Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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When I'm bored, I make comics. Occasionally, they're even funny. How about that! If you are in the mood for an archive binge, I suggest starting around comic #50 (or #30 if you stick to the recurring theme items like "Songs In 3 Panels"); the first #1-29 are mostly exposition, bad puns, and me futzing around with the interface.
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by somnambulist
We now interrupt this comic to bring you the following important public service announcement from Squirrel.
Hi, I'm Squirrel, from "Steve and Squirrel," a web comic written by Steve, but without any squirrel input.
Unfortunately, all of his more recent philosophical discussions have been with his lady friends instead of me, his original muse. This means my apperances are becoming more and more limited.
* /Main/ThereIsNoSuchThingAsNotability
But I have a plan* to fix that! Time to fire up teh interwebs and show the world that I still matter!
{{ Chuck Cunningham Syndrome }} Squirrel, a titular character from Steve and Squirrel, only appears twice in the most recent one hundred strips.
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