Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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e·phem·er·al - adj. 1. Lasting for a markedly brief time: “There remain some truths too ephemeral to be captured in the cold pages of a court transcript” (Irving R. Kaufman). 2. Living or lasting only for a day, as certain plants or insects do.
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by seattlesque
ANSWER KEY: Both goats and devils have horns, literally, on the top of their heads. Sacrificing goats is also an aspect of Satanism, making Hell an appropriate context.
All right! Score one for team goat!
D'oh! If I'd only looked in a mirror, I'd have had this one.
ANSWER KEY: Widely-publicized molestation cases suggest priests are made sexually "horny" by young boys. Police would presumably intervene at some point.
What?!? Couldn't the cars just honk, or something?!?
I owned *this* one all the way.
ANSWER KEY: In the now-extinct Massalat language, "fee-lung horr-nay" is equivalent to what would mean--in English--"Monkey General on Your Anus".
But bananas ARE phallic! How many ethnographic linguists read stripcreator, anyway?
You're just sore. Phallic bananas... what a Neanderthal!
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