Alissa and Liz chat about college while on the way to Park Plaza, via the T, for Youth Congress.
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| Yea, so I'm excited for college next year. I don't want to get off of the subway, I'm so comfy and tired. | |
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| Yea, tufts is going to be cool, I will take the T all the time. | |
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Alissa slips a few times when the subway car moves, but she manages not to fall even though she's standing and not holding onto the poll, seat or a railing.
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| This iced coffee is wicked good, but it's hard to hold onto the poll without falling on the ground when the subway car moves. | |
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| Maybe you should throw it away, you don't want to fall or something, that would be embarrassing. | |
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The subway car jolts forward, and poor Alissa falls down the stairs and against the subway door. She has dropped her iced coffee and made quite a fool of herself.
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| AHH!! I dropped my iced coffee, I'm such an idiot! | |
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| Oh Alissa! You have to either sit down or hold onto this grimy railing now, or you'll kill yourself next time. | |
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