smamurai's Comics 12/20/20 - Double A
11/11/19 - Oh I love Zelda for the Xbox
05/15/19 - Brown I-robot
02/16/19 - Young Single Girl
02/10/19 - That time of the flump
12/19/18 - The Cock of the Pyon
12/19/18 - The Cock of the Pony
11/07/18 - Oh don’t worry, we kept the receipt
11/07/18 - Paul Michael Glaser
07/22/18 - Wishings Well
04/10/18 - Ask me about my T-shirt
04/09/18 - Get out cholesterol
03/23/18 - Death
03/01/18 - The human body is amazing
02/24/18 - Nip Slip
02/24/18 - Tryer Fuck
10/19/17 - Cut the Cord
10/14/17 - Frank Sinatra’s Bird Sanctuary
09/20/17 - Head Boy
03/30/17 - Attachment Issues
12/15/16 - Back the fuck up off a sitter
09/23/15 - Now that's a Callback!
09/10/15 - Club Sandwich
08/02/11 - Wait for the Pips
04/10/11 - Granary Nazis
04/07/11 - CC:473 The comedy flip
04/07/11 - CC:473 more of the same
04/06/11 - CC:473 you'll hang for this
04/04/11 - Way Too Long Exposure
01/17/08 - Street School Boy Gay Sex Tip Vendor
11/01/07 - Dr. Corrupto - Hollywood Psychiatrist Session 4
03/07/07 - Covering all Angles
02/26/07 - Bio Cheer
02/26/07 - Chemo' Money
02/26/07 - Fare Mail
06/15/06 - Honey Trap
06/08/06 - Queerbash the Cat meets Dick Fititin
06/08/06 - When one door closes another one opens.
06/08/06 - Asunder and Biting
06/08/06 - Hooker School
06/08/06 - Dungbeetle Funeral
06/08/06 - Confessions of a Dungbeetle
06/08/06 - Dungbeetle Seminar
06/08/06 - Dungbeetle Elementary
05/19/06 - Thought Grime
12/30/05 - A Bolt From the Blue
12/30/05 - Sighing Over Spilt Beans.
12/20/05 - Scaterogical
12/20/05 - Minority Winter Resort
12/04/05 - Did You Relish This?
12/04/05 - On a Roll
12/04/05 - Finding a Positive
12/04/05 - SSSO... YOU IS FAN OF SAID TURKEY?!?!!
10/12/05 - Dr. Corrupto - Hollywood Psychiatrist Session3
10/12/05 - Moby Lick
10/12/05 - Where's the Beef?
05/15/05 - Mum Like It Not
05/12/05 - FTC CSI
02/24/05 - Field Of Broken Dreams
02/08/05 - Have a Drink on Your Old Man
02/08/05 - scyess is a heterophobic ambisextrous
02/08/05 - The Perverted Plumber
02/01/05 - The Marquis de Rohan..
02/01/05 - The Marquis de Rohan.
01/14/05 - Descent - The Apology.
01/14/05 - Descent 8
01/14/05 - Descent 7
01/14/05 - Descent 6
01/14/05 - Descent 5
01/14/05 - Descent 4
01/14/05 - Descent 3
01/14/05 - Descent 2
01/14/05 - Descent
01/05/05 - That's a Sarin
12/17/04 - Community Pest
12/16/04 - Cage Advice
11/13/04 - Love in the Time of Call-Centres (2)
11/13/04 - Love in the Time of Call-Centres.
11/11/04 - I refuse to answer, based on the principle that I'm stupid.
11/05/04 - We sell EVERYTHING!
10/27/04 - Sounds of the Underground - R.I.P -
10/14/04 - Worlds Worst Meet The Parents
10/13/04 - Sit-com Staples - 'We killed the neighbours pet'
10/13/04 - The Da Vinci Code
08/25/04 - Dude! Where's My Roadtrip? V
08/25/04 - Dude! Where's My Roadtrip? IV
08/25/04 - Dude! Where's My Roadtrip? III
08/25/04 - Dude! Where's My Roadtrip? II
08/25/04 - Dude! Where's My Roadtrip? I
08/13/04 - Slip 'n Slide the Eye of Your Behind
08/06/04 - Say Cheese!
08/02/04 - Now whose getting pedantic?
07/19/04 - Twitch and Pout.
07/12/04 - Casting Pouch
06/04/04 - Don Cornholeone
06/04/04 - Attention Deficit Dave (3)
06/04/04 - Attention Deficit Dave (2)
06/04/04 - Attention Deficit Dave
05/27/04 - That Musting a Bit
05/18/04 - Spankling the Unauthorised Biography
05/14/04 - Sea-Monkey Adventures
05/14/04 - Sea-Monkey Adventures
05/14/04 - Mysteries of the Vegan Unknowable
05/13/04 - She Needs 10cc's, Splat!
05/12/04 - It's..... Scatological..... Captain
05/12/04 - You've Changed But I Haven't
05/12/04 - Bitten Off More Than He Could Poo?
05/05/04 - A New Evil for a New Millennium
05/05/04 - Questionable Courtroom Testimonies.
05/05/04 - Dr. Corrupto - Hollywood Psychiatrist Session2
05/05/04 - Please Insert Coin
05/05/04 - At Least the Speeches are Consistent
05/05/04 - The Art of Warped Logic
04/28/04 - Doc Racist M.D
04/27/04 - The Harasser.
04/26/04 - Classified Advertisements: The Next page!
04/26/04 - Music Super(Star)Market: Richard Dreyfuss ate my Squirrel.
04/22/04 - Priest Lambasted in Stereotype Shock Horror.
04/16/04 - Classifieds cont. pg3
04/16/04 - Classifieds Continued.
04/16/04 - Classified Advertisements.
04/15/04 - Alien Mindbender
04/14/04 - SC Donators Only Forums.
04/13/04 - Nappy Reruns.
04/13/04 - I Call Albert Einstein To The Stand.
04/13/04 - If The Jacket Don't Fit You Must Aquit.
04/13/04 - Birthday Leer.
04/06/04 - The Horse Whipperer.
04/06/04 - We Have the Technology.
04/06/04 - World Worst Things to Say When on Vacation.
04/06/04 - Sam There's a 92% Chance You're Here To Eat a Baby?
03/31/04 - House of the Raisin Bun.
03/30/04 - Baby Got Back To Tha Fissure.
03/29/04 - Dairy Godmofo says '1 4 U 1 4 ME'
03/25/04 - Epiphany.
03/22/04 - Dr. Corrupto - Hollywood Psychiatrist
03/22/04 - The Gift That Keeps on Slipping
03/22/04 - Stock Taking and Start Writhing
03/22/04 - Brer Carrot and the Star Baby.
03/19/04 - Punk'd by post.
03/19/04 - It Shouldn't happen to a Sith Lord (-4-)
03/19/04 - It Shouldn't Happen to a Sith Lord (-3-)
03/18/04 - When Good Pets go Bad (2)
03/18/04 - When Good Pets Go Bad.
03/18/04 - It Shouldn't Happen to a TV Vet.
03/18/04 - It Shouldn't Happen to a Sith Lord (-2-)
03/18/04 - It Shouldn't Happen to a Sith Lord (-1-)
03/17/04 - Duelling Goatse Haikus.......
03/17/04 - Duelling Goatse Haikus.....
03/17/04 - Duelling Goatse Haikus...
03/17/04 - Duelling Goatse Haikus..
03/15/04 - Building Bleeuch of Life
03/15/04 - He's Keen to Learn
03/15/04 - Ask Dr Rude
02/24/04 - Musings From an Old Burlap Sack.
02/19/04 - 24, Episode 3. 1000 hours, doot, doot, doot!
02/19/04 - 24, Episode 2. 0900 hours, doot, doot, doot!
02/19/04 - 24, Episode 1. 0800 hours, doot, doot, doot!
02/13/04 - Worst Thing to Say After Sex
02/09/04 - U had a japs-eye in the mirror as, U watched urself go by.
01/26/04 - Beaver, Beaver & Twat (2)
01/26/04 - Beaver, Beaver & Twat, Injun Architects.
01/21/04 - Underestimate Raptors at Your Peril
01/14/04 - Serial Comic 9.7
01/13/04 - FTC 18: McGonads.
01/13/04 - Guides for Life (4)
01/13/04 - Guides for Life (3)
01/13/04 - Guides for Life (2)
01/13/04 - Guides for Life (1)
01/07/04 - Pint of Tea Please.
01/07/04 - Are you Trying to Produce Pee Mr. Stay-Press Turn-ups Man
01/07/04 - Menstruating Black Woman With Broken Leg, U trying to fuck?
01/06/04 - It's not a Motorcycle, it's a Chocobo Honey
01/06/04 - Pimento Stuffed Olive Stuffed Coffee Beans
01/06/04 - Sturdy McMare - Newsroom Janitor
01/06/04 - Sturdy McMare - Weather-Girl
01/06/04 - Sturdy McMare - Political Commentator.
01/05/04 - Feeling Less Than Fragrant?
01/05/04 - All Rich Dads go to Heaven, or Hell What do I Care I'm Rich?
01/05/04 - Irish Cliff-Diving.
12/30/03 - Punch Sucker Proxy.
12/29/03 - Uninspired Filler Material.
12/29/03 - Pie in the Resolutionary Sky
12/29/03 - Resolve to Evolve
12/12/03 - Convertible School Bus: Shivery Chivalry
12/11/03 - Convertible School Bus: Don't Make Eye-Contact
12/11/03 - Convertible School Bus: Air Conditioned Like a Motherfucker!
12/11/03 - Convertible School Bus: Hairy Muffler
12/11/03 - Convertible School Bus: Trading Spaces
12/11/03 - Convertible School Bus: Diploma-Tricks
12/10/03 - Convertible School Bus: Standing Broom Toe-nly
12/10/03 - Convertible School Bus: Objects in the Windshield Appear...
12/05/03 - Is This What You Humans Call, Community Service?
12/01/03 - The fantastical adventures of Buck the deer.
11/21/03 - James Boss - For His Eyes Only.
11/21/03 - Need A Ride?
11/21/03 - Spunk'd On Dreams.
11/19/03 - God's Going Ex-Directory
11/19/03 - Holy Flame Wars
11/19/03 - The Customer is Always Bored.
11/14/03 - One-Hour Box Camera Picture Slate.
11/14/03 - Smokin' Bitch! You Don't Have to Fakey it Tonight!
11/11/03 - Corp. Flotation in the 21st Century
11/10/03 - 5CR4BBLE RABBLE.
11/05/03 - The Boy Who Cried Poof.
10/31/03 - Convertible School Bus: It's Love Cuts Both Ways.
10/31/03 - Convertible School Bus: Sponsored by Gore-Tex
10/31/03 - Convertible School Bus: And Don't Call Me Surly.
10/31/03 - Convertible School Bus: Do They Allow Cycles on the Bus?
10/31/03 - Convertible School Bus: Let's Play Tag.
10/31/03 - Convertible School Bus: Scalded by Physics.
10/31/03 - Convertible School Bus: Has Class Started Early?
10/31/03 - Convertible School Bus: New Term Perm
10/30/03 - You Pay Peanuts, you get Monkeys.
10/29/03 - Dissuasion of the Foody Taches.
10/29/03 - Teh Omen - The salt of the etheral is bad for you.
10/28/03 - I'll eat my-hat I'm-randy.
10/28/03 - Davey Bane: Sweets magic
10/28/03 - Davey Bane : He love the free blow.
10/28/03 - The Father, The Son and The Holy Shit.
10/24/03 - Fi$h and chip$
10/23/03 - Wizards Rules: A conspiricy unmasked.
10/23/03 - Wizards Rules: Little Cocky Bastards
10/22/03 - Wizards Rules: wand envy
10/22/03 - Wizards Rules
10/22/03 - Faith, Dope and Charity.
10/21/03 - No Mr.Boss, I expect you to take a drop.
10/21/03 - The names Boss, James Boss.
10/20/03 - Star Trek : The search for new plots.
10/20/03 - A little prison humour. And I mean 'a little'
10/20/03 - What have you done for me lately?
10/17/03 - Fletch a Dumpster on my Street.
10/17/03 - The Funky 'Fro Fiasco
10/17/03 - Wrestling Academy: Round1
10/17/03 - Ewe Dirty Dirty Man!
10/16/03 - Sorry Old Chap, It's Just Buisness.
10/16/03 - We Can Edit Around This, Right?
10/16/03 - Now that's a hot babe.
10/16/03 - Mile High as a Kite.
10/15/03 - Teh Precinct : The Summer Vacation of Sam
10/15/03 - Straight eye for the bestiality guy.
10/15/03 - Vietnam Vet.
10/15/03 - Teh Precinct : File a Nude-Shoot.
10/14/03 - Teh Precinct : The Law Works in Mysterious Ways.
10/14/03 - Teh Precinct : Jailhouse mop
10/14/03 - Teh Precinct : By the Book.
10/14/03 - Teh Precinct : Donut forget me now my partner.
10/13/03 - Teh Precinct : A Cop is Never Off-duty
10/13/03 - Teh Precinct : Interstate Napping
10/13/03 - Teh Precinct : Let's roll!
10/13/03 - Teh Precinct : New partner.