Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by pslock
Dracula is a steriotype and i hate that. Who's with me?? Cause he relly does sux.
akasha!! lol. Comon shes HOTT :wacko: lol I would take a dip in that pool of blood with her anyday ;) Im sure any of you would! DONT DENY IT!!
Raziel laughs "Well thats good..." *mock gasp* "Alex is coming?! OH NO I MIGHT HAVE TO SEXUALLY HORASESS HIM!!!" *larger mock gasp, falls out of Cass' lap laughing histerically*
raziel ur an idiot....I wonder where kevin is *she frowns*
night by night the torment eats at my soul consuming all feeling
ya well, you win, but i'll always think of myself as a vampire. As for the proof, if you want to see the scars, i'll post them, you are right, i did bring it up...........
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