r2_d2's Comics 09/18/23 - I'm Gonna Need a $#!%ton of Doggie Bags
08/23/23 - The Play's The Thing!
06/17/18 - Choose Life
05/26/17 - Weighing In
07/23/13 - Fuck You, GMail, and Your Little "Inbox Tabs", Too!
04/28/13 - Things a $40,000 HR MBA Will Teach You #407
08/07/12 - Signs Your Job Interview Isn't Going Well
04/22/12 - Poetic Justice
03/02/12 - The Real Reason They Won't Let Me Go On Jeopardy!
12/05/11 - But Clint Eastwood's English Accent is AMAZING!
08/22/11 - Karaoke Night 39
08/20/11 - The Times They Are A-Changing
08/20/11 - That's Not How They Help
06/15/11 - Jury Duty
01/06/11 - Exegesis
09/24/10 - What Does a Wife Do With Her Mouth?
09/01/10 - R2's Guide To Dating, Or A Lack Thereof
02/04/10 - A Real Conversation I Just Had
11/08/09 - Ask Your Parents To Explain This One
08/09/08 - Why NASA Doesn't Bring Its Probes Back To Earth
08/08/08 - In Which a Penguin Tries To Talk Like "Herb & Jamaal"
04/25/08 - Too Many of My Townsfolk Believe This Is Logically Coherent:
04/21/07 - The Joys of Job-Hunting 2
11/06/06 - Now Is the Time for Paul Newman's Triumphant Comeback
10/31/06 - Everything's Relative in West Virginia
06/11/06 - This Is Actually Funny If You're a Valet
05/19/06 - Theodoric of York, Medieval Baker
04/14/06 - I SWEAR, I Didn't Even NOTICE He Was Black!
02/03/06 - Since When Does R2 Have a Penguin for a Roommate?
01/27/06 - Enjoy the Ride!
01/17/06 - From Now On, I Watch "Jeopardy!" Alone.
10/29/05 - OPC XIV - Lying Together
10/16/05 - Around the Office: Tikrit
10/05/05 - You Can't Spell "ALUMNI" without "M-U-N-I"
09/11/05 - Apocalypse Wow!
09/10/05 - The Truth Won't Set R2 Free
09/09/05 - Pick-up Lines I'm Glad I Didn't Use - 1
08/17/05 - True Stories from a Crappy Valet Parking Job - Vol. 0
08/14/05 - Why I Can Never Be a Parent
08/11/05 - The Adventures of the Biologically Worthless, Volume 0
08/04/05 - True Tales from Driving a Short Bus - Vol. 0
08/02/05 - Things I Never Wanted To Hear My Grandfather Say
07/07/05 - Men vs. Women, Part I
07/05/05 - Phrases I'm Hoping Catch on in Popular Use - I
06/17/05 - Phrases I'm Tired Of Hearing - Part I
06/09/05 - Crestfallen
06/08/05 - Hits of the Eighties
06/06/05 - Out of Ideas, I Need To Use the Asian Girls
05/25/05 - Funeral Fun
05/24/05 - Social Faux Pas
03/24/05 - R2 Goes to a Press Conference, Vol. 0 (Revenge of the Sith)
03/03/05 - Real Fun With Telemarketers
02/07/05 - * You "Geek with no life" says that as it is *bad* thing! *
02/05/05 - * The Joys of the Job-Hunt *
02/04/05 - The All-Too-Brief Adventures of Manny Coto
02/03/05 - Bad Lawyer (Or: Why R2 Dropped Out of Law School)
02/02/05 - The Joys of Job-Hunting
01/26/05 - Overheard at a Funeral
01/17/05 - The Gods Must Be Racist
01/16/05 - Here We Go Stillers
01/14/05 - * Koffein reactor profiles: Matt *
01/12/05 - Caffeine Reactor Profiles: Matt
01/07/05 - Soapbox
01/07/05 - Caffeine Reactor, Back Again
12/30/04 - Penguins--Always the Voice of Reason
12/30/04 - I Think Grandpa's Losing It
12/15/04 - A Is For Artie
12/14/04 - StripCreator Meta-Humour
12/07/04 - And This Bird You Cannot Cha-a-a-a-ange!
11/20/04 - Real Conversations Re: REAL Music, Volume 0
11/18/04 - And You Thought It Was Bad When the Kids Just Liked N'Sync
11/17/04 - Mmmmmmmmm ... Monongahela ....
11/15/04 - Apology sans Retraction
11/15/04 - I Really Need a New Job
11/10/04 - True Stories from Selling Law Enforcement Equipment, Part 2
11/08/04 - Slightly-Embellished Church Stories
11/07/04 - R2 Meets the New Preacher's Wife
10/20/04 - Sox Win!
10/15/04 - Damned If You Do, Damned If You Won't
09/28/04 - True Stories from Selling Law Enforcement Equipment, Part 1
09/28/04 - True Stories from Selling Law Enforcement Equipment, Part 0
09/21/04 - Æsop's Fables - 10 - The Peacock and the Crane
09/21/04 - Back on SC After a Two-Month Hiatus
07/17/04 - WW XXII, Part II
07/17/04 - WW XXII
07/12/04 - Don't Dream It--Be It!
07/06/04 - A Couple of Johns
07/03/04 - Appliances You Didn't Even Know You Needed - As Seen On TV!
07/02/04 - Æsop's Fables - 9 - The Fox and The Crow
07/02/04 - WW XXI, Part II
07/02/04 - WW XXI
07/01/04 - R2's Adventures in IMing, Vol. 1
06/30/04 - Just Saw Spider-Man 2
06/30/04 - Karaoke Night 38 - May Offend Scotsmen
06/24/04 - Karaoke Night 37
06/24/04 - WW XX - Feminists
06/18/04 - Feliĉon NaskiÄÂtagon al Mi
06/14/04 - Mary-Kate and Ashley -- Jailbait No More!
06/07/04 - Continuidad de los parques
06/05/04 - Were you a bad enough dude to save Ronnie?
06/03/04 - Karaoke Night 36
06/01/04 - WW XVIII - Makeout Movies
06/01/04 - Gone Bananas!
05/28/04 - * Inform its children property *
05/27/04 - BTC VI: Template
05/19/04 - BTC V - Choose Your Own Adventure
05/18/04 - BTC V - Kinda A True Story, But I Couldn't Use My Avatar
05/18/04 - It's Time To Match the Stars as We Play Match Game 2004!
05/18/04 - My Send-Off to Tony Randall
05/11/04 - R2's Adventures in Law School, Vol. 2: The Torts Final
05/07/04 - Karaoke Night 35
05/06/04 - WW XV - Worst Things To Say In Court
05/05/04 - Only My Second Strip Featuring the Asian Girls
05/04/04 - WW XV - Worst Things To Say in Divorce Court
05/04/04 - WW XV - Worst Things To Say in Court
05/02/04 - Over 99 Billion Served, And That's Just To Your Mom
05/02/04 - WW XIV - World's Worst Thing To Say On a Farm
05/02/04 - BlaspheMou$
05/02/04 - SCO-fflaw
04/29/04 - Why Women Should Not Be Allowed in Steakhouses
04/29/04 - Karaoke Night 34 and R2's Soapbox
04/28/04 - Because I'm a Simpsons Junkie
04/27/04 - A Day in the Life of R2
04/27/04 - They Really Need To Change the Names of *N*X Commannds
04/26/04 - Karaoke Night 33
04/26/04 - It Had Been Gripped By Fingers Ten
04/26/04 - The All-Too-Brief Adventures of Captain Stan
04/25/04 - A Hundred Comics
04/25/04 - Another Chance To Use a New Background
04/25/04 - R2's Adventures in Law School, Vol. 1: ConLaw
04/25/04 - Karaoke Night 32
04/24/04 - The Women in Indiana
04/24/04 - The Boson Brained With a Markin' Spike
04/22/04 - Karaoke Night 31
04/22/04 - Karaoke Night 30
04/22/04 - Karaoke Night 29 - I Wanted To Use the New Backgrounds
04/20/04 - Drink and the Devil Be Done for the Rest!
04/20/04 - ... and a Bottle of Rum
04/20/04 - It's a Pirate's Life for Me!
04/19/04 - Adventures Non-Cronologiche Di R2' s In Datare, Vol. 0
04/19/04 - * Enter the venture date of the non age of R2's of Vol. 0 *
04/19/04 - Æsop's Fables - 8 - The Dolphins, the Whales, and the Sprat
04/18/04 - But Shatner's Never Led Me Astray Before!
04/18/04 - Karaoke Night 28
04/18/04 - Æsop's Fables - 7 - The Horse and the Groom
04/18/04 - Æsop's Fables - 6 - The Mischievous Dog
04/18/04 - Æsop's Fables - 5 - The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs
04/18/04 - Karaoke Night 27
04/18/04 - Karaoke Night 26
04/18/04 - Can You Believe We've Done *50* of These Things Already?
04/18/04 - More How Kill Bill, Vol. 2 Could Have Been Better (Spoilers)
04/18/04 - How Kill Bill, Vol. 2 Could Have Been Even Better (Spoilers)
04/17/04 - Street Legal
04/17/04 - Karaoke Night 25
04/17/04 - How Much Is That Doggie in the Hangar?
04/16/04 - How the Supreme Court Really Decides Those Tough Cases
04/16/04 - Æsop's Fables - 4 - The Dog, The Cock, and The Fox
04/15/04 - Karaoke Night 24
04/15/04 - This Strip Is *Not* Here. Understood?
04/15/04 - Teach Your Children Well
04/15/04 - Æsop's Fables - 3 - The Swallow and The Crow
04/15/04 - Æsop's Fables - 2 - The Farmer and the Fox
04/15/04 - Æsop's Fables - 1 - The Bat and the Weasels
04/15/04 - Karaoke Night 23
04/14/04 - Karaoke Night 22
04/14/04 - Karaoke Night 21
04/14/04 - Karaoke Night 20
04/14/04 - Karaoke Night 19
04/14/04 - Back on the Road Again
04/14/04 - Why I Dread Calls From Home
04/13/04 - Travolta's Last Stand
04/13/04 - Shiver Me Timbers!
04/13/04 - The Girl ... with KaLEIdoscope ... EYES!
04/13/04 - Karaoke Night 18
04/13/04 - The Jailbreak, Part I
04/13/04 - Game Theory
04/12/04 - Fifty Comics
04/12/04 - The Art of War
04/12/04 - R2 and Xenu in "The Road to Vegas"
04/12/04 - Karaoke Night 17
04/12/04 - Karaoke Night 16
04/11/04 - Karaoke Night 15
04/11/04 - Karaoke Night 14
04/11/04 - Karaoke Night 13
04/11/04 - Karaoke Night 12
04/11/04 - Karaoke Night 11 - 'Cuz It's Easter
04/10/04 - Karaoke Night 10
04/10/04 - Karaoke Night 9
04/10/04 - Karaoke Night 8
04/10/04 - Karaoke Night 7
04/10/04 - Karaoke Night 6
04/10/04 - Karaoke Night 5
04/10/04 - Karaoke Night 4 - The Audience Strikes Back
04/10/04 - Karaoke Night 3
04/10/04 - Karaoke Night 2
04/09/04 - I See Your True Colours, Shining Through
04/09/04 - Penguin-- er, *Question* the Second
04/09/04 - Karaoke Night 1
04/07/04 - What If? Vol. 0 - What If R2 Was Elected President?
04/06/04 - You Say "Geek With No Life" Like It's a *Bad* Thing!
04/04/04 - It's That Time of Year Again!
04/04/04 - A Typical Scene in R2's Life
04/04/04 - Fun With Radio Giveaways
04/02/04 - You'd Think Hell'd Have a Lock, or At Least a Wall Somewhere
04/01/04 - Eighth Amendment Rights
04/01/04 - 7734206
04/01/04 - R2 vs. Matt, Round 5
04/01/04 - R2 vs. Matt, Round 3
03/31/04 - ¡El fútbol es fabuloso!
03/31/04 - This'll Teach Them Worthless Bitches
03/30/04 - Puns == Funny. Esperanto Puns == Funnier.
03/28/04 - 1985: A Year of Regrets
03/15/04 - Kids Today Have No Idea What's Cool
03/12/04 - R2's Adventures with Telemarketers, Vol. 0: The Utility Co.
03/10/04 - R2's Adventures in IMing, Vol. 0: w/ Apologies to Annie Hall
03/09/04 - R2 Just Likes the Look
03/05/04 - The End of an Era
03/03/04 - Okay, Okay, One *More* PotC Joke
03/02/04 - One Final PotC Joke
03/02/04 - R2's Adventures in Housesitting: Polly want a Kabbala
02/29/04 - All Talk, No Action: Part Deux
02/29/04 - All Talk, No Action
02/28/04 - R2's Adventures in Law School, Vol. 0: Based On a True Story
02/24/04 - Even a Stopped Clock Is Right *Twice a Day*
02/23/04 - R2's Non-Chronological Adventures In Dating, Vol. 1: Sports
02/23/04 - R2's Non-Chronological Adventures In Dating, Vol. 0: Endgame
02/22/04 - R2's Adventures In Chi-Town: The Stereophonics Show