
06/07/04 - It's STILL An Artform
06/07/04 - Hitler Live 4
06/07/04 - Hitler Live 3
06/07/04 - Hitler Live 2
06/07/04 - Hitler Live: A Cooking Show
06/07/04 - I eat little cunts like you for aperetifs.
06/07/04 - Hell
06/07/04 - Shitsmas: The FBI Agent With Bad Slang Returns
06/07/04 - Shitsmas: The Confession
06/07/04 - The Spirit of Shitsmas II
06/07/04 - Now It's an Artform
06/07/04 - Fuck?
06/07/04 - FTC 37: I'd Figured There'd Be That Bitch In Hell
06/06/04 - Final Fantasy Spankling
06/06/04 - Final Fantasy Spankling
06/06/04 - The Bench in the Middle of the Ocean
06/06/04 - JTS: The Spirit of Shitsmas
06/06/04 - Jesus Takes a Shit: People Take Notice
06/06/04 - Jesus Takes a Shit
06/06/04 - Jesus Takes a Shit on Rush Limbaugh
06/05/04 - Holly McHonesty Gives a Eulogy at Reagan's Funeral
06/05/04 - Deaf People Should Not Keep Journals
06/05/04 - World's Worst World Wars
06/04/04 - Attitudechicka is Mean. This is My Revenge.
06/04/04 - The Athiest and the Donkey
06/04/04 - Anal Vomit
06/04/04 - The First Monkey in Space: A Failure
06/04/04 - The Awakening
06/04/04 - BCC2: HBK! I'm jes' a sexy boi...
06/04/04 - Muscle Asshole
06/02/04 - Necromantics
06/02/04 - "Arty D.A.R.E. Commercial"
06/02/04 - "The Movie Sucked the First Time So Here it Is in Reverse"
06/02/04 - Charlie Kaufman's "Pretentious For the Fuck of It"
06/02/04 - Charlie Kaufman's "Pretentious For the Fuck of It"
06/02/04 - Random Acts of Idiocy
06/01/04 - I'm Lost. Ya Lost me.
06/01/04 - Fun
05/31/04 - Videogame Heaven
05/29/04 - Way To Take Paris By Storm, Evil Monster!
05/29/04 - Alcoholics Are So FUNNY
05/29/04 - Mi Casa, Su Casa, He Casa?!
05/29/04 - The Bench in the Middle of the Ocean
05/29/04 - Hi, My Name Is...
05/29/04 - A Stupid Comicski
05/29/04 - I F**ked My Math Teacher
05/28/04 - The Curmudgeon of Death Valley
05/28/04 - I See. Well Then. I'm Sorry You Feel That Way.
05/27/04 - Most Obscure, Charlie
05/27/04 - I Have SEEEEEN The Light!!!
05/27/04 - I Have SEEEEEN The Light!!!
05/27/04 - Fuck the News.
05/27/04 - W W
05/27/04 - AAAAAAGH
05/27/04 - First Joo Take-a da Setup, den Joo Take-a Da Punchline!
05/26/04 - WW17
05/26/04 - Tax Cuts For da Wealty, Mon!
05/26/04 - Nazi Weddings
05/24/04 - Fcuk
05/24/04 - Fuck you
05/24/04 - Bronson and Johnson XII
05/24/04 - Bronson and Johnson XI: I've Decided To Use TWO Backgrounds!
05/22/04 - Duck?
05/21/04 - Bronson and Johnson X
05/21/04 - Bronson and Johnson IX: A Tribute to Bwian
05/21/04 - Bronson and Johnson VIII
05/21/04 - Bronson and Johnson VII
05/21/04 - Bronson and Johnson VI
05/20/04 - Bronson and Johnson V
05/20/04 - Bronson and Johnson V
05/20/04 - Bronson and Johnson IV
05/20/04 - Bronson and Johnson III
05/20/04 - Bronson and Johnson II
05/20/04 - Bronson and Johnson II
05/20/04 - Bronson and Johnson: Film Buffs
05/20/04 - CC 235: Mmm.
05/19/04 - WW17
05/19/04 - Worst Thing to Say at an Ethnic Restaurant
05/18/04 - The Meaning of Life as Explained by SNOOK J.R.
05/18/04 - The Meaning of Life as Explained by the All-Loving SNOOK
05/17/04 - FTC 35: Saived Bi an Anjel
05/16/04 - World's Worst Thing to Say on the Last Day of Your Life
05/16/04 - World's Worst 16
05/15/04 - Gedsuntheit
05/15/04 - You BASTARD: The Musical
05/15/04 - Product Placement Ahoy
05/14/04 - The New Pressadent of Hell
05/12/04 - Introducing: The AssReamer2000
05/12/04 - FTC 34: ..............................................qua?
05/11/04 - More Google Crap: WZKB CD Superstore
05/11/04 - Those Fucking Google Ads Part 3: Workplace Violence
05/11/04 - Those Fucking Google Ads Part 2: Christian Comedians
05/11/04 - Those Fucking Google Ads Part 1: Singing Telegrams
05/10/04 - The 400th Blow
05/10/04 - The 400th Blow
05/10/04 - The 400th Blow
05/10/04 - Joe Pesci Does Stand Up
05/10/04 - Stupid Videogame Comic
05/09/04 - BTC 4 Template
05/08/04 - Cheer Up, Emo Kid Vol.IV
05/08/04 - Cheer Up, Emo Kid Vol.III
05/08/04 - Cheer Up, Emo Kid Vol. II
05/08/04 - Cheer Up, Emo Kid
05/07/04 - Your Mom Knitted You a Lemon!
05/07/04 - Almost Over
05/07/04 - Kiss Me, I'm Stupid
05/07/04 - Do You Smack Your Mother With That Wrist?
05/07/04 - FTC 34: MUSH-Room MUSH-Room
05/07/04 - FTC 34: "Passion" Indeed
05/05/04 - Artsy-Fartsy Goes to Hollywood In Widescreen
05/05/04 - I Fancy Violence at the Theatre
05/05/04 - What Sucks
05/05/04 - CINCO DE MAYO
05/05/04 - CC 243: Bejesus, This Sucks!
05/05/04 - CC 243: Bejesus Inside the Man's Stomach
05/05/04 - CC 243: The Legend of Bejesus Pt.II
05/05/04 - CC 243: The Legend of Bejesus
05/04/04 - BTC 3: Bush-Shit!
05/04/04 - BTC 3: You'll Grab Your Crotch in Pain
05/04/04 - BTC 3: You'll Grab Your Crotch in Pain
05/04/04 - NUN SLAYER
05/04/04 - BTC 3: An Almost True Story
05/03/04 - This is for Ethan's Portfolio
05/03/04 - World's Worst 15: I Object!
04/29/04 - A Shocking Conclusion to a Rather Boring Plot Line!!!!
04/29/04 - Dollars and Dimes For Nary a Mime (Timmy's Comic)
04/29/04 - Dollars and Dimes For Nary a Mime (Timmy's Comic)
04/29/04 - Timmy's Amazing Adventure in N00b Hell IV
04/29/04 - Timmy's Amazing Adventure in N00b Hell III
04/29/04 - Timmy's Amazing Adventure in N00b Hell II
04/29/04 - Timmy's Amazing Adventure in N00b Hell
04/29/04 - The French Pt. The Last!!!!!!1!!
04/29/04 - The French Pt.IV: The Bunny and the Frenchie Face Off
04/29/04 - The French Pt.III: Our last hope is a kleptomaniac rabbit.
04/29/04 - The French Pt.II
04/29/04 - America's #1 Horror
04/28/04 - World's Worst 14: It Had to Happen
04/28/04 - BTC 2: Remember, it's Funda-MENTAL
04/28/04 - Worst Things to Say on an (Animal) Farm
04/28/04 - Anti-Drug Campaign
04/27/04 - The Famah's Dattah
04/27/04 - WW 14
04/27/04 - BTC 2: News Blows
04/27/04 - BTC 2: Never EVER Dub Anime
04/27/04 - BTC 2: bdumcshhh!
04/27/04 - GIANT HENTAI MONSTER!!!!1!!
04/26/04 - Pitching Eternal Sunshine to Someone With a Frontal Lobe
04/26/04 - Para the Paranoid Businessman Pt.III
04/26/04 - Para the Paranoid Businessman Pt.II
04/26/04 - Para the Paranoid Businessman
04/26/04 - Bondage School
04/24/04 - OMG WTF
04/24/04 - Oh, Blindness, You Silly Goose!
04/24/04 - Fun South Park Reference
04/24/04 - Crotheseus: The Nun's Son
04/23/04 - Getting a "Perm"
04/23/04 - Where Hannibal Ended Up
04/23/04 - Traveling With the Asian Girls
04/22/04 - Here, Richard Simmons, Have a FAAABULOUS Dollar
04/22/04 - Here, Biped, Have a Fucking Dollar
04/20/04 - The World's Worst Joke
04/20/04 - Old Dirty Chinese Restaurant
04/20/04 - Old Dirty Chinese Restaurant
04/20/04 - Worlds Worst 13: An Endless Array of Hannibal References
04/20/04 - Pretty Fishy: The Romance Begins! And ends...
04/20/04 - Pretty Fishy Volume a Second
04/19/04 - Pretty Fishy
04/19/04 - Love Under the Sea
04/19/04 - The Meaning of Life as Explained by The Asian Girls
04/17/04 - Silence of the Hams
04/17/04 - Piledriving Miss Daisy
04/14/04 - FTC 31: What.... the fuck.
04/13/04 - World's Worst 11: The Airport
04/13/04 - DONKEY PUNCH!!!!
04/13/04 - Boorite's Chat with Possums.. uh... Physics
04/12/04 - The Meaning of Life as Explained by Mark Schultz
04/12/04 - The Meaning of Life as Explained by The Donkey
04/12/04 - The Meaning of Life as Explained by Max Hobbs
04/09/04 - What the Hell is Mira Sorvino Doing on Mt. Olympus?
04/07/04 - Flippot l'Agriastic Mongo Finale
04/07/04 - Flippot l'Agriastic Mongo Pt. Deux
04/07/04 - Flippot l'Agriastic Mongo
04/07/04 - Flippot the Agriastic Mongo
04/07/04 - What's Love Got to Do With It?
04/07/04 - An Ode to Dave Chappelle
04/06/04 - It's a Meshuggah Song! Future Breed Machine!
04/06/04 - Rhapsody in Blue
04/06/04 - CC239: The Asian Girls Sing Some Slayer Tunes
04/06/04 - World's Worst Things to Say on Vacation... IN NEW JERSEY!!
04/05/04 - FTC 30: SEX
04/05/04 - FTC 30: I'm Sorry, I Couldn't Help Myself...
04/04/04 - 300TH COMIC INSTIGLOGRAM!!!!
04/04/04 - Åés†rö: Çhámpîóñ øƒ â Bêlâ€
04/04/04 - Why You Should Never Trust Old People Pt.II
04/04/04 - Random Punch Line Generator
04/04/04 - Rabbits V.S. Rabbis
04/02/04 - The Power Of Voice Resurrected
04/02/04 - After-Sex Chatter: The Matador's Bitch
04/02/04 - After-Sex Chatter: Donkeys
04/02/04 - After-Sex Chatter: Twin Lesbians
04/02/04 - After-Sex Chatter: Gay Cowboys
04/02/04 - After-Sex Chatter: Ghosts
04/02/04 - JESUS'D!
04/02/04 - EASTER
04/01/04 - What IS Fandango?
04/01/04 - FTC 29: Wurfling
04/01/04 - FTC 29: Jail Bait
04/01/04 - FTC 29: Jail Bait
04/01/04 - FTC 29: Prince Perverto
04/01/04 - FTC 29: Stupid Fairies
04/01/04 - FTC 29: Cheesus
03/31/04 - The Return of Artsy-Fartsy Again!
03/31/04 - Boinky's Lover
03/30/04 - After-Sex Chatter: The Amish
03/30/04 - After-Sex Chatter: Newscasters
03/30/04 - After-Sex Chatter: Computers
03/30/04 - After-Sex Chatter: n00bs
03/30/04 - After-Sex Chatter: Hippies
03/30/04 - After-Sex Chatter: Mice
03/30/04 - After-Sex Chatter: Penguins
03/30/04 - Cannibal Orgy Jesus
03/30/04 - Los Man Du Highway
03/30/04 - Teh Hieweymann
03/30/04 - Highway Man Storyboards
03/30/04 - Highway Man Storyboards
03/30/04 - Offensive Movies
03/29/04 - The Severed Head of Mastalango-Kay Pt.XIII: Cinema Notes
03/29/04 - The Severed Head of Mastalango-Kay Pt.XII
03/27/04 - FTC 29: Mouse Prince Physics
03/27/04 - Assmaggot Malloy: Champion of Doom!â„¢
03/26/04 - The Severed Head of Mastalango-Kay Pt.XI
03/25/04 - The Severed Head of Mastalango-Kay Pt.X
03/25/04 - The Severed Head of Mastalango-Kay Pt.IX
03/25/04 - The Severed Head of Mastalango-Kay Pt.VIII
03/25/04 - The Severed Head of Mastalango-Kay Pt.VII
03/25/04 - The Severed Head of Mastalango-Kay Pt.VI
03/24/04 - The Severed Head of Mastalango-Kay Pt. V
03/24/04 - The Severed Head of Mastalango-Kay Pt. IV
03/24/04 - The Severed Head of Mastalango-Kay Pt.III: Apocalypse Later
03/24/04 - The Severed Head of Mastalango-Kay Pt.II
03/24/04 - The Severed Head o' Mastalango-Kay
03/23/04 - MikeyG is a Hentai Fanatic
03/22/04 - MikeyG Rapes Goats (C'est vrai!)
03/22/04 - MikeyG Bows to Satan
03/22/04 - Stripcreator Muses on MikeyG
03/22/04 - MikeyG is Too Conservative for Rush Limbaugh
03/22/04 - The Asian Girls Talk Shit About MikeyG (Possums gets lazy)
03/22/04 - MikeyG is a Nazi Cannibal
03/21/04 - An Inside Joke With The Mike of G's
03/21/04 - BONUS 237: The Floot of Gloot
03/21/04 - Mikey G: The Musical (to the tune of Ta-Ra-Ra-Boom-Dee-Ay)
03/20/04 - I Don't Piss All Over Your Silly Rules
03/20/04 - I Piss All Over Your Silly Rules
03/20/04 - I Piss All Over Your Silly Rules
03/19/04 - Dario Argento Remakes Mighty Aphrodite
03/18/04 - Leni Riefenstahl Remakes Schindler's List
03/18/04 - Don Hertzfeldt Remakes Casablanca
03/18/04 - David Lynch Remakes Star Wars
03/18/04 - Quentin Tarantino Remakes Star Wars
03/17/04 - The Stalker
03/17/04 - Oh, You Masochists With Your Silly Pain...
03/17/04 - Los Competition
03/15/04 - Mel Gibson's Fetish
03/15/04 - The Kingdom of Exploding Asses
03/15/04 - ???
03/14/04 - Worst Comic: .:Cemetary Chronicals 89:.
03/14/04 - Waiting For The Comic Cup
03/13/04 - Well, Mark, I've Given in..... They Call it German Techno.
03/13/04 - Shrimp on the Barbie
03/12/04 - .:* Cement Kronikulz *:. Punkk gets served, canuck-style.
03/12/04 - The Rabbit Robs a Bank
03/10/04 - The Idiot Who Complained to A Porn Site
03/10/04 - Grand Delusion Pt.II
03/10/04 - Grand Delusion or Here Comes the Comet!
03/09/04 - You're A Good Corpse, Charlie Brown
03/08/04 - The Return of Artsy-Fartsy
03/08/04 - Damn Kids Allways Get it Wrong
03/08/04 - A Bastardization of Science
03/08/04 - Ouch.
03/06/04 - Why Memento is a Dumb Movie: The Backwards Comic
03/06/04 - Jesus Utters One Word of English at the End of The Passion
03/06/04 - John Travolta as Donkey in "Disco Inferno: A Tragedy."
03/05/04 - FTC 26: Donkey Woman
03/05/04 - FTC 26: Sing... Sing a Song
03/05/04 - FTC 26: In COMPLETE Violation of the rules...
03/05/04 - FTC 26: What happens if Jews try to have sex in Germany 1942
03/05/04 - In The Early 90's Days of Oscar...
03/05/04 - The Donkey Christian Coalition Ad Outtakes
03/04/04 - Counter Strike is Fucking Scary
03/03/04 - Comic Number 200! Only 466 Left to Go!
03/03/04 - CC 235: Go see "The King of Comedy." Now. Scorsese is king!
03/02/04 - CC 235: Killer Rebel Squirrel
03/01/04 - More Possies
03/01/04 - The Possie Awards
03/01/04 - Pie Makes a Man a Man: A Musical Number by Chonky Agasthoo
02/27/04 - Jesus' Night on the Town
02/27/04 - Poland is a Fun Place: If You Like Beef
02/27/04 - The Most Depressed Hit Man in the World
02/27/04 - FTC 25 Model
02/27/04 - ENGRISH MAN!!!! a fourth dingo baby
02/27/04 - ENGRISH MAN!!!!! part of the three, perhaps a four.
02/26/04 - ENGRISH MAN!!!! the many of a part two
02/26/04 - ENGRISH MAN!!!!
02/26/04 - Censorship No!
02/26/04 - Censorship Yes!
02/26/04 - Nut Squirrel
02/25/04 - My Fingers Are Tingling
02/25/04 - He'll Fuck Anything That Moves
02/24/04 - I Hate Garfield
02/23/04 - Ham Are A Many Good
02/22/04 - Hicks Is Silly
02/22/04 - Violence is Silly
02/22/04 - Drugs Is Silly
02/22/04 - Porno Is Silly
02/22/04 - Growing Up
02/22/04 - Ninja Man V.S. The World
02/22/04 - The President's Dog Died, Boo-Frickin'-Hoo
02/22/04 - We've Found a Use For Him
02/22/04 - The Polar Opposite is Mighy Hot
02/21/04 - Yuppie on Speed and the Deaf Hick in Appilachia
02/21/04 - Even More Ways of Telling if Satan Has Possessed Your House
02/21/04 - More Ways of Telling if Satan Has Possessed Your House
02/21/04 - Ways of Telling if Satan Has Possessed Your House
02/21/04 - Someone Set us Up the Pancake
02/21/04 - Honey, I'mSOAIUHGE)(*H Home!
02/21/04 - Honey, I'm FUCKING home!!!
02/21/04 - The Making of "Jalopy Man" with Possums A. Sinderbvght
02/21/04 - Jalopy Man
02/21/04 - Do Not Pass Go or Why You Should Never Sleep With Old People
02/20/04 - They Call Him Flipper
02/20/04 - How I Fell Victim to the Clone Panel Button and Liked It
02/20/04 - Herry the Heroin Needle
02/20/04 - Donkey Does a Christian Coalition Ad
02/20/04 - HoBeast Malloy
02/20/04 - Eep!!
02/19/04 - The Phallus of Satan
02/18/04 - CC 234: Skrewin' Dead Folks is Fun!
02/18/04 - The Horse Whisperer
02/17/04 - The Pros and Cons of Having a Portable Choir
02/16/04 - Silly Jews
02/15/04 - Nazis Can't Get Any on Valentines Day
02/15/04 - Downtown Punks Don't Show No Respect
02/15/04 - The Cow Says....
02/14/04 - Words of the Wise
02/14/04 - CC 232: Balls suck.
02/13/04 - Se7en: The Musical
02/13/04 - FTC 23: Date With Robot(backwards)
02/13/04 - FTC 23: Date With Satan
02/13/04 - Worst Things to say After Sex
02/12/04 - CC 232: Sailor DONKEY
02/12/04 - CC 232: WTF Starring Tobor
02/12/04 - CC 232: WTF Starring Tobor
02/12/04 - A Little Tangent for Bonnie's Comic
02/12/04 - CC 232: The Drunk 2.1
02/12/04 - Mother/Daughter Relations
02/12/04 - Reverse Psychology
02/12/04 - SPASM s4 w4wggw4gw4
02/11/04 - THE NUTSACK OF SATAN ARISE!!!!12351351 666!!!
02/11/04 - Cheep Azn Fizzix
02/11/04 - LOOK AT ME I IS A N00b?! or How To Die at Stripcreator
02/11/04 - This Is Mark Schultz. Worship Him.
02/11/04 - Very Very Very Very Very Very Bad Skeleton Jokes
02/11/04 - Robertas Big Day at the Munition Factory Pt.5
02/11/04 - Robertas Big Day at the Munitions Factory Pt.4
02/11/04 - Robertas Big Day at the Munitions Factory Pt.3
02/11/04 - Robertas Big Day at the Munitions Factory Pt.2
02/11/04 - Robertas Big Day at the Munitions Factory Starring Michelle
02/11/04 - Brad is a Duck
02/10/04 - Samplings of Idiocy: Mallowman is a Cunt
02/09/04 - Nazi Kangaroos in Space Part Trois: Polish Nazis
02/09/04 - Nazi Kangaroos in Space Part Dos
02/09/04 - How To Murder Francis Ford Coppola With Possums
02/09/04 - How To Make a Possums Chain Comic
02/09/04 - How To Make a Possums Comic Starring the Donkey
02/09/04 - How To Make a Generic Possums Comic for Dummies
02/09/04 - Delicious Pun
02/09/04 - Inflatable_Man
02/08/04 - dcomposed: cunt of the day
02/08/04 - Ruggula (MACATUAY)
02/08/04 - Struggling Cartoonist 11
02/07/04 - FTC 21: Staying True to the Title of the Thread
02/07/04 - The Boy Who Cried, "Donkey!" Pt.3
02/07/04 - The Boy Who Cried, "Donkey!" Pt.2
02/07/04 - FTC 21: Ever Seen Se7en?
02/07/04 - The Boy Who Cried "Donkey!"
02/07/04 - Nazi Kangaroos in Space
02/06/04 - World's Worst 5
02/05/04 - The Power of Voice Part Two
02/05/04 - The Power of Voice
02/05/04 - 100th Comic Anniversary Bash!
02/04/04 - Clint Eastwood Gets His Day Made by a French Clown
02/04/04 - PHRINGGGGGGGGG(Artsy-Fartsy Parta Foura! Ring-a-ding-ding!)
02/04/04 - CAP'N FINGOL
02/04/04 - Confessions of a Sexy Beast(possums goes poliktikol)
02/04/04 - CORN
02/03/04 - Tragedy For Lil' Robo
02/03/04 - Dasani The Al Pacino Lookalike (humor this time)
02/03/04 - A Variation on "Aha!" Jokes
02/03/04 - This Comic Was Made in Sixty Seconds
02/02/04 - Artsy Fartsy One More Time
02/02/04 - FTC 21: Butch's Bitch
02/02/04 - FTC 21: Excuses, Excuses, Douche Bags
02/01/04 - Artsy-Fartsy Again!!
02/01/04 - Groundhog Day Cult
01/31/04 - I Instant Messaged a Teenage Nazi
01/30/04 - Blackout Pt.3: Workin' On It...
01/30/04 - World's Worst #4: Religiously Offensive
01/30/04 - Camp Songs
01/29/04 - Communication Breakdown
01/29/04 - Stoned Alone
01/23/04 - CC 230: The Shootout
01/22/04 - Donkey Dialect Pt.6(actually, it's 7)
01/22/04 - Donkey Dialect Pt.5: The Feds
01/22/04 - Donkey Dialect, Pt.5: The Donkey is a Communist?
01/22/04 - Donkey Dialect Pt.4: Hell Breaks Loose, The Apocalypse, etc.
01/22/04 - Blackout Pt.2: The System Simply Doesn't Work
01/22/04 - Blackout
01/19/04 - Donkey Dialect: Part II
01/19/04 - Donkey Dialect
01/19/04 - Pondering
01/19/04 - Comic# 69: The Sex Issue
01/19/04 - Johnson and the Alien on Planet Exubula
01/19/04 - Yu-Gi-Oh Fanboy Physics
01/19/04 - A Real-Life Kirby
01/19/04 - Karaoke Revelations: You Suck
01/19/04 - Metal Gear: Pimpin'
01/19/04 - Super Heartattack Brothers
01/19/04 - Goodfellas in Three Panels
01/19/04 - FTC 19: Following the Backstreet Boys Concert....
01/19/04 - CC 229: Godfather Physics
01/18/04 - Speak American, Blokes!
01/18/04 - One Fine Day in the Park...
01/18/04 - o0sm0o's life(as if he had one)
01/18/04 - Jewish Dinosaurs, Circa 65,000,000,000 B.C.
01/18/04 - Canadian Physics, But Better
01/18/04 - Drummer Names, Pt.5: Silly Canadians, Trix Are For Kids!
01/18/04 - Trying To Get Back Into The Habit...
01/18/04 - Martha Stewart Redecorates Her Cell
01/17/04 - "Artsy-Fartsy"
01/17/04 - Rush Limbaugh and Al Franken Debate... Music Video Style!
01/17/04 - Drummer Names Pt. 4: Drummer Physics
01/17/04 - Donkey Poetry
01/16/04 - Drummer Names, Pt.3: Introducing Adolf
01/16/04 - CC 229: Maladroit On Jeopardy
01/16/04 - CC 229: Girl Tourette's Goes on a Spelling Bee
01/16/04 - Bottom Pop
01/15/04 - Date Gone Horribly, Terribly Wrong
01/15/04 - Drummer Names, Pt.2: Connie Chung Overloads
01/15/04 - CNN Reports: Drummer Names
01/15/04 - An Attempt at a Punchline
01/14/04 - You're All a Bunch of Schmendricks: The Movie Quote Answers
01/13/04 - Don't Get High On Your Own Supply: A Rap-Metal Music Video
01/13/04 - Facts the Unusually Educated Hippie Takes a Stand
01/13/04 - Because I Can: Donkey Physics
01/13/04 - FTC #18: "More Proof That Toast is Good For You Colon"
01/13/04 - At Least He's Not Hitler
01/12/04 - The Only Keys That Weren't Broken Were the A, H, and J Keys
01/11/04 - CC 228: Paternity... blah blah etc.
01/10/04 - 30th Anniversary Favorites
01/10/04 - 30th Anniversarry Collection Funjob!!!!!!!!
01/10/04 - Dave Chappelle Has a Cameo
01/09/04 - Possums Makes a Bush in 30 Seconds Ad
01/08/04 - Whatever Happened To Bill Nye?
01/07/04 - Possum's Gang Bang... Er... Just read it. No XXX here!
01/07/04 - Sigh.... Another Movie.... "The Faust and the Furry" Ugh.
01/06/04 - This Comic Gets a Review From Ebert and the Other Guy
01/05/04 - Nooz
01/05/04 - Movie Quote Contest
01/04/04 - Billy Does Standup
01/03/04 - Perhaps a Conclusion(?)
01/02/04 - Another Stupid Movie: "Mark's Pet Antelope"
01/02/04 - Four Peanuts and a Handbag
01/02/04 - The Manager
12/31/03 - Mc Food
10/22/03 - The President Gets Hatemail
10/16/03 - In The Carpathian Sea, one man....
10/08/03 - Hippie Man and Conservative Man fight and take acid.
10/06/03 - The Search Begins!
10/04/03 - Vin Diesel+Psychotic Horse Hyena= Fun!
10/02/03 - Vin Diesel Fights Back... Kind of...
09/30/03 - Happy Godamn Birthday, Mr. Zealous
09/29/03 - Introducing Markham J. Oodeedoo, Swedish Extraordinare!!!
09/23/03 - Changing main characters
09/21/03 - Still no idea what's going on.
09/21/03 - A REAL Explination of Just What the Hell is Going On Here
09/21/03 - The Pimp and the Brown Makeup
09/20/03 - The introductory hat(read first)!!!!
09/20/03 - Squirrel looks for the Witch's house.
09/20/03 - This cartoon really bites.