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| Hey, I sit in front of you in class. I was kinda wondering if you could stop putting your feet on the back of my chair. You've been kicking me alot. | |
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| But I need a place to rest my feet. If I don't have them up the blood will pool in them and make them swell and get all ugly. | |
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| Well, that's all fine and dandy I suppose, but I think you can find a better spot to rest them than my ass. | |
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| But it's so soft and cushy and I really don't want to get bruises on my heels from the chair. | |
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| You really don't even understand what you're saying, do you? | |
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| Thinking of what I'm saying makes my head swell and then I can't wear my rhinestone-studded ball cap from the Gap. | |
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