Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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When I'm bored, I make comics. Occasionally, they're even funny. How about that! If you are in the mood for an archive binge, I suggest starting around comic #50 (or #30 if you stick to the recurring theme items like "Songs In 3 Panels"); the first #1-29 are mostly exposition, bad puns, and me futzing around with the interface.
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by somnambulist
SBC (Steve Broadcasting Corp.) Studio
This past week, Barack Obama urged passage of his economic stimulus bill.
He went on to state that "This is not the time for profits!"
In the middle of a recession?! What the fuck else does he think is going to turn things around?
It is still unclear if the President fails to grasp basic economic theory, or if he has simply been unable to find an ample supply of underpants.
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