Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Jobby on his boss's
leadership :)
In a weekly meeting with Boss....
I am going for an "Emerging Leadership Program" next week.
Its been 10 years since he has been attending such workshops. The only thing that has "emerged" out of him is utter stupidity :(
, 7-06-13
sonesh123's Comics
07/02/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The B2B Marketer | On GA4
06/29/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The B2B Marketer | On FB ads
06/28/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The B2B Marketer | On Google Ads
06/21/23 - Chronicles of Tom - the B2B Marketer | On ChatGPT
06/19/23 - Chronicles of Tom - the B2B Marketer | On Content Marketing
06/13/23 - Chronicles of Tom - the B2B Marketer | On Email Marketing
05/04/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The B2B Marketer | On B2B Events
04/24/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The B2B Marketer| Customer Journey Blues
04/20/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy | On B2B SEO
04/18/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy| Case Studies
04/13/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
01/01/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
12/27/22 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
11/29/22 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
08/30/22 - Adventures of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
07/25/22 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
02/03/20 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
03/22/19 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
03/15/19 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
09/16/16 - Lazy Lakshman & Smart Sanjay: The Right Insurance cover :)
09/27/15 - Adventures of Data Guru - On Digital India :)
09/23/15 - Adventures of Data Guru - Remarketing Embarrassments :)
01/25/14 - Jobby works on Business Requirement Specifications (BRS) :)
01/15/14 - SoBoChick is a socially responsible citizen :)
11/22/13 - Jobby's views on his Boss's style of working :)
11/18/13 - Jobby on receiving Birthday Gifts :)
09/07/13 - Jobby revere's his boss as Lord Ganesh :)
07/17/13 - Jobby appreciates nonsense :)
07/06/13 - Jobby on his boss's "emerging" leadership :)
07/04/13 - Jobby on the path to become a manager :)
07/01/13 - Jobby does a "Sympathy Sale" :)
06/27/13 - Jobby on his tax returns :)
06/17/13 - Jobby on the dignified abuse by his Boss :)
06/16/13 - Jobby on "Compensation" and "Benefits" :)
06/14/13 - Jobby's opinions on his Boss :)
06/13/13 - Jobby on fruits of labour :)
06/07/13 - Jobby tries to be brief in communication :)
06/03/13 - Jobby on his corporate idol :)
06/03/13 - Jobby on his corporate idol :)
06/02/13 - Jobby's views on working couples in office :)
05/31/13 - Jobby on restricting facebook access at work :)
05/30/13 - Jobby on the perceived value of his boss :)
05/29/13 - Jobby on taking leaves :)
05/28/13 - Jobby on hiring family at work :)
04/13/13 - Jobby gets 360 degree feedback from his boss :)
04/10/13 - Jobby on monday morning review meetings :)
04/05/13 - Jobby: In the end, Its all about appraisals :)
04/04/13 - Jobby redefines "LIFE SENTENCE" :)
03/28/13 - Jobby on top management :)
03/07/13 - Jobby on Women's Day :)
02/16/13 - Jobby on his friend's facebook updates :)
02/09/13 - Jobby gets a qualitative period of reflection :)
01/25/13 - Jobby on making a sophisticated report :)
01/14/13 - Jobby on hiring a secretary for his boss :)
01/04/13 - Jobby on seeing stars :)
01/01/13 - Jobby on being social :)
12/15/12 - Jobby's views on Boss's promotion :)
12/08/12 - Jobby's views on greeting with Namaste :)
12/07/12 - Jobby learns about PR :)
12/06/12 - Jobby is unfriendly on Facebook :)
12/04/12 - Jobby never looks up to his Boss :)
11/11/12 - Jobby's blues on Dhanteras :)
11/07/12 - Jobby on diwali gifts in office :)
10/26/12 - Jobby on secrets of a happy marriage :)
10/23/12 - Jobby on Dandiya :)
10/19/12 - Jobby on the most challenging equation in the world :)
10/11/12 - Jobby on being "Spirit"ual :)
10/10/12 - Jobby on Amitabh Bachchan's values :)
10/08/12 - Jobby on short term goals :)
10/07/12 - Jobby on Negotiating Skills :)
10/06/12 - Jobby on making sense out of project reports :)
10/04/12 - Jobby and his dreamjob :)
09/30/12 - Jobby wants to "learn and develop" :)
09/27/12 - Jobby and a programmers viewpoint :)
09/26/12 - Jobby on exotic instruments :)
09/14/12 - Jobby & Engineering Fundas - On Engineers Day :)
09/13/12 - Jobby & Engineering Fundas - Engineered hiring :)
09/12/12 - Jobby & Engineering Fundas - A "Civil"ized report :)
09/11/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Get Approved or die trying :)
09/07/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Life like a pen drive :)
09/05/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On Fruits of Labour :)
08/31/12 - PR ka PYAAR - Adventures of Jugaadu, a PR Professional :)
08/31/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On "Convincing" abilities :)
08/25/12 - Adventures of Jobby: National Dog Day :)
08/23/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Cambridge Alumni :)
08/20/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On performance issues :)
08/15/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On yoga classes :)
08/14/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Independence in office :)
08/12/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On Minimum Wage :)
08/10/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Cricket is a way of life :)
08/09/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On Dreams :)
08/09/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On Cattle Class :)
08/08/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Relationship with senior colleagues :)
08/07/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Power and Responsibility :)
08/07/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On investment planning :)
08/06/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Encounter with Jesus :)
08/05/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Befriending BOSS on Facebook :)
08/04/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Employee Bonding on Friendship day :)
08/03/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On access to social media at work :)
08/01/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On being tagged on "Raksha Bandhan" :)
07/27/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On Client "Servicing" :)
07/26/12 - Adventures of Jobby: on being simply complicated :)
07/25/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On "strategic" and "tactical" planning
07/21/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On the Dark Knight Rises :)
07/17/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On engineering students :)
07/17/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On the End of Season Sale :)
07/14/12 - Adventures of Jobby: on high school crush :)
07/13/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On a great place to work :)
07/09/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On sales targets :)
07/09/12 - Suburban Guy on Dhoble's facebook affair :)
07/05/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On mass creation and destruction :)
07/04/12 - Adventures of Jobby: on "itemized" bill :)
06/30/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On Emerging Markets :)
06/26/12 - Adventures of Jobby: The "Gangs of Wasseypur" connection :)
06/22/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Chartered accountants proposal :)
06/22/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On data analysis :)
06/19/12 - Suburban Guy's tips on avoiding rape from Delhi's men :)
06/18/12 - Suburban Guy on Greek Gods :)
06/15/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Using distributed computing :)
06/15/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Using distributed computing :)
06/14/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Making money from Crap :)
06/07/12 - Suburban Guy on Change Management :)
06/05/12 - Suburban Guy's Work-life balance :)
05/29/12 - Suburban Guy on the Indian Metal Industry :)
05/18/12 - HR gives GYAAN to Suburban Guy :)
04/30/12 - Suburban Guy has his appraisals :)
04/24/12 - SoBo Chick starts a "SOCIAL" Business :)
04/18/12 - Suburban Guy's on his confident image at work :)
04/03/12 - Suburban Guy on our PM's customized iPhone :)
03/30/12 - Suburban Guy on Kangana Ranaut's linguistic skills :)
03/29/12 - Suburban Guy on Krrish part 3
03/28/12 - Suburban Guy on his friends career plans :)
03/19/12 - Suburban Guy on Andheri Festival :)
02/19/12 - When keeda met kiddo
01/18/12 - Jobby is asked to hire :)
01/18/12 - Jobby frames his company's vision statement :)
01/18/12 - Jobby's thoughts on company values :)
01/18/12 - Jobby Singh's ambitious 5 year plans :)
12/23/11 - Suburban Guy on Calm Shit and other stories :)
09/13/11 - Sobo Chick on her "followers" :)
09/10/11 - Suburban guy on "SPENDING" WEEKENDS :)
08/14/11 - SoBoChick on Independence Day :)
07/15/11 - Suburban Guy recieves an ITEM's BILL :)
07/10/11 - Suburban Guy's suggestions for a friends BUDGET WEDDING :)
06/27/11 - Suburban Guy's plans for CONTINUOUS SELF IMPROVEMENT :)
06/15/11 - Suburban guy on what makes him PROUD of his PARENTS :)
06/11/11 - Suburban Guy on the FLEXIBLE distances in ANDHERI :)
06/06/11 - Suburban Guy's Plans on REBIRTH :)
06/01/11 - Suburban Guy buys a BARBIE DOLL :)
05/24/11 - Suburban Guy wants to do STAND UP COMEDY :)
05/23/11 - Suburban Guy on SECONDSHAADI.COM :)
05/23/11 - Suburban Guy on New Age Employee Recognition Initiatives :)
05/20/11 - Suburban Guy on DISGUISED unemployement in Media Industry :)
05/20/11 - Suburban Guy on शादी के फंडे ;)
05/17/11 - Suburban Guy's date with the DESIGNER_WOMAN :)
05/15/11 - SoBoChick visits a CLEAN TECHNOLOGY exhibition :)
05/13/11 - Suburban Guy on THE ALTERNATE INDIAN ARMY :)
05/11/11 - Suburban Guy on Board Games Bash (BGB) :)
05/10/11 - Suburban Guy on ANGELS and RED BULL :)
05/10/11 - Suburban Guy wants to LEGALIZE HONOR KILLINGS :)
05/09/11 - SoBo Chick on MUMBAI's MOST POPULAR PROFESSION :)
05/06/11 - Suburban Guy on "Why TERROR threats wont work in ANDHERI"?
05/05/11 - Suburban Guy on Sourav's COMEBACK in IPL :)
05/03/11 - Suburban Guy on "FINANCIAL INCLUSIVITY" @ WORKPLACE :)
04/30/11 - Suburban Guy's on his LOVE INTERESTS :)
04/28/11 - Suburban Guy on RAJINIKANTH's new MOVIE :)
04/20/11 - Suburban guy GOES FLAMINGO watching :)
04/18/11 - SoBo Chick's DAD on her NON PERFORMING ASSETS :)
04/17/11 - Suburban Guy is COMMITTING SUICIDE :)
04/12/11 - Suburban Guy on the TRUTH about Chandrayaan-1 :)
04/10/11 - Suburban Guy BRIBES his COUSIN :)
04/10/11 - SoBo Chick on her IDEAL GUY :)
04/09/11 - Suburban Guy on "SAKI-NAKA" DOGS and "MAROL" OGRES :)
04/08/11 - Suburban Guy idolizes ANNA HAZARE for a FAST UNTO DEATH :)
04/06/11 - Suburban Guy on the BEST BREAK-UP STRATEGY :)
04/01/11 - SoBo Chick goes for INDIA Vs SRI LANKA Match :)
03/27/11 - Suburban Guy on HRITHIK ROSHAN's performance in Guzaarish :)
03/15/11 - Suburban Guy on a STOCKBROKER's SEX LIFE :)
03/13/11 - Suburban Guy on YOUNG ORGANIZATIONS :)
03/13/11 - Suburban Guy on NEHRA's POTENTIAL :)
03/08/11 - Suburban Guy on WOMEN's DAY and MAYAWATI :)
03/07/11 - Suburban Guy on BROTHERLY LOVE :)
03/01/11 - Suburban Guy on S"CARING" ORGANIZATIONS :)
02/28/11 - Suburban Guy's views on the SKYWALK's in MUMBAI :)
02/24/11 - Suburban Guy explains COUNTRY & MARKET RISK to SoBoChick
02/24/11 - Suburban Guy and SoBo Chick at CROSSWORD BOOKSTORE :)
02/23/11 - Suburban Guy's BREVITY of THOUGHT :)
02/21/11 - Suburban Guy's married friend & his weekend :)
02/19/11 - SoBo Chick on the WORLD CUP FINALS :)
02/17/11 - SoBo Chick on FAULTY EARTHLINGS :)
02/16/11 - Suburban Guy's Eligibility for a LOAN :)
02/15/11 - Suburban Guy's UNFRIENDED Colleague :)
02/14/11 - Suburban Guy's SALARY APPRAISAL (or the lack of it) ;)
02/13/11 - Suburban Guy's colleague on his KALAGHODA experience :)
02/10/11 - Suburban Guy on his EXPRESSIONS (or the lack of them) :)
01/31/11 - Suburban Guy's DJ FRIEND in the US :)
01/29/11 - SoBo Chick has a NO TV DAY at her HOME :)
01/25/11 - Suburban guy meets the HAPPY BRITISHER on REPUBLIC DAY :)
01/24/11 - Suburban Guy is PROUD to be an INDIAN :)
01/23/11 - SoBo Chick slaps the BARTENDER :)
01/21/11 - Suburban guy switches to "KEEDAFONE" :)
01/19/11 - Suburban Guy on MOBILE NUMBER PORTABILITY :)
01/17/11 - Suburban Guy's INVESTMENTS in a PERFECT WORLD
01/17/11 - Suburban Guy and the ANGEL at the BEACH :)
01/14/11 - Suburban Guy on his MARRIED_FRIEND's favorite TV Channels
01/11/11 - Suburban Guy on RAJESH's NEW YEAR RESOLUTION
01/10/11 - Suburban Guy's THOUGHT's on HIS RESUME
01/08/11 - Suburban Guy explains MUTUAL FUNDs to SoBo Chick
01/06/11 - Suburban Guy and the CITIBANK Relationship Manager
01/05/11 - Suburban guy misses his COLLEAGUE
01/04/11 - Suburban Guy on THE FACEBOOK BIAS :)
01/02/11 - Suburban Guy's FRIEND's BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT in LIFE
12/31/10 - Suburban Guy visits KASHMIR :)
12/31/10 - Suburban Guy and The "SECTOR AGNOSTIC" Private Equity GUY :)
12/30/10 - Suburban Guy's TECH SUPPORT BLUES :)
12/28/10 - Suburban Guy's relationship management skills
12/28/10 - Suburban Guy turns JAIN
12/27/10 - gjhg
12/25/10 - What does SUBURBAN GUY do for a LIVING?
12/23/10 - Suburban Guy's XMAS GIFT to SoBo Chick
12/23/10 - Sobo Chick learns about ASSET DEPRECIATION from Suburban Guy
12/22/10 - Suburban Guy on his AMBITIOUS FUTURE PLANS
12/21/10 - Suburban Guy's ACHIEVEMENT's
12/19/10 - Suburban Guy's THOUGHTS ON INVESTMENTS
12/19/10 - SoBo Chick & Suburban Guy - An Introduction
12/19/10 - Suburban Guy's concerns on ENVIRONMENT
12/18/10 - SoBo Chick on Suburban Guys DATE
12/17/10 - Suburban Guy on DEBIT and CREDIT
12/16/10 - Suburban Guy on THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD
12/15/10 - SoBo Chick on BANKING
12/15/10 - SoBo Chick on SHAADI.COM
12/14/10 - Suburban Guy's PERSONAL IDOL
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