Another day at the factory...
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| (whirr)..StIck A KniFe Up a DOGs cUNt!!! (click) | |
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| Oh my, The machines are malfunctioning! RED-69 CAN YOU HEAR ME? | |
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| (whirr)..I Can FuCKIng HeAR yOu AlriGht..(zzzp)DRINK OFF A DEAD PIG AND (bzzz)FUCK A SHIT WITH A RAT'S BOLLOCK!!! (click) | |
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| brrrrp! Oh God, I feel sick. | |
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| Be SIck oN mY bOLLocks tHen (whirr)..StiCK A baBY in A MInCEr (whirr) GuzzLE LiquidSHIT From A hOLLowed Out tIT (ping)!!! (click) FucK ...My..M..ess..(zzp) | |
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| Wait there RED-69, I'll see if I can get some help... | |
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