The first test: Ram confronts the manifestation of "Russ's" super-ego...
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| Behold, I am the manifestation of Russ' Super-Ego, that division of the psyche that is formed through the internalization of moral standards of parents and society, and censors and restrains the ego. | |
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| Er, you kinda just look like a phone. | |
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| Indeed. Deciphering the meaning of this metaphore is intrinsic to the nature of this test. | |
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| My initial guess would be that it has to do with communication. But then why not manifest as something modern, say a PC, or a cell phone? You're rotary-dialed for Pete's sake! | |
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| Hmmm. The super-ego is largely an unconscious entity, so it's hard to say. Perhaps an inate fear of success? I will ponder this. Meanwhile, would you like a bowl of soup? | |
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