We soon find our hero, Jim, in the perils of society
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| look at this guy, he just looks like an asshole. Fuck off dude, quite staring at me you british deutschbag... | |
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| mmm...he's not exactly my type but i guess i'll have to add him to my collection of "People that i kill then turn them into dolls"...wow i sure am weird and gay...maybe its because i'm british? | |
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| Dude what the fuck is wrong with you? | |
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| Oh no! my...my gayness meter has gone off the deepend oh god i've wasted my life following in the footsteps of the one they call "Bill Wheaton!" NOOOOO! | |
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| You fuckin idiot...where the fuck is the bus?... (sigh)..goddamnit... | |
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| oh no! where am i? sometype of foreign dimension? oh no who are you? Dr. Doom? what kind of name is that (british laugh) no wait! ahhhhhh!..... | |
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