We find our would be death dealer looking back on his life , remembering love and loss...
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| I picked these roses for you , the thorns hurt some and the blood, well the blood will just add to their splender. OH I LOVE YOU SO SO MUCH CRYSTAL!!!! | |
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| Like ok 1: Restraining order, remember? 2: Just like umm duh , hygiene. 3: Remember you gave me like a human foot for a gift , oh and I see you have the mate in your pocket... | |
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and off in College he learned about drugs , confusion ,and shame.
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| Hi Brad. Last night was so much fun! At first I was a little scared , but that pill helped alot. It made me feel so funky . Anyway I just wanted you to know I really like you and I picked these... | |
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| Yea , yea . Cool. So umm that'll be $20 for the X and I'm gonna need for you to sign this proof of age consent form. Lawyers say we can't stream the video with out it. | |
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Our would be death dealer returns from his trip down memory lane...
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| Now I remember why I got into this game to begin with. Shesh! | |
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| ...ya , so I took down my "Myspace" page cuz Facebook is so it now. Oh ya and I had 76 tweets yesterday . One just was about this shirt. H.I.M. is the GREATEST band eva. Oh , ya Westside yo! | |
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