Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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"A superposition of street songs popular in Baroque times; a boisterous exhibition of Deutsche Freundlichkeit."
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by quodlibet
0 BC:
And yea, though I die, I shall rise again, for it is my destiny, my birthright, my purpose, to lead this world to a state of prosperity and bliss.
The delusions of grandeur are quite obvious. The Last Supper was a reckless expense typical of his condition, given his straitened circumstances as a humble carpenter...
Eloi, Eloi, God, why hath thou forsaken me?
Swinging into the depressive phase. Note the continuing delusion as a 'saviour', or 'Son of God'.
And finally exhaustion, as his energy wears out. If he resurrects, of course, he'll retain these difficulties, as no medications will be invented for two millennia. Onwards to the leper camp!
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