9:23am Tuesday morning. Ashley has just sync-ed up her Palm with her computer.
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| beep-beep.. bee-beeeeeep... bee-wicca~wicca-eeep | |
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| ...God, i'm like, sooooo *HIGH* (hand gesture) | |
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Suddenly, she grabs the handheld device and begins muttering words in a chanting fashion. At the same time, she is frantically pressing buttons and mashing on the touch-sensitive screen.
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| oaiulkvknai.... Aaron.... aa;lsdjfoiurnvm... anthony... boinoxiyuy7y..... nboijoi.hg7ytiyw (hand gesture) (hand gesture) | |
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LATER THAT DAY.... as Aaron checks his Palm for "messages"...
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| AWWWWW DUUUUDE!!! I can't believe this shit, man. She's doing it to me, AGAIN. fuck this, man!!! | |
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