Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by retard
I was watching a Family Matters marathon in my underpants when I was interupted by the sound of a bunch of German midgets practsing for cheerleading try-outs. "This can't be!" I told myself.
And with that, I filled water ballons with fire ants and hurled them at the German midgets who screamed in horrible pain. I began to dance in victory. But the German midgets used there heavy creams...
and they were as good as new. They were pissed so they murdered my whole family for revenge. That meant war! I had a great plan to get back at them. I ordered a bunch of pizzas to their adress. When..
I saw the dumbfounded looks on their ugly faces, I laughed until I lost control of my bodily functions. Until I discovered that the German midgets accepted the pizzas with a smile and gobbled them up
like little piggies. Good thing I had a plan B: I topped the pizzas with Kill-German-Midget-Mushrooms, which were quite delicious (not to German midgets though) And in a matter of seconds....
all the German midgets were dead. Then I awoke in a cold sweat. It turned out to be a dream all along......Or was it?......Yes. Yes, it was.
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