Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)

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by pslock
Diane Sawyer attempts to partially, but-not-really, regain credability as a journalist.
So Mr. President, can you explain why we haven't found Iraqi weapons of mass destruction? it MATTERS...we caught the worlds worst person EVAR and now everything is safe and you can listen to the flowers whisper sweet secrets..
Yes, but we were supposed to find WoMD and didn't and that was supposedly the whole point..
What's the difference? Saddam's a bad person like Hitler, Hitler, or even Hitler. Sort of like the other Hitler, the North Korean guy who rules stuff...
It is at this point that Mrs. Sawyer could have actually performed her duty as a free press representative and pointed out that Bush essentially lied to America and actually wanted to start a war..
..for nebulous, personal agenda reasons, most likely connected with big oil, among other things. But she didn't. .....Bitch.
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