My day was...tolerable cell phone rang on the bus...
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| MOM, i'm on the bus coming home from work..what IS it...?? | |
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| friend said you were rude to her the other day,cause you didnt make small talk with her | |
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and happened...i finally snapped.
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| WTF?! When the HELL am i ever in a social mood coming home from work on this bullshit bus? you know everyone else can say,do,act and feel whatever they want to about me and i'm supposed to take shit | |
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| from them and accept being treated like crap day in and day out...but GOD fucking forbid i offend THEIR sensitive egos...well you know what FUCK THEM!! FUCK YOU!! FUCK THE FUCKING WORLD!! AAAAAAAGH!! | |
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Apparently when I actually raise my voice...the world ends. whoops.
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| YO?! what the fucks going on around here...the Apocalypse isnt on the schedule for another three months?! these millions of extra souls are going to take eons to process!! **Whaah,shit! ** | |
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| um, sorry Lord of Darkness, apparently we forgot to brief the temp-daemons about the Rose Bride's Wrath unleashing the end of the bad. | |
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