Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Senordickhead is my alter ego. Sid Omega is my alternate reality. In short: I am one fucked up kid.
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Chrono's Awakening.
Another person gets sucked into the Field of Wonders: Chrono. Let's see what happens when him and...
Where the hell am I...and who the hell are you?
my nmae is dark jedi obi btu just cal mee obi
I assume you don't speak English.
ahhh you mkae fun og mee chronoass you shall die i am form idaho mmm potatos
I swear if you say one more word I am gonna kick you in your obviously nonexistant penis.
on no cmon bak i am srorry i dindt meaan to hert yur feelngs nwo i am loenly must tlak to meyself and cry FCUK YU chronoass
sid_omega's Comics
08/05/04 - A Tale of Cheating, Confusion, and Hermaphrodite Lesbians.
06/03/04 - Ruykakiushimantaga's Awakening.
05/06/04 - Left You Feeling Stoopid.
04/03/04 - Senordickhead presents: How to avoid getting robbed.
04/03/04 - Senordickhead presents: How to have sex with an alien.
03/30/04 - Just My Luck.
02/21/04 - Your Happy Place...
02/15/04 - The Chronicles of SenorDickHead: Fucking Hackers.
02/14/04 - Chrono's Awakening.
02/14/04 - Awakening Number One: The Field of Wonders.
11/29/03 - Neo the Detective Number Three: Maximum Shrinkage
11/28/03 - Neo the Detective Number Two: Personal Assistant
11/27/03 - Neo the Detective Number One: Yes, this is a series now.
11/27/03 - Mave and Spire.
11/23/03 - Sid's Challenge
11/19/03 - New Reality Show
11/18/03 - Average Joe Round One
11/17/03 - Sid: Moody + McDonalds = Ultimate OWNAGE (well, not really)
11/16/03 - Sid and Grey:...Ok, I am running out of cleaver titles now.
11/15/03 - Sid and Grey: Fake Love Service
11/01/03 - True Life Stories: Get a Brain, Kid. Ridolin helps too.
10/31/03 - Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet, Give Me Some Candy, Bitch!
10/20/03 - True Life Lesson 1: If a bitch makes fun of your looks...
10/04/03 - Sid and Grey Number 7: How Was I Suppose To Know? Part Four
10/04/03 - Sid and Grey Number 7: How Was I Suppose to Know? Part Three
10/04/03 - Sid and Grey Number 7: How Was I Suppose to Know? Part Two
10/04/03 - Sid and Grey Number 7: How Was I Suppose to Know? Part One
09/30/03 - Sid and Grey Number 6: The Stalker
09/30/03 - Sid and Grey Number 5: Russian Invasion
09/21/03 - Sid and Grey Number 4: Email Misunderstanding
09/21/03 - Sid and Grey Number 3: The Axe Effect. Part Two
09/21/03 - Sid and Grey Number 3: The Axe Effect. Part 1.
09/20/03 - Suing
09/13/03 - Moody is on his period, RUN!!!!
09/13/03 - Sid and Grey Number Two: Think Grey Will Like This One?
09/13/03 - Sid and Grey Number 1: Comic Equivalent to Pee Pee
09/11/03 - The Way to Own an Asshole Who Likes to Have One...
08/21/03 - Grey and Sid.
08/05/03 - What if this happened at Weird Al???
08/04/03 - Sam and the Arabian. Number one.
08/04/03 - Senor's Revenge One.
08/04/03 - Sid's confusion.
08/04/03 - Sid Battles the Egos Part Three. Shizzlemah in da house!
08/04/03 - Sid Battles the Egos Part Two. Enter the Cop.
08/04/03 - Sid Battles the Egos Part One.
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