I thought that life would be normal that day...until..
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| HEEEY systris, this is Shok...you've got to come out with us tonight...we're going to have an awesome party but thats after we see this cool film i heard about...c'mon you've GOT to come!*yeah no prob | |
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| Alright, dude...i'll roll out with you, but none of that crazy shit this time, i need to be home at some point...i'm not falling for that shit anymore! | |
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I go to parties, sometimes until 4. its hard to leave when you can't find the door* - Joe Walsh
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| ah, man am i blasted...we went to like 5 bars, 13 parties and drove around the tri-state area for hours...goddamn what time is it...who's taking me home? | |
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| C'mon...the nights not over with! dont be a party pooper, systris! i only get to see you a couple times a year...i'll get you home...at some point! | |
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| ah, shit...i just woke up three minutes ago...damn! i gotta be at work in an hour...oh shit! this Lair is a mess! hey who left me a message? *ahhhhhh, not again!* | |
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| HEEEY this is Unka Shok callin' ya...what you doing tonight...cause i've thinking that we could all.... | |
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