Jibb wakes up from his dream to find...
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| I slept through the apocalypse, curses and i didnt get to kill that master of Fag0try Phak. well if anyone asks ill just say i boiled his right leg and he died... | |
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| mmmm need crayons... and some glue for my arm... | |
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| well what should i do... HELL YA SOME SWEET ROACH CAN NOW ALL I GOT TO DO IS HOP ON DAT.... | |
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...however Jibb is rudely intrupted
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| haha did i wake you good you lazy creation, now get up i just took a very large dump have a blast... | |
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| well this sux... well atleast i get to eat away my problems mmmm i love mondays cajuin shit night WaaHoo... | |
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