Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by runestrips
Padawan attacks a vampire , because owl said he needed a fang. Padawan still wonders why?
I vill suck your blood!
Sure whatever floats your boat... i still think i shouldent've agreed to this, btw do u know where the payphone is?
vampire left screaming Muhahahaha! then comes the cop and his bad idea
sir are you okay, what happened
a vampire said he was gona suck my blood i asked for the phone he said it was behind me i looked he wedgied me threw me ere bit me now my butts stuck and i see the phone
well Padawan is boned . btw its not a rat
well i see i brought this up to the wrong point... BYE!
Wait!!! dont leave me here i think a rat's eating me!
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