Looks like the A-whore has bitten off more than she can chew...
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| ObliTerate Her eartH FlAps!!!!! | |
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| IgNore ThESe CuNts, i JUst WanT yOu tO dRinK mE OfF likE YoU DiD to ThAt Pink QuadroPEd wIth ThE CoRkScrEW ReProDuctive OrGan. | |
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| You what duck? Look, I said I'd suck off your 'little green man' but now I've seen the state of it, I think you'd better take me back. | |
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| YoU're GoING NoWheRE, yOu eVIl PiG sUckER.!! | |
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| KiSs GooDBye To yOuR CuNT, tiTs, aRSe aND EyeS YoU aIDS RidDen SluT. | |
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