Important notice about the future of Stripcreator (Updated: May 2nd, 2023)


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by spdavid
Hello boys and girls, Im Ketchup Bob and I'm the Chief of the Ketchup Patrol. Today we will be taking questions about the Ketchup Patrol Force.
Ketchop Bub, why ded they make gween ketchup?
Everyone knows kids like to play with their food so the Ketchup Patrol called up the head of Ketchup and ordered him to make green ketchup to sell to the kids who are too spoiled to eat green ketchup
So Ketchop bub, why ded they make it gween insted of sliver?
Well, the head of Ketchop figured that kids like picking their noses, and he figured cause green stuff came out of it so he concluded that kids would also like to play with green ketchup.
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