Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by slane
"2-WH0RES" .:. bÿ .:. Z0MBIE CASTR0
0n MSNBC today, Don Imus called the Rutgers Lady Knights "nappy-headed H0s." How does Shane regard those fine young female athletes?
If he woke up sandwiched between their sweaty P0WER F0RWARD and their tattooed SH00TING GUARD, he'd think he died & went to Heaven!
"I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library." -J. L. B0RGES
My Heavens! What a big sword you have!
Lift my milk-white angel kilt and KNEEL BEF0RE Z0D! It's SW0RD-SWALLOWIN' time!
"These young ladies before you are... prodigies.'' ———C. Vivian Stringer
CAN'T... BREATHE... feel like... I'm choking to death... but I'm already as dead as Rutgers' hoop dreams... Shane's nanocock never presented THIS problem... [slobber]
Nice ballhandling... You dribble well... You'd make an excellent P0INT GUARD.
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