Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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It's the bzomb for your schism.
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by rfmodulator
When last we left the Red Phone, he was confronted with his old enemy, now known as...
Doris! That's my name -- not that you'll remember it after I POUND YOU TO A THIN RED PULP!
Ah, yes -- Doris! I remember now because it rhymes with "clitoris."
Joke all you want, fucknut! It'll be the last laugh you ever have!
Oh, come now Doris -- surely we can talk this out like civilized adults. That wretched phone of old you knew is gone -- I'm a new man now!
Ha! Nice try, Red, but you're not weaseling your way out of an ass-whupping this time! Nothing you can possibly say will stop my fury!
How about "Officer Cockroach has this conversation tapped, and boy are you about to join your dad in the icebox if you lay one finger on me?"
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