When last we left the Red Phone, he was confronted with his old enemy, now known as...
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| Doris! That's my name -- not that you'll remember it after I POUND YOU TO A THIN RED PULP! | |
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| Ah, yes -- Doris! I remember now because it rhymes with "clitoris." | |
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| Joke all you want, fucknut! It'll be the last laugh you ever have! | |
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| Oh, come now Doris -- surely we can talk this out like civilized adults. That wretched phone of old you knew is gone -- I'm a new man now! | |
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| Ha! Nice try, Red, but you're not weaseling your way out of an ass-whupping this time! Nothing you can possibly say will stop my fury! | |
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| How about "Officer Cockroach has this conversation tapped, and boy are you about to join your dad in the icebox if you lay one finger on me?" | |
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