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| I cannot believe it! My long lost sister conceived artificialy with my uncle slept with my boyfriend, who's actually gay, but didn't tell me! I thought I trusted him! | |
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| Oh, yeah? Well, my mother killed my father, and framed my older brother who smokes pot, and then he got into a car accident, went into a coma, and miraculosy came out of it when he had a dream! | |
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| You think you have it tough? My aunt was a prostitute, got pregnant with a mobster she served, got pregnant, and had the baby, while her friend who was also a hooker was conceived by him too! | |
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| Same thing happened to me, but the prostitue my uncle was served by was actually his brother who is a transvesite, fell in love, and got married while not knowing they were related! | |
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| My life sucks! No one understands me! I just wanna have sex with someone who feels the way I do! Hopefully, I'll actually get raped by him, and we'll fall madly in love,and become a supercouple!!!!!!! | |
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| I just got a call from my mother! I was adopted! My life is crashing in on me! I hope I have sex with some ho I don't know and become an alcoholic! STAY TUNED FOR PREVIEWS OF TOMMOROW!!! | |
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