One day, Systris the hallowed rose bride happened upon a most unpleasant creature..
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| I am the BitchQueen of all are unworthy to enter Gothopia, you shall not PASS! Off with your poser ass before I call a bloodhunt on you! | |
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| What the FUCK...!!! oh really? wait here one moment will you? | |
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| Wait? Dont tell me what to do! *whine* this is MY scene! I was here FIRST! My entire life is all bullshit drama and wasted years of clubbing..i have more Old-Schooler cred than you, i'll make you PAY! | |
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| Damn...this chick is a few french fries short of a happy meal...why do i put up with this elitist crap again? *excuse me...she's right over here...yep that's her* | |
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Systris voiceover: The Lesson for today, kids :: If all you have going for you is your really dont have much of a future.
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| Where were you when blah blah dont have the right to exist...Oh my Goth, what the FUCK is -- *screams* | |
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| Shut the Fuck up and get over yourself...i gotcher old-school right HERE bizzatch! | |
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