Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)
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Adventures of Data Guru - On Digital India :)
The Prime Ministers US visit was the talk of the town...
NaMo is meeting Sean Rad - the founder of Tinder as part of the Digital India Campaign.
Really, why is that?
Promoting the "Mate" in India initiative :)
sonesh123's Comics
07/02/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The B2B Marketer | On GA4
06/29/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The B2B Marketer | On FB ads
06/28/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The B2B Marketer | On Google Ads
06/21/23 - Chronicles of Tom - the B2B Marketer | On ChatGPT
06/19/23 - Chronicles of Tom - the B2B Marketer | On Content Marketing
06/13/23 - Chronicles of Tom - the B2B Marketer | On Email Marketing
05/04/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The B2B Marketer | On B2B Events
04/24/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The B2B Marketer| Customer Journey Blues
04/20/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy | On B2B SEO
04/18/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy| Case Studies
04/13/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
01/01/23 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
12/27/22 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
11/29/22 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
08/30/22 - Adventures of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
07/25/22 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
02/03/20 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
03/22/19 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
03/15/19 - Chronicles of Tom - The Digital Marketing Guy
09/16/16 - Lazy Lakshman & Smart Sanjay: The Right Insurance cover :)
09/27/15 - Adventures of Data Guru - On Digital India :)
09/23/15 - Adventures of Data Guru - Remarketing Embarrassments :)
01/25/14 - Jobby works on Business Requirement Specifications (BRS) :)
01/15/14 - SoBoChick is a socially responsible citizen :)
11/22/13 - Jobby's views on his Boss's style of working :)
11/18/13 - Jobby on receiving Birthday Gifts :)
09/07/13 - Jobby revere's his boss as Lord Ganesh :)
07/17/13 - Jobby appreciates nonsense :)
07/06/13 - Jobby on his boss's "emerging" leadership :)
07/04/13 - Jobby on the path to become a manager :)
07/01/13 - Jobby does a "Sympathy Sale" :)
06/27/13 - Jobby on his tax returns :)
06/17/13 - Jobby on the dignified abuse by his Boss :)
06/16/13 - Jobby on "Compensation" and "Benefits" :)
06/14/13 - Jobby's opinions on his Boss :)
06/13/13 - Jobby on fruits of labour :)
06/07/13 - Jobby tries to be brief in communication :)
06/03/13 - Jobby on his corporate idol :)
06/03/13 - Jobby on his corporate idol :)
06/02/13 - Jobby's views on working couples in office :)
05/31/13 - Jobby on restricting facebook access at work :)
05/30/13 - Jobby on the perceived value of his boss :)
05/29/13 - Jobby on taking leaves :)
05/28/13 - Jobby on hiring family at work :)
04/13/13 - Jobby gets 360 degree feedback from his boss :)
04/10/13 - Jobby on monday morning review meetings :)
04/05/13 - Jobby: In the end, Its all about appraisals :)
04/04/13 - Jobby redefines "LIFE SENTENCE" :)
03/28/13 - Jobby on top management :)
03/07/13 - Jobby on Women's Day :)
02/16/13 - Jobby on his friend's facebook updates :)
02/09/13 - Jobby gets a qualitative period of reflection :)
01/25/13 - Jobby on making a sophisticated report :)
01/14/13 - Jobby on hiring a secretary for his boss :)
01/04/13 - Jobby on seeing stars :)
01/01/13 - Jobby on being social :)
12/15/12 - Jobby's views on Boss's promotion :)
12/08/12 - Jobby's views on greeting with Namaste :)
12/07/12 - Jobby learns about PR :)
12/06/12 - Jobby is unfriendly on Facebook :)
12/04/12 - Jobby never looks up to his Boss :)
11/11/12 - Jobby's blues on Dhanteras :)
11/07/12 - Jobby on diwali gifts in office :)
10/26/12 - Jobby on secrets of a happy marriage :)
10/23/12 - Jobby on Dandiya :)
10/19/12 - Jobby on the most challenging equation in the world :)
10/11/12 - Jobby on being "Spirit"ual :)
10/10/12 - Jobby on Amitabh Bachchan's values :)
10/08/12 - Jobby on short term goals :)
10/07/12 - Jobby on Negotiating Skills :)
10/06/12 - Jobby on making sense out of project reports :)
10/04/12 - Jobby and his dreamjob :)
09/30/12 - Jobby wants to "learn and develop" :)
09/27/12 - Jobby and a programmers viewpoint :)
09/26/12 - Jobby on exotic instruments :)
09/14/12 - Jobby & Engineering Fundas - On Engineers Day :)
09/13/12 - Jobby & Engineering Fundas - Engineered hiring :)
09/12/12 - Jobby & Engineering Fundas - A "Civil"ized report :)
09/11/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Get Approved or die trying :)
09/07/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Life like a pen drive :)
09/05/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On Fruits of Labour :)
08/31/12 - PR ka PYAAR - Adventures of Jugaadu, a PR Professional :)
08/31/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On "Convincing" abilities :)
08/25/12 - Adventures of Jobby: National Dog Day :)
08/23/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Cambridge Alumni :)
08/20/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On performance issues :)
08/15/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On yoga classes :)
08/14/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Independence in office :)
08/12/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On Minimum Wage :)
08/10/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Cricket is a way of life :)
08/09/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On Dreams :)
08/09/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On Cattle Class :)
08/08/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Relationship with senior colleagues :)
08/07/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Power and Responsibility :)
08/07/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On investment planning :)
08/06/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Encounter with Jesus :)
08/05/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Befriending BOSS on Facebook :)
08/04/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Employee Bonding on Friendship day :)
08/03/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On access to social media at work :)
08/01/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On being tagged on "Raksha Bandhan" :)
07/27/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On Client "Servicing" :)
07/26/12 - Adventures of Jobby: on being simply complicated :)
07/25/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On "strategic" and "tactical" planning
07/21/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On the Dark Knight Rises :)
07/17/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On engineering students :)
07/17/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On the End of Season Sale :)
07/14/12 - Adventures of Jobby: on high school crush :)
07/13/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On a great place to work :)
07/09/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On sales targets :)
07/09/12 - Suburban Guy on Dhoble's facebook affair :)
07/05/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On mass creation and destruction :)
07/04/12 - Adventures of Jobby: on "itemized" bill :)
06/30/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On Emerging Markets :)
06/26/12 - Adventures of Jobby: The "Gangs of Wasseypur" connection :)
06/22/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Chartered accountants proposal :)
06/22/12 - Adventures of Jobby: On data analysis :)
06/19/12 - Suburban Guy's tips on avoiding rape from Delhi's men :)
06/18/12 - Suburban Guy on Greek Gods :)
06/15/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Using distributed computing :)
06/15/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Using distributed computing :)
06/14/12 - Adventures of Jobby: Making money from Crap :)
06/07/12 - Suburban Guy on Change Management :)
06/05/12 - Suburban Guy's Work-life balance :)
05/29/12 - Suburban Guy on the Indian Metal Industry :)
05/18/12 - HR gives GYAAN to Suburban Guy :)
04/30/12 - Suburban Guy has his appraisals :)
04/24/12 - SoBo Chick starts a "SOCIAL" Business :)
04/18/12 - Suburban Guy's on his confident image at work :)
04/03/12 - Suburban Guy on our PM's customized iPhone :)
03/30/12 - Suburban Guy on Kangana Ranaut's linguistic skills :)
03/29/12 - Suburban Guy on Krrish part 3
03/28/12 - Suburban Guy on his friends career plans :)
03/19/12 - Suburban Guy on Andheri Festival :)
02/19/12 - When keeda met kiddo
01/18/12 - Jobby is asked to hire :)
01/18/12 - Jobby frames his company's vision statement :)
01/18/12 - Jobby's thoughts on company values :)
01/18/12 - Jobby Singh's ambitious 5 year plans :)
12/23/11 - Suburban Guy on Calm Shit and other stories :)
09/13/11 - Sobo Chick on her "followers" :)
09/10/11 - Suburban guy on "SPENDING" WEEKENDS :)
08/14/11 - SoBoChick on Independence Day :)
07/15/11 - Suburban Guy recieves an ITEM's BILL :)
07/10/11 - Suburban Guy's suggestions for a friends BUDGET WEDDING :)
06/27/11 - Suburban Guy's plans for CONTINUOUS SELF IMPROVEMENT :)
06/15/11 - Suburban guy on what makes him PROUD of his PARENTS :)
06/11/11 - Suburban Guy on the FLEXIBLE distances in ANDHERI :)
06/06/11 - Suburban Guy's Plans on REBIRTH :)
06/01/11 - Suburban Guy buys a BARBIE DOLL :)
05/24/11 - Suburban Guy wants to do STAND UP COMEDY :)
05/23/11 - Suburban Guy on SECONDSHAADI.COM :)
05/23/11 - Suburban Guy on New Age Employee Recognition Initiatives :)
05/20/11 - Suburban Guy on DISGUISED unemployement in Media Industry :)
05/20/11 - Suburban Guy on शादी के फंडे ;)
05/17/11 - Suburban Guy's date with the DESIGNER_WOMAN :)
05/15/11 - SoBoChick visits a CLEAN TECHNOLOGY exhibition :)
05/13/11 - Suburban Guy on THE ALTERNATE INDIAN ARMY :)
05/11/11 - Suburban Guy on Board Games Bash (BGB) :)
05/10/11 - Suburban Guy on ANGELS and RED BULL :)
05/10/11 - Suburban Guy wants to LEGALIZE HONOR KILLINGS :)
05/09/11 - SoBo Chick on MUMBAI's MOST POPULAR PROFESSION :)
05/06/11 - Suburban Guy on "Why TERROR threats wont work in ANDHERI"?
05/05/11 - Suburban Guy on Sourav's COMEBACK in IPL :)
05/03/11 - Suburban Guy on "FINANCIAL INCLUSIVITY" @ WORKPLACE :)
04/30/11 - Suburban Guy's on his LOVE INTERESTS :)
04/28/11 - Suburban Guy on RAJINIKANTH's new MOVIE :)
04/20/11 - Suburban guy GOES FLAMINGO watching :)
04/18/11 - SoBo Chick's DAD on her NON PERFORMING ASSETS :)
04/17/11 - Suburban Guy is COMMITTING SUICIDE :)
04/12/11 - Suburban Guy on the TRUTH about Chandrayaan-1 :)
04/10/11 - Suburban Guy BRIBES his COUSIN :)
04/10/11 - SoBo Chick on her IDEAL GUY :)
04/09/11 - Suburban Guy on "SAKI-NAKA" DOGS and "MAROL" OGRES :)
04/08/11 - Suburban Guy idolizes ANNA HAZARE for a FAST UNTO DEATH :)
04/06/11 - Suburban Guy on the BEST BREAK-UP STRATEGY :)
04/01/11 - SoBo Chick goes for INDIA Vs SRI LANKA Match :)
03/27/11 - Suburban Guy on HRITHIK ROSHAN's performance in Guzaarish :)
03/15/11 - Suburban Guy on a STOCKBROKER's SEX LIFE :)
03/13/11 - Suburban Guy on YOUNG ORGANIZATIONS :)
03/13/11 - Suburban Guy on NEHRA's POTENTIAL :)
03/08/11 - Suburban Guy on WOMEN's DAY and MAYAWATI :)
03/07/11 - Suburban Guy on BROTHERLY LOVE :)
03/01/11 - Suburban Guy on S"CARING" ORGANIZATIONS :)
02/28/11 - Suburban Guy's views on the SKYWALK's in MUMBAI :)
02/24/11 - Suburban Guy explains COUNTRY & MARKET RISK to SoBoChick
02/24/11 - Suburban Guy and SoBo Chick at CROSSWORD BOOKSTORE :)
02/23/11 - Suburban Guy's BREVITY of THOUGHT :)
02/21/11 - Suburban Guy's married friend & his weekend :)
02/19/11 - SoBo Chick on the WORLD CUP FINALS :)
02/17/11 - SoBo Chick on FAULTY EARTHLINGS :)
02/16/11 - Suburban Guy's Eligibility for a LOAN :)
02/15/11 - Suburban Guy's UNFRIENDED Colleague :)
02/14/11 - Suburban Guy's SALARY APPRAISAL (or the lack of it) ;)
02/13/11 - Suburban Guy's colleague on his KALAGHODA experience :)
02/10/11 - Suburban Guy on his EXPRESSIONS (or the lack of them) :)
01/31/11 - Suburban Guy's DJ FRIEND in the US :)
01/29/11 - SoBo Chick has a NO TV DAY at her HOME :)
01/25/11 - Suburban guy meets the HAPPY BRITISHER on REPUBLIC DAY :)
01/24/11 - Suburban Guy is PROUD to be an INDIAN :)
01/23/11 - SoBo Chick slaps the BARTENDER :)
01/21/11 - Suburban guy switches to "KEEDAFONE" :)
01/19/11 - Suburban Guy on MOBILE NUMBER PORTABILITY :)
01/17/11 - Suburban Guy's INVESTMENTS in a PERFECT WORLD
01/17/11 - Suburban Guy and the ANGEL at the BEACH :)
01/14/11 - Suburban Guy on his MARRIED_FRIEND's favorite TV Channels
01/11/11 - Suburban Guy on RAJESH's NEW YEAR RESOLUTION
01/10/11 - Suburban Guy's THOUGHT's on HIS RESUME
01/08/11 - Suburban Guy explains MUTUAL FUNDs to SoBo Chick
01/06/11 - Suburban Guy and the CITIBANK Relationship Manager
01/05/11 - Suburban guy misses his COLLEAGUE
01/04/11 - Suburban Guy on THE FACEBOOK BIAS :)
01/02/11 - Suburban Guy's FRIEND's BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT in LIFE
12/31/10 - Suburban Guy visits KASHMIR :)
12/31/10 - Suburban Guy and The "SECTOR AGNOSTIC" Private Equity GUY :)
12/30/10 - Suburban Guy's TECH SUPPORT BLUES :)
12/28/10 - Suburban Guy's relationship management skills
12/28/10 - Suburban Guy turns JAIN
12/27/10 - gjhg
12/25/10 - What does SUBURBAN GUY do for a LIVING?
12/23/10 - Suburban Guy's XMAS GIFT to SoBo Chick
12/23/10 - Sobo Chick learns about ASSET DEPRECIATION from Suburban Guy
12/22/10 - Suburban Guy on his AMBITIOUS FUTURE PLANS
12/21/10 - Suburban Guy's ACHIEVEMENT's
12/19/10 - Suburban Guy's THOUGHTS ON INVESTMENTS
12/19/10 - SoBo Chick & Suburban Guy - An Introduction
12/19/10 - Suburban Guy's concerns on ENVIRONMENT
12/18/10 - SoBo Chick on Suburban Guys DATE
12/17/10 - Suburban Guy on DEBIT and CREDIT
12/16/10 - Suburban Guy on THE BEST JOB IN THE WORLD
12/15/10 - SoBo Chick on BANKING
12/15/10 - SoBo Chick on SHAADI.COM
12/14/10 - Suburban Guy's PERSONAL IDOL
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